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Ibn Khaldun

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Marching in the crisp cold of the rising elevations, Gaius walks upon a large mesa structure with ever growing signs of a settlement, walls standing taller than the clouds. Upon stepping toe to toe with the fortified citadel, Gaius grasps the wall and sidesteps around the bastion in search for an entrance of some sort. With careful caressing of the stone masonry, Gaius slowly moves towards the gateway and steps back and reaches under his mail shirt and pulls out parchment and takes out a feather quill and some ink and begins writing... - Kal'Domhain is quite the sight, a beautiful fortification and one my Sariants have come to respect. Perhaps an extended hand in an alliance would be most suitable? The stoic nature of your men is most favorable to us, one that many of my Sariants have realized and cherish in this day and age!
  2. [in-Game Name] To the founder of the Freedom Fighters, my Sariants stumbled upon your meeting place where you established the FF, beware we will track your intentions...
  3. +1 For slightly editing our concept :P (joking with that one) -1 For getting a new purpose, we were so close to coming and steamrolling you! (possibly joking with that one) :lol:
  4. Hey, +1 for my Order Yaar!

    PS: The 'others' are a crap carbon copy of us :P

  5. So... PM you so you can tell us why it does not fit the lore? (Linguistic Error)
  6. Hello, you misspelled Coalition wrong.
  7. Hey, I would like to apologize for my initial aggression against your Cult idea, we really need people like you who are actually willing to put an intelligent effort into creating a legitimate and varied piece of roleplay in this server!

  8. You know what, +1 to this fellow! I was sounding negative, but I hope he understands that some will automatically become defensive, but kudos for him presenting his idea for a Lore he wants to field into the game and actually legitimately defend it. We need various methods to cause attrition in this server, to bolster conflict. A tip of the hat to DeadCthulhu and hopefully this Cult thrives. (OOC: Dont bump into the Teutonic Order though ;) )
  9. Well better yet, come online but also, you got Teamspeak?

  10. Got a question, are you online in-game?

  11. Not to mention, Lovecraft already created so much around the concept of Cthulhu that it will be hard to: Actually come up with a very unique twist that does not remind us of the HP Lovecraft novels AND that can align with the Ancient Lore. I simply suggest you end this Cthulhu business and actually attempt to initiate a personally well-thought Lore. PS: Necronomicon is simply used as a generic term to a book of forbidden magicks.
  12. You do realize this has not a single chance of being accepted Lorewise, right?
  13. Actually, I believe everyone should base it off of your Lore, you have to show you have a legitimate capability to provide the members of this server with a great roleplaying experience, thus what this server is! The Lore is one of the sole determinants of how your roleplay could be like, thus either enticing or turning people away from joining your group.
  14. Very Well then, I understand you and Sting are quite busy at the moment, do hope you men have found an abundance of knowledge in your latest excursion!
  15. *Nails a note that reads:* Hail, a good time ago, one of your historians was found wondering about nearly lost in the woodland near by capital of Nuremburg. Upon taking him in, he had divulged his intention and the map that guided him, knowing the lay of the land I most amicably assisted him in anyway I can. He was a kind fellow, one whose name I sadly forgot at the moment of writing this, but he gave me a hope that I was much curious in delving into. I have come to realize that there are men in the world who truly seek knowledge to progress, to advance, and to reform what we have done in the past into better circumstances in the future. This seeking of knowledge seems to be of pure intent, not one lead by a man wishing to gain knowledge to use against opponents or for selfish reasoning. A measure I would like to perhaps present to you is that due to those corrupted by greed of the land and greed of the rule over others, I would like to extend an invitation to build a library in my town of Nuremburg. If ever an iconoclasm was to be upstarted by a ruler who sees this flow of countless knowledge a threat to his rise, he may have those grave intentions. Thus my Order, the Teutonic Order would very much see to the protection of the books held therein a possible library that your group can found within my town.
  16. Actually, I agree with Vilki, I thought the Orcs were nomadic/Turkish flavor, not a Latin flavor, maybe the Orc title be changed?
  17. The Teutonic Order applauds such amicable forwardness, it is in our best wishes to perhaps meet the Leader(s) of Igelm as soon as possible!
  18. My Apologies for just coming to this, could you clarify how would you wish me to inform you of this Order, on this forum (I do not know your feelings towards this, but I treat all things on the forum as OOC talk) or In-Game?
  19. Hello Pi4t, I understand and I do not mind that at all, I would love to ask if I were only at 11PM EST, would this correlate with a time you get on as well? If not, we will continue talks on this thread, not a problem!
  20. - Teutonic Order Wiki page under Organizations & Guilds section is Complete! - Would to welcome Darith Greenhurst into the Teutonic Brethren!
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