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Status Updates posted by Dukester

  1. Joining the Teutonic Order.. :P

  2. Good luck getting in mate. Wish you the best as I know how good of a Role player you are even though it pay not be projected through your Application. I still know what your capable IG and I hope that the Application team see that! :)

  3. Our character's need to meet up. Especially seen as you have been courting his daughter without his permission ;)

  4. No, just a Lord

  5. Please support the Village of Dastor charter for a cookie! :D

  6. Just reformed the High Knights and have merged them with Skravia. Things are going well I'd say

    1. Alakabam


      You can probaly just use the Order of skravia thing im gonna discuss it with Barry ;)

    2. Helgar


      Hey Alakabam, Duke i have sent you my Application hope to get feed back soon.

    3. Dukester


      @Alakabam Thanks

      @Helgar I'll read it in a few hours from this post

  7. Thinking of starting a House with my Family.. Just require a name :/

  8. Hrm, Thinking about becoming a Kharajyr... However im happy with my char's atm :/

  9. Salvus might have to say there last few prayers as I think that is all that can save them right now XD

  10. My Minecraft is down atm, Should be back up soon though!

  11. Aha, Thanks Pal

  12. They don't know yet. They said they need to do a couple of ECG's on me to know for sure but for now I just have to wait.

  13. Just had news that my heart is failing :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dukester


      Thanks guys

    3. Aryon


      We are with you. Don't worry.

    4. Dasaro


      Hey man, sorry to hear

      but remember there is

      a server of 1000 people+

      here for you! Stay strong


  14. Hey sis. Just wanted to say good luck on your trip to France and we'll be waiting for your return here at Asulon xD

  15. Anyone good at making Signatures?...

  16. I can now get back on Minecraft full time now which results in me on LotC now! >:)

  17. Good luck on getting in Big sis :p

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