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Status Updates posted by Dukester

  1. If anyone excels at Skin Making PM me, I have a lot of skins to make

  2. It is nice to be important, but also important to be nice," -Dukester

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nice is derived from the greek word for ignorant... the more you know...

    2. Kaiser
  3. Are the Monks still active? Or are they NPC associated so to speak?

    1. Ever


      They can be played. Not many active monks, though. Cappy plays a monk and is quite active. Boogerbuster plays a monk too, though he's not too active.

    2. Mirtok


      The Order misses you Dukester.

    1. Braxis


      First Feedback, Dont use status to Advertise Gm apps.

    2. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      Yeah, that never looks good.

  4. Orcs are becoming endangered people! Sing up quick! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86048-the-zahr-clan/

    1. Knightei



    2. Dukester


      *grunts* Lat pinkzie dun't care fur buba uruk

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dukester


      Thanks goiys

    3. the1bow


      just cause raurna got wrecked doesnt mean gor has to too yim

    4. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      Yeh, I plan on keeping Gor for... A long time XD

  5. Please go comment and like these videos if you want to see more LotC! http://www.youtube.com/user/DukesterHD

  6. Anyone know of a good event up and coming to record for our let's play?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hex37


      Erm, lets see. I'm having my nephew fight a live wolf in an arena in vaerhaven today but that's not really a major event.

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      There's a Halfling wedding on Saturday.

    4. Dukester


      Please PM me all details for all ye events :3

  7. Anyone interested in making Middle Earth on minecraft? Actual size! Add dukester.hd on skype

    1. Dargene


      Already being done by another server :P

    2. Dargene


      Cant say their name due to the fact its advertising.

  8. Another Episode has been released! http:www.youtube.com/user/DukesterHD

  9. www.youtube.com/user/DukesterHD

    1. Dukester


      Best youtube LotC series evah

  10. I'm in a very 'Lore' based mood. Think tonight I'll conjure a Lore Master App and construct a Lore for my Elendil Character. Busy busy busy!

  11. Off to Turkey with my two sisters, brother and parents. Been a while since we've all been together. Bon voyage!

  12. Lawl, player get's named an Old Hat, and calls themselves a Lord of the Craft veteran with only a few months since they were accepted. I say, where were you when Aegis needed you! :')

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Aegis Old Hats are "Veterans" Auslon Old Hats are "Well Rounded".

    3. Praetor


      VAT is the true war hardened battle scarred vet.

    4. Merkaken


      People that joined in Asulon and are named "Old Hats" are good, too ;) The time that you joined does not equate to your roleplay excellency


  13. Server's back up

  14. Everyone come online! It's getting empty

  15. I have returned! :')

  16. Sorry, I was away. I'm back though and I intend to make up for lost time.

  17. You have a wife, yet It says your looking at the thread 'LotC chat up lines'. Low. xD

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