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Posts posted by VonEbs

  1. There simply is no good reason to remove knockout. You have almost 6 pages full of people telling you to bring it back. There seems to be a serious disconnect between the Technicians and the players, and the staff at large. You are making decisions that are killing the server, and the evidence is the shrinking playerbase each week. Do you think things are going to get better during the school year? It is only going to get worse, maybe 50 people online during the evening on weekdays in the US. The Australia and GMT playerbase is probably just going to shrivel up and die. For once, we can say that the problem is not a community problem, caused by ooc drama, which there has been relatively little of since the mogmen left, but a staff one. I do not think Nexus us going to save the server, if anything, it is going to drive people away who don't want a skills plugin. This server, for what seems like forever ago, used to be a server where people could have fun and not worry about the staff stepping in an voiding rp and regulating everything. The server is dying, and it is our fault for trusting the staff to know what the server needs.

  2. The Flagship

    Volume XI (7/26/2013)





    Druidic Sorrow

    Malinor and Delvers Cooperate to Found Leanneil

    Gallmorian Intrigue

    Tensions in Urguan

    Aldersberg to Ash

    The Political Map of Anthos




    Druidic Sorrow


    In what came as a total shock to the residents of Malinor, the druid grove was taken and corrupted by the forces from the North. The druids have evacuated from mainland Malinor and have taken up residence on Samuel the turtle, who is anchored off the coast of Haelun’or. This latest loss now places the armies from the North in striking distance of Luminaire.


    The Lumidrin, Arcane Delvers, and Legion responded to the Druids’ call for help last elven week. After the Delvers and Malinor retook part of the grove, they were trapped in the library, and as corruption swelled around them, overrun by the powerful creatures. The Legion fared much worse, with two being wielding magic wrecking their ranks, dealing a devastating amount of damage. As this new enemy marches south, it is uncertain how the Descendants will be able to defeat them. There are talks of a large offensive, planned by the orcs, and widely supported among the leaders of Anthos, but after seeing their power first hand, the author is skeptical if such an attempt will be successful.






    Malinor and Delver Cooperate to Found Leanneil


    To provide a place for the Arcane Delvers to make comfortable homes, Malinor has granted and assisted the Delvers in the construction of the new town of Leanneil. Featuring open one story buildings, it features a large stable along with extensive farms. Some observers wonder why Malinor is assisting the very organization that attempted to overthrow the High Council about a decade ago under the leadership of Kalenz, now Sohaer of Haelun’or, and Polgrath, however, the majority of Mali are satisfied that ties between the Princedom and Regency have sufficiently strengthened the intervening years. High Princess Titania and Laurir Relgard are proud of the new town, which will act as a bridge between Malinor and the Arcane Delver fort, located in the mountains around Leanneil.






    Gallmorian Intrigue


    In a bizarre twist of events, a small island off the coast of the wilds has declared independence from the Kingdom of Oren, establishing itself as a republic. Gallmore, as it is known, is ruled by the VonSchiltzens, the former business dynasty, and has a Constitution. The author has not been able to obtain a copy of said document, as communicating with the isle has become difficult due to the reaction from Oren, which involved all three Kingdoms of Oren: Oren, Savoie, and Galahar, declaring war and threatening to invade Gallmore. After some negotiations, by all counts seeming nonsensical and absolutely immature, the three Kingdoms retracted their declarations of war. Rumors persist that House Greymane and House Flay will choose to invade, however this could not be confirmed. The Flagship will be keeping a close eye on this conflict.






    Tensions in Urguan


    Perhaps realizing they have nothing better to do, the dwarves of Urguan have become divided between the mountain and cave dwarf factions. It began with the Cave Dwarves creating something known as the Cave Dwarf Alliance, which was reportedly created so that the cave dwarves could aid each other politically and economically. Things spiraled out of control from there, with the mountain dwarves growing angered by what they perceive a power grab by the Cave Dwarves. The Flagship will be monitoring the situation for any outbreak of violence in Urguan, as it could potentially destabilize the entirety of Anthos.


    At Press time, no one in Malinor could provide any known differences between cave and mountain dwarves.






    Aldersberg to Ash


    Due to a destructive meteor shower, the town of Aldersberg has been almost completely destroyed. The town, under the protection of the Kingdom of Savoie, has burnt to the ground. Some notable buildings escaped, including the entirety of the town wall ((really? This seems rather questionable)) and the former international capital of Toveah Goldman’s Empire. For those who do not recall, Toveah Goldman ran the largest corporation in the history of the Descendant races, and was the richest man during the early years of Anthos, at one point owning an estimated 10% of Oren, including Aldersburg, Baile, much of Abresi, and a dozen odd shops. It is not known whether Savoie will be rebuilding the town, which was largely abandoned.






    The Political Map of Anthos


    The political landscape of Anthos shifted radically these past few elven weeks, and the changes could be dizzying. To put it most simply, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan has brought the entirety of Oren, now comprised of 5 kingdoms; Adunia, Salvus, Savoie Galahar, and Oren, under its nominal protection. Oren’s fragmentation and then minor civil war was dizzying to keep track of.  Malinor has regained all of its previously lost land, with the exception of the Enclave of Haelun’or. The orcish borders have stayed mostly unchanged, with the badlands being controlled by a variety of clans. The Orcs also set up a camp on the road from the Cloud Temple to the Nation Crossroads in order to “Be Fwendz wif Pinkies.” They are calling it the Trog, which is what the bazaar outside of the Wilven Sanctuary in Asulon was called.






    Editor’s Note


    Thank you for reading The Flagship. Any and all feedback is appreciated. I can’t improve The Flagship unless I know there is something wrong. Specifically, I would like to know what you think about having pictures geared towards some of the stories. In previous issues, I have done this, but others I have not. I have someone who might be interested in helping me in that department, so it would not be too much of a burden for me.


    Many thanks,

    ~Ebs Telrunya

  3. Ebs reads the poster, a frown managing to cross his usually impassive face. He remembers the day when being in the guild meant something, and the thought of having a pathetic application would have gotten a rebuke. The guild asked you to join, not the other way around.


    "How far have the mages fallen? The guild in its current state is truly a disappointment."

  4. The Flagship

    Volume X(7/11/2013)





    Oren Chooses Peace

    How the Nether did this Happen?

    The North Threatens Malinor and Kralta

    Malinor Declares a New Age

    New Mine in Southern Malinor

    ((What Happened Hell Happened this last Week?)




    Oren Chooses Peace


    In what comes as a shock to many, the newly crowned and titled King William Horen of Oren, formerly nown as Emperor William of the Holy Oren Empire, has agreed to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan's terms. The Holy Oren Empire, widely regarded as a vile, corrupt, greedy, warmongering and despicable superstate, has been officially dissolved into the Kingdoms of Oren, Salvus and Adunia. The Kingdom of Oren, sometimes referred to as Galahar, will be ruled by King William, Salvus by King Garth Hightower, who has sworn fealty to High King Thorin of Urguan, and Adunia, encompassing the former Westerlands, where Kaedrin recently stood, will be under the governance of King Lachlan Mor, who has also sworn allegiance to Thorin. Additonally, the Kingdoms of Hanseti, Renatus, Kaedrin, as well as the city state of Malinor have all been dissolved. Malinor has declared herself as the Shining Princedom of Malinor, receiving her independence and all previously ceded territory in the peace treaty.





    How the Nether did this Happen?


    An excellent question. The recent events that have vastly changed the political landscape began a few seeds ago ((Monday)) when Emperor Horen and about half of the nobles of Oren departed Anthos for Aeriel knows where to do the Creator knows what. They left the new Emperor William in charge, and it became apparent that he exercised absolutely no power outside the walls of Abresi. Garth Hightower decided to return to Salvus to restore it to its former glory. Urguan saw Oren crumbling, and with new support from the orcs, sent an ultimatum for peace, with steep terms that were initially rejected. Oren then consolidated all of his knights, disbanding all knightly orders and forming the Order of the Red Dragon. Also, the Pontifical States were formed, granting the Church of the Faith some autonomy from Oren. The position as the Head of the Church was relinquished by Emperor William to High Pontiff Goddard. Archbishop Osterwald denounced the Church of the Faith in its statement of the divinity of the Emperor and House Horen, and was quickly declared a heretic.

    After the King of Kaedrin, Peter Chivay died, all remaining Chivays and most of the White Roses boarded the ships and left, leaving the Kingdom of Kaedrin to the newly renamed House Flay. Bolstered by their newly found power, they sent a raiding party to the City-State of Malinor, enraging High Princess Titania, and causing Malinor to threaten to join the war on the side of Urguan. Peace talks were held the next seed ((Tuesday)) but they broke down. Rumors of a revolution drove the peasants in Oren into a panic. Emperor William attempted to punish the Flays with fines, but this was seen as pathetic by the elves, which had for decades been subject to brutality from the Flays, both while the Flays were part of Oren and outside of Oren.

    Salvus, ((on Wednesday))not wishing to any longer be subjugated by Oren, declared that it had joined the Kingdom of Urguan. The Flays immediately began to attack Salvus, but were driven off. Later that seed, Emperor William dissolved Oren(see above) ending the current political crisis and drastically changing the political landscape of Anthos. Soon aftrerwards, William departed, and King Pius Silverblade took the throne. No one is certain what will happen next, but at this point, almost everyone wants peace so that stability can return to Anthos.





    The North Threatens Malinor and Kralta


    Both Luminaire and Kralta have suffered from attacks from the forces now operating out the former Kingdom of Hanseti. Both cities have held, but Kralta requires immediate assistance in order to continue effectively holding the line. If Kralta were to fall, as some have suggested could happen as soon as the next few seeds, the fledgling Kingdom of Adunia could face an invasion. It is likely totally unprepared for such a crisis, as it is barely organized currently. Malinor is also being threatened, with the Lumidrin faring much worse in this most recent attack than in the previous one. The High Council of the Shining Princedom should be more capable of responding to this threat with its new autonomy and strengthened military, but without aid, it is not known if the Mali and Raevir will be able to hold indefinitely.





    Malinor Declares a New Age


    The High Council of Malinor has declared a new age for the Mali, the Luminate Era. Hopefully, this will be much better than the so called “Golden Age,” christened by Oceas, which was disastrous. In the announcement, the capital of Leumaelin was renamed to Luminaire, which I have to say, rolls off the tongue much more fluidly. The High Council has many challenges to face, and some have pointed out that there are not enough positions filled in the elven government to deal with them. The Mali in general embraced this new age with relief, but there is a feeling of worry in the back of many Mali’s minds concerning the new threat from the North, and how it can exploit the chaos currently engulfing Anthos.





    New Mine in Southern Malinor


    A new mine has been opened to the public in Southern Malinor. The ore visible was quickly depleted by the Mali who managed to get their first, much to the anger of the dwarves, who arrived shortly afterwards. This new mine has its own dangers though, and cave spiders hunt the area in packs, and zombies and skeletons harass those trying to gather the valuable iron ore within.





    ((What the Hell Happened this last Week?))


    ((So, there has been LOTS of confusion regarding what exactly has been happening these last few days. I am going to provide you guys a basic timeline of what happened. As long as there is rp in your post, you may comment on this section, but I ask that this not devolve into a rage-fest.


    8:02 Sheumgal Leaves Lotc. This is the first sign of the coming shitstorm..

    8:21 Mogroka/ The Sultan announces he is leaving for some time. You can hear a pin drop on the forums.

    8:28 Chaqery resigns. This shocks the forums into a panic.

    9:02 Freema resigns. Manatees go extinct.

    Various members of Oren announce they are leaving the server. Scipp3r and Boiendl, among others, are banned.

    11:25 jroy96/ Braxis resigns.

    Danny and the FMs lock all the leaving threads.

    At some point, gaiusmarius8 mc account is reportedly hacked and players randomly receive large amounts of minas. Other griefing occurs. The server goes down for several hours to repair the damage.


    Danny writes of his shock at the events, and reassures the community that we will overcome this.

    Gaius resigns his post.

    Various members of the White Roses log in and start pugsying(killing many players without rp) Many are permanently banned from the server. Estimates are around 20.

    Benboboy is added to the lore team as a Lore Master (LM.)

    Blindmind is added to the GM team at some point.


    The server crashes repeatedly, and a ddos from those that left is seen a likely cause.

    The Admin and GM teams vote Mogroka off the island for unprofessionalism  This was initially hidden, but a player leaks the Skype logs, which reveals that planning for the mass leaving and pugsying was conducted in Mogroka's private teamspeak. Mogroka accuses Danny of stabbing him in the back and using his personal life against him.

    The GM crazyguy teleports everyone online to the cloud temple and turns the area to lava, killing everyone. He is quickly banned and demoted, and the staff rushes to repair the damage.


    gaiusmarius8 confesses that he intentionally gave Scipp3r the minas, testing the staff, dispelling the hacking story. It is not clear exactly what happened, but the server reacts negatively, and gaius is condemned by Rhia.

    That is all that has happened so far to my knowledge.))




    Editor’s Note


    Well, this has certainly been a week to remember LotC. I just want everyone to keep in mind that we are going to get past all of this, and we will probably be better than we were before. Those that left got their few days of fame, and I think it would be best to avoid defending their actions, for if they wanted you to defend them, they would still be here doing so.


    Many thanks,

    ~Ebs Telrunya

  5. The Flagship

    Volume IX(7/5/2013)





    Breaking News: Northern Forces Attack Baile, Kralta.

    Tornado Rips through Northern Anthos

    Malinor Caught by Surprise

    Orcish “Waagh” Gears Up

    Observers Note a Lull in the War

    Economy Disappears Overnight

    Lumidrim Struggle to Find Capable Mali




    Breaking News:


    This is a developing story.


    The Forces from the north have torn a bloody trail across the Holy Oren Empire, attacking Baile, owned by House Green, and Kralta, the seat of House Carrion. It appears Lord Green has been seriously injured. Panicked Soldiers and Civilians were milling aimlessly about the Church in Kralta until Duke Uthor Silverblade arrived, and organized the assembled Knights of the Lion into patrols, sending one towards Baile and another towards the wall in Hanseti. Additional disappearances have been reported around Malinor in the last seed. The situation in the North is deteriorating rapidly, and if Oren does not act soon, the creatures may continue to penetrate further south. All Mali in Malinor should be on high alert, and if possible, creating a plan in case an evacuation is necessary..






    Tornado Rips through Northern Anthos


    The storm cell which was first noticed outside of Storm’s Crossing steadily made its way North carving a path of destruction a few seeds ago. It seemed to stop over Kaedrin for some time, causing some damage to the farms and nearly killing a few people stranded on the bridge, which has been significantly damaged by said storm. There is now only one way for carts to get through from Kaedrin to the South, as Brigand’s Pass is not wide enough at its bridges to allow any sort of cart entry, and it would be through Malinor and the Cloud Temple. Foot travel is still possible on the bridge, but cautioned against, as it may fall at any time. After causing chaos in Kaedrin, the storm split, the stronger half barraging Kralta with rain and heavy winds, blowing out windows and scattering the sheep out of their pens. The storm dissipated once it reached the sea after a tornado touched down in Abresi, causing heavy damage to the tree at the top of the hill near several shops, as well as mangling a few light posts. The weaker half of the storm barreled towards Malinor, where most of the Elves took shelter in the Whiskey House, which was turned into an improvised storm shelter by Ebs. No one was hurt, and damage was mild on the ground, with heavy damage to the canopy.






    Malinor Caught by Surprise


    Several seeds ago, a raiding force from the North struck Malinor without warning, causing chaos in the streets. The attackers, which can best be described as monsters, engaged in combat with the Lumidrim and assembled civilians. The Malinorian forces too significant casualties to  only kill two of the attackers, the bodies of which were taken away by members of the raiding force. Several people have been reported missing, and among those injured was High Princess Titania. This new threat is worrisome to those currently residing in Malinor, which at this time is ill equipped to deal with any new crisis, as it is recovering from a spat of disasterous conflicts in the past decade. Though a treaty with the Enclave of Haelun’or exists against this new enemy, few expect for the Mali’Thill to keep up their end of the bargain. Mali are just as skeptical about Oren assisting Malinor, as assistance promised by the Articles of the City-State have not been forthcoming. It suspected that this raiding party was a mere fraction of the force, though no explanation can be provided as to why they take some people captive while kill others. There are rumors that the Druids and Lumidrim are planning an expedition North to find out more about these attackers, but the last expedition was reportedly disastrous, with only one member of the thirty-plus force surviving to what was previously thought as the ramblings of a madman. Travel close to the northern wall is strongly advised against, as is going anywhere alone.






    Orcish “Waagh” Gears Up


    The Orcs, from the Southern Badlands of Krugmar, have united under Klan ‘Gorkil in what is known as a Waagh. This previously unheard of procedure is complex, as it requires the leading clan to defeat all the other clans in battle in order to gain their loyalty, which will then in turn be used to defeat the other clans and then, finally, go on a campaign. This Waagh, the first, has unclear goals, but the leader of it, Grool’Gorkil’Azog, has been quoted saying “Lez flat pinkies.” Which roughly translates to, “Lets kill humans, dwarves, and elves. Mostly Humans.” The first “stop” on the First Waagh was Malinor, where they killed several citizens before withdrawing. The Lumidrim was mostly within the gatehouse, and was unable to stop the orcs from gaining entrance to the city over the walls facing the sea. Princess Titania was injured when she fell in a puddle and was unable to get up before the orcs were upon her.






    Observers Note a Lull in the War


    The war between Oren and Urguan has been mostly symbolic for the last few elven weeks as Urguan waits for Oren to make its next move. The next choice of target is Storm’s Crossing, which guards the entrance into the mountains of Urguan. The fortress is formidable, and extensive construction has increased its size threefold in the last few elven weeks. Additionally, a wall has been constructed nearer to Kal’Azgoth, and if Storm’s Crossing were to fall, that would protect much of Urguan. However, several settlements lie outside or immediately behind said wall, and they would be prone to raiding and attacks. If the dwarves manage to hold the fortress for the next few weeks, they may be able to push out and attack Salvus. So far, Malinor has stayed out of the war, and all signals from the High Council indicate a willingness to allow out neutrality to continue. If Malinor were to join a war, their harbor would provide a critical route to launch a direct attack on Kaedrin. Speaking on Keadrin, the Kingdom has been building settlements and a docking facility in the land seized by Emperor Horen as part of the articles of the City-State. It is unclear if this is indeed within the letter and intent of the agreement. Chaos may soon be descending on Anthos, and perhaps this war will seem like a minor affair in the coming decades.






    Economy Disappears Overnight


    Due to a variety of circumstances(Mostly due to the broken scs plugin) the economy has all but vanished. The shops in the previously flourishing center of commerce in Abresi have shuttered their doors, and the only people moving goods from one place to another are peddlers willing to brave Brigand’s Pass. Trade from North to South has frozen, as Storm’s Crossing blocks any attempt for Orenians to enter Urguan. Malinor’s few shops are also closed, and people are enjoying sitting at the well, debating politics and philosophy. It is unclear when the recent economic recession will end, but hopefully not too much will have been lost in terms of business.






    Lumidrin Struggle to Find Capable Mali


    One thing many of the diverse factions in Malinor can agree on is that Malinor needs a competent military police to keep order in the city-state, and defend it from foreign entities that threaten the Mali’s existence. With new enemies threatening from the north, now more than ever, Malinor needs brave Mali to stand up and pledge to fight for a stronger Malinor.






    Editor’s Note:


    The Flagship is asking that anyone with ANY information regarding the forces from the North please contact Ebs Telrunya via bird or courier. (in game or forum PM) Any and all information will be helpful to analyzing this new threat.


    Many Thanks,

    ~Ebs Telrunya

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