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Posts posted by VonEbs

  1. I love Malinor. I have lived here for over 200 years, helping defend the forests and the people within them. However, I have heard whispers on the wind of discontent with the High Council and the Lumidrin. I just want to clear something up. We aren't the problem, you are.


    You entitled little brats who cast illusions and raise corpses. Yes, you. The cannibals and serial killers. The Varsele who return after every death. Liches, witches. The list goes on. You protest every move the High Council makes, claim that the Lumidrin is being too brutal when it does act, and incompetent when it doesn't, then you turn around and hamper them every chance you get. You purposely try to "White Knight" to get locked up in the cell with your friends because I guess you are, I don't know, batshit insane. And if we execute you, like most of you deserve to be, you amble back in asking why you are now banished. So, I come to my next point.


    You are not putting up with me, I am putting up with you. And it makes me sick to my stomach.


    You make life a living hell. You routinely cause crises with our allies and neighbors. You eat people. By Malin, why do you eat people? You refuse to do any work, and complain about the housing situation. You try to stuff eight unrelated people in one house, and then are surprised when there is homicidal drama. You use magic all the time just to be annoying. You are absolutely the worst people in Anthos. You are actually worse than the Flays. I would rather live with them than you. You don't deserve Malin's name. You really don't.


    So please, leave Malinor. Go form your own utopian society somewhere else where I can't hear you scream bloody murder while you are killing other people. When decent Mali say we don't care what you think, we really don't. The High Council normally takes your ideas and does the exact opposite in order to make sure we are doing everything the right way. I am not joking. I have the minutes from meetings where we do this. I am done listening to you. Just go away. Please.


    ~Ebs, Fourth Prince of Malinor

  2. empire, I will be frank. I dislike that you insist on carrying on with the Flay legacy of crappy violence rp and horrible trolling. I dislike that you had viper make a subforum for your made up country that you had no intention of actually creating. You took trolling too far, and I see no reason to treat you with any respect any more. Treat others how you want to be treated. You already treat other people like crap, including the elven leadership, so I am going to start treating you like crap right back.

  3. I can't do anything about crappy players. A lot of you guys can't rp and are so immature I wonder if you can cross the street by yourself. Many gravitate to Malinor because we are not strong enough to do anything about you. I guess we aren't. But don't expect me to like you or rp with you. I have been in Malinor for over 2 years. Edgies come, screw their cousins, kill their mentors, and go inactive or get banished. I keep on keeping on. You are not stronger than me. I am here to endure.

  4. Then YOU as a nation leader needs to do something about it. Gather stronger soldiers, more active guards, build better walls, etc. Do something to deal with your frequent attacks.


    We need to teach our community to deal with matters in game instead of crying on the forums.


    How about I don't? How about I get to enjoy myself on the server without some crappy villain trying to force their violent rp on me? That would be the best Christmas present ever.

  5. Dear Malin,

    On Progress

    As the Mali rise each morning, we struggle to carry on your legacy. Each and every Mali feels differently about how to bear this burden. They must search deeply within themselves, delving into the core of who they are. For me, I try to guide the Mali from one day to the next, mindful of the paths we tread, the songs we sing, the lives we change. I strive not for perfection; that is an impossible, foolish, and unreasonable goal. If you set your sights beyond the highest mountaintop, you will surely be disappointed. No, I strive for Progress. Progress comes in leaps, strides, steps, shuffles, and crawls. For each two steps forward, there is one, and many times, two or three, steps back. But that is not what matters. The defeats and losses are not exactly acceptable, but expected, and Progress continues on, in spite of any and all resistance. I work not to satisfy anyone or anything, as Progress will not be satisfied. There will always be more ways to improve the architecture of the apartment complexes, always more stable stalls to build to quarter the exploding horse population. But the struggle continues on, with or without me, the struggle for Progress. It fuels my existence, this struggle. The struggle to put one foot in front of the other, to fight against the constant and aching pull of gravity as I rise to continue on. To draw each new breath, my lungs taking in the freezing air, which burns through my body like alchemical fire. To write each new word, the pen bites into my raw fingers, the chill outside burrowing painfully to the bone. Every day brings new challenges, new dreads, new battles. I die a thousand deaths, live a thousand lives. I laugh, I cry, I surrender ground, I push forward and break the opposition. There is no escape from this battle. There is only the struggle forward. And those that get in my way will win battles, but they will not win the war. Progress will march on, with or without me or you.


    ~Ebs Telrunya, Fourth Prince of Malinor

  6. A letter is posted outside the Red Stag Trading and Lodging Co. in Malinor.


    "Dear Michael Solaris and Belagordir Lornir,


    I am writing to you today about the status of the plantation/ trading post you have built in Malinor's sovereign territory. It was constructed without the permission of the High Council, nor were we notified at all. I wish to speak to you about the future of your plantation as soon as possible. If there is not a response in seven elven days ((11th December)) I fear it's future will not be bright.


    Thank you,

    ~Ebs, Fourth Prince of Malinor"

  7. *A scroll, sealed with green wax, arrives at Abresi exactly one elven hour before the coming battle. After the seal is broken, it reads.

    To His Imperial-Divinity, Seigmund Carrion, the first of his name, Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire,

    I am writing to you today with a deep regret that the conflict between our two nations could not be resolved peacefully before this point. Numerous attempts at diplomacy were attempted, but to no avail. Below is a list of grievances against House Carrion and the Holy Oren Empire.

    1. The harboring and supplying of the Flayed Man, a group of murderers, pillagers, and thieves.

    2. The massacre of all Mali within Abresi when war broke out several years ago.

    3. The provocation of numerous fights with citizens and allies of Malinor, including but not limited to the Sariants.

    4. Insults during formal diplomatic meetings by both former King Otto and his Dominion Allies.

    5. The attempted kidnapping of High Princess Titania during the Coronation of our dearest friend, Grand King Indago of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.

    It is with great and unwavering determination that we, the High Council of the Shining Princedom of Malinor, declare war upon the Holy Oren Empire.

    Actions speak volumes more than words, valah,

    Ebs, the Fourth Prince of Malinor

    Kaun the Elder

    High Princess Titania

  8. To me, it seems like other servers, many which have a heavier plugin load than we do, seem to have many fewer plugins than we do. Take a server like Herocraft, which has the custom herocraft plugin, with a much larger map than us, and I believe more players, and yet they rarely have technical problems except in the case of DDOS. However, LotC, as it shrinks, seems to have more and more technical problems. Something more than just plugins is up.

  9. A scroll is pinned to the message board in Malinor. You scan the contents of it:


    The Restoration Corps of the Shining Princedom of Malinor

    Attention Mali!

    Our home was recently attacked and brutally decimated by the powers of darkness. However, the taint left behind has receded, leaving Luminaire depressingly hollow and lifeless. Mali, however, do not flinch in the face of adversity. While, for now, we cannot live among the trees of Luminaire, we can begin the process to restoring life to the ancient forest. The Restoration Corps will begin, and eventually complete, this process.

    The Restoration Corps of the Malinor (RCM) will be made up of strapping young Mali dedicated to walking the path of Malin and folllowing the Mali'Lumi Ethic. They will tear down the habitat disrupting walls, clear the burnt out debris, and remove all traces that either Mali or the forces of darkness ever stepped foot in Luminaire. In the cities place, a wildlife preserve will be errected, a refuge for both flora and fauna that all Mali can be proud of. To apply to the RCM, please fill out the following application, and mail it (forum pm) to Prince Ebs Telrunya. (VonEbs, the poster of this topic) Wages will be 20 minas a day, 100 minas an elven week. There will be eight(8) positions open. If you are chosen, you will receive an interview request. (It will be conducted over the forums)

    MC NAME:

    RP NAME:

    MALI' (ker/dark elf) (ame/wood elf) (laurir/malinor high elf)

    Do you have any /relevent/ special skills?

    Do you agree to represent the Shining Princedom of Malinor well by living out the Mali'Lumi Ethic?

    ~Prince Ebs, Fourth Prince of Malinor

    ((Sorry about derpy formatting, on my Nook.))

  10. ((I remember when the Legion came to Malinor during Kalos, and after making Ellsia cry, demanding a million iron ingots or the heads of the dirty anvilsnatching mali'aheral. We almost gave in. And, another time, the almighty Mogroka came with Oren's army to shove sattelite status down the High Council's throat. Neither time was a raid.))

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