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Posts posted by VonEbs

  1. Telanir, you are probably used to me trying to rip you a new one, but I am cauiously optimistic about this. I think the plugin, if it operates correctly, will go a long way to restoring a functioning economy to the server, and if you accomplish that, it would greatly enrich the server for many people.

  2. [3:54:32 PM] Rittsy: The fact that owners changed hands means that a GM dealt with the situation already. Players don't get to hold on to a region and claim ownership simply because they never agreed to giving up the region OOCly even though they have no claim to the land IC. It's both or neither.

    [3:54:45 PM] Rittsy: By the GM's judgement, the old owners didn't need ownership anymore

    [3:54:54 PM] Rittsy: Thus the new owners have it

    This was supposedely the rationale given by the Administrator, rittsy, for the malinor region being given over to the Conclave. I would like to point out some fundamental problems with it.

    Firstly, just because a GM "dealt" with something does not mean it was done correctly. I should point to the breadbans by Cappy, the banning of Goldrin by Respiren, and countless other abuses of GM powers.

    In fact, the owners of the region did not change hands. Anyone who says so is gravely mistaken. This situation stems from the fact that the Conclave won a warclaim specifically on the city of New Malinor. It was decided that and entire nation could not be warclaimed at once, and it was agreed that the High Council could retreat if we lost. I retreated in secret once I was freed from the Conclave, and rply, I am still a Prince of Malinor.

    Anyone stating that Malinor has been dissolved rply is mistaken as well. A government cannot be dissolved either by people who do not have the power to dissolve it or by GMs or Admins who favor one party. If I want to be a pain in the ass in rp, I am allowed to. Using ooc means to shut the High Council out of the territory it still owns is a grevious abuse of staff power.

    As to say the High Council of Malinor, the ooc and ic owners of the land, did not need ownership, it extremely biased. To say the High Council of Malinor has no IC claim is ludicrous, as we owned the land for months and it has not been taken from us by warclaim, which is the only way to seize regioned labd from someone unwilling ti give it up. The Conclave could not possibly own it, unless you want to invalidate warclaim rules, which both parties were bound to.

    I ask that this incorrect ruling be reevaluated in regards to actual facts and rules and that roleplay be allowed to continue without GM interference.

  3. This is like Mogroka trying to make the Carrions warclaim Oren land once he left. It's utterly pointless. The Conclave is the successor state to the Princedom and inherits all land that is not contested by other nations with legitimate claim.


    Moreover, the Talonnii do not even want this land. If they receive it against their will, they will either turn it over to the Conclave, or the Conclave will make a blood-free warclaim on it.

    I'm perfectly willing to allow roleplay to continue as roleplay.

  4. I'm going to put forth a few points to dispute this.


    • New Malinor was the seat of the government of Malinor at the time of its capture, and the only city which protected the status quo. The other faction, Lenniel/Darkhaven remained neutral and isolationist.
    • The only active representative of the Princedom's government at the time of New Malinor's capture was VonEbs, who was in Conclave custody.
    • There are few to no Princedom loyalists in the world to support VonEbs. Nearly all elves are split between the Conclave and the Talonnii, and the Talonnii are in the process of negotiating a treaty to enter the Conclave as a protectorate.
    • Birdwhisperer is a member of the Talonnii, an isolationist nation which took no side in the war. The idea that they would take control of Malinor is plainly ridiculous, since throughout the entire conflict they remained neutral and did not mobilize a single soldier.
    • Even if the Malinor region was not considered a subsidiary of the New Malinor region, VonEbs has no one to defend it. Any warclaim placed by the Conclave would again be met with absolutely no resistance. This is a simply delaying tactic.

    This is only a ploy for VonEbs to inconvenience the Conclave government. By putting the region in the hands of a Talonnii councilperson who has no particular claim for it or against it, he effectively puts it out of the realm of Conclave control, as they have promised not to invade the Talonnii except to protect them from foreign invaders.


    It is perfectly within the rules, as I was the last active Member of the High Council of Malinor and I have oocly and icly transfered the land. 


    I am fully willing to go all the way to the the Administrators with this. 

  5. I believe the region is going to be made freebuild.


    By precedent, that decision can only be made with the consent of the region owner(s.) Unless the staff is preparing to seriously invade roleplay. However, I am no longer the region owner, so I would talk with birdwhisperer about it.

  6. I don't, that is why I have passed the region to the Talonii Confederacy, which is deserving of the region. 


    However, this isn't really a discussion or debate. The High Council was the ooc and ic owner of the region, and as the last active High Council member, I was the ic and ooc owner of the region. Furthermore, I have rply transfered the land to birdwhisperer, so thus, she should be region owner, not me.

  7. It has come to my attention as of late that the Conclave has been behaving as if it controls the malinor region, so far as that previous owners were purged and new ones added. This distresses me greatly, as I do not recall the Conclave warclaiming the entirety of the malinor region, just New Malinor. To dispell any confusion, and taking into account recent rp, the best course of action will be for birdwhisperer to be set as the owner of the malinor region and for all other owners to be removed. 


    Thank you,


  8. ((I'd like to think I own the town I created and RPly ran for 6ish months now without it magically belonging to some guys who've never been here cause they invaded a ghost town town the road. kthxbye.))


    ((This is pretty much the reason that I did this. The Conclave has been abusing it's favor oocly to try to steamroll the actual players who voted against them. I figured I could put an end to the ooc penetration of rp with this. The only reason there is an argument is because some people have made mistakes and refuse to acknowledge it.))

  9. ((Also, I would like to make a note that this puts to rest any claims by Kalameet and Co. that they somehow magically own all of Malinor because they warclaimed one piece of it. There was no surrender in any case, and if they are saying that we did surrender, they are lying oocly and further action should be taken. Everything outside of New Malinor and the original Conclave is independent of the Conclave. If they wish to launch another invasion of their fellow elves, they are free to, I would think.))

  10. *Several letters are pinned to trees throughout Malinor. Upon closer examination, you would find the following message.




    Despite a concerted effort by the Conclave of Malin, I am still able to write to you this day. Citizens of Malinor, I realize you have lost faith in the High Council of Malinor to effectively govern you. I recognize you have a right to be governed by a body that you consent to. Thus far I have stayed silent, however, recognizing the abuses of the so called peaceful Conclave of Malin, I must speak up.


    The first point I would like to address is the surrender of  the High Princedom of Malinor. Frankly, you have been lied to. There was no surrender. No one was in position to. Perhaps our inflexible voting obligation has aided many of you in your resistance against the Tyrant Kalameet. At the time the Conclave claims we surrendered, I was thrown in a hole for refusing to resign, and Prince Kaun had already officially resigned. High Prince Eleron and Prince Urasept have not been seen for some time, and even if I had consented to surrender, we would not have had the needed votes. Any claim otherwise is a lie.


    Furthermore, I have decided as the last active member of the High Council that I will be recognizing the Talanii's Confederacy's right to exist as an emergency body to fight against the hostile invasion of Malinor. It acts in the best interests of the Mali, and is integral to our struggle.


    Finally, on the point of the land, New Malinor fell to the Conclave. However the rest of Malinor's land, including Lenniel, Darkhaven, and Old Malinor as well as other regions, still legally belong to The Princedom. However, realizing that the High Council can no longer effectively rule, I will be opening up all the lands of Malinor to those that would resist the Conclave. Yes, the Conclave has won a battle through incessant lying and force, but the spirit of the Mali is not yet broken, and the True Sons and Daughters of Malin will not kneel to the self proclaimed Divine Voice of Malin.


    ~Prince Ebs of Malinor


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