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Posts posted by VonEbs

  1. I remember when you became an admin.


    You took to post in the midst of a major crisis. If I remember correctly, we might not even have had a server. The previous admins has fled, and the community was falling apart. You help us together, even if at the time, many of us wanted to go our separate ways.


    Thank you for your service Danny. You will be missed.

  2. To War, Mali


    The eternal plague. That is the most accurate phrase I can find to describe what has, yet again, descended to spread death and chaos through Malinor. They seem to ebb and flow among us like a tide through the sands of time, coming every two decades or so to claim more of our children, more of our people. It is violent. It is painful. It is terrifyingly deadly. The plague I speak of is the Flays, the Flayed Man, House Blackmont, the stain upon the land of Anthos that is the color of blood and smells of death, fire, and war.

    Already, they have cut down a dozen of our people, mostly women and children, sent to Brother Death’s door in the blink of an eye. As the Flays cut through the once peaceful squares of Malinor, it became obvious that the Peace has been threatened. Mali, our very way of life is jeopardized yet again by the foolish valah, who think they know their place in this world. Enough is enough, say we, the High Council of Malinor, who, through the generations, have been humbly chosen to protect both the forests and people of Elmalin’or. We REFUSE to shirk our responsibilities. All the Mali must respond to this threat together, united by our indomitable will.

    Standing against us is House Flay, Renatus, and the Orcish Dominion. The Kingdom of Renatus shelters the Flays, and is unable to control them. They thinly disguise themselves and try to pass themselves off as Renatus, once a noble Kingdom, has decided to pursue pogroms aimed at exterminating all Mali within Oren, and surely, if we are defeated, in Malinor as well. The valah have always been greedy for more lands to call their own, but the forests of Malinor will stand strong against them. The Orcish Dominion, for reasons the High Council cannot comprehend, has also decided to intervene, declaring war on Malinor for “Crimes against the Flays.”

    Standing with us are the Teutonic Order, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and a group of Valah rebels. We hope, in time, more will join with us in opposing the tyranny of the Houses Flay and Carrion, both houses which have turned into little more than bumbling fools by their psychotic bloodlust, which rivals the orcs in its destructive power. We will not underestimate them, but we will defeat them, for in this War of the Descendents, we are fighting for both our survival our all civilizations in Anthos. The Mali will not be threatened, and we will not be defeated.


    ~Prince Ebs Telrunya


    The Progressive

    Volume I




    To War, Mali

    About the Progressive

    A New Prince



    About the Progressive


    The Progressive is a newsletter written and published by Prince Ebs Telrunya, the former Editor of the Flagship. It is not a newspaper, but it will strive to inform the people of Malinor about both world and domestic affairs. Copies can be found throughout Malinor. Expect weekly installments, and though this one may be quite short, expect future volumes to be longer. There may be staff openings in the future, so keep an eye out for more information in future volumes.




    A New Prince


    The High Council of the Shining Princedom of Malinor has voted to crown me, Ebs Telrunya, the next Prince of Malinor. I am humbled by this appointment, and will strive to do my best to continue Malinor on it’s path to peace and prosperity.

  3. From his Island Kais sits in his newly furbished home, he walks out to his balcony to see his followers at work, seeing the two ships in his island harbour he smiles knowing his hard labour will work off soon. He recieves a notice about this debate, he sits at his desk and begins writing a letter


    "Firstly I believe Malinor hasn't been correctly run since the days of Princess Indelwhen. Secondly I believe you must be a little more fierce, to rule a nation you need backbone not to try and make everyone happy. You must make the majority happy as there will be people who are always unsatisfied. Thirdly I believe the Council System would work a little better if it were more how one could say intimidating, one must inspire both awe and fear to rule their people. Lastly if you wish to contact me send a letter to the ship docked next to the Cove.Co warehouse in Abresi, watch out for the ice mess the Renatians haven't cleaned up. Goodbye this has been a good pen written conversation."



    "Lord Kais Ishikawa"


    Ebs laughs. Indelwehn was an agent of the Undead.

  4. lqmLf2Q.png


    You encounter a poster on the Malinor message board advertising a coming meeting.


    All Mali, from Malinor or otherwise, are cordially Invited to a Public Forum hosted by Ebs Telrunya, Editor of the Flagship, next seed. All that you are required to bring are your opinions on current affairs. It will be hosted on the viewing platform above the Gauntlet. I look forward to hearing what my fellow Mali have to say about the state of Malinor.


    ((It will begin at 3 EST, tomorrow, the 29th of September. I look forward to seeing you all there.))

  5. Blunder, I don't really see any reason to place my trust in the Admins. Have there been improvements? Sure. Will adding rittsy to the team do anything to help or harm the server? Probably not; he is too inactive to do much harm. I'm sorry that you feel that you need to rant about how ungrateful we, the people who play on the server and donate the money needed to make it run, are, but the truth is, I'm not grateful for the terrible decisions that are made constantly. Sorry, but I'm not sorry.

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