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Posts posted by VonEbs

  1. I really didn't want to provide this, but Soresan is insistent I support why Arik should not be GM. Let's have a go, shall we? 


    It's time for a little history lesson. For those that were not here or cannot remember, Respiren was a GM during Aegis and Asulon. He played a major role in the split between the players and the staff, largely due to his personally motivated permanent bans of those that opposed his rise in the ranks of the server. In the interest of full disclosure, I was one of those that was permanently banned, and while I may have deserved some punishment for what I said, I was eventually unbanned after Respiren was removed from his position following the Duskerin Affair. The Duskerin Affair, of course, was the gigantic sh*tstorm that was caused when, on the day in which the corrupt (and plagiarizing) SerenityOnyx (Dusk) was ridiculously promoted to Admin, the player Goldrim posted a ban report on her, which included pictures in which she obviously cybered. After Dusk was demoted, Respiren unilaterally banned Goldrim for causing drama. That ban was quickly overturned, and by the end of the Duskerin Affair, the admins shiftnative and lirinya had stepped down, Danny has taken over, and after Respiren was caught saying that the "Only reason [he] was still on the server was to ban a few people," he was demoted. The server has never really recovered, and I believe this particular event is what has lead to many of the battles between the staff and players.


    Now, one might be forgiven for asking, why am I telling you this? Well, it's to illustrate what happens when a staff member is allowed to "clean up" the server, much like the way that Arik acted while he was FM. If that is what you want to happen again, then by all means promote Arik and allow history to repeat itself. It always seems to do on LotC.

  2. 1. Are you a Mali'ame or Mali'ker?


    2. Do you live in Ker'lomi or Lin'ame?



    3. Are you happy with the current living conditions, rights and liberties available to our kind?



    4. Given the choice do you prefer continuing to live under the high elves (literally)?



    5. Given the choice, do you prefer the idea of establishing a new city physically separate from High Elven kind?



    6. If established in a separate city, is political and military unity of all elven kind important to you?



    7. If established in a separate city, would you as a Dark Elf, be willing to live amongst Wood elves, and as Wood elves, willing to live among Dark elves?



  3. I have to call bullshit on this. If 40% of the server didn't have fun on LotC, why the hell would they still be on LotC? If you don't enjoy LotC, then don't come around here, use your free time for something you enjoy. You bring negativity to the community that isn't needed. A lot of us try to act positively and ignore or constructively criticize the things we dislike, but the people who dislike this server but actively engage in our community in a negative manner anyways only serve to undo the good many people work towards.




    Sorry if I'm getting a bit heated, but seriously, I encourage all of you to read this thread and try to abide by what it outlines. Our community would be a lot better off if we lacked all the negativity that has plagued it lately.


    Perhaps you could try to lead by example and follow the points outlined in that thread. You certainly aren't doing it now. 

  4. Alright, this has been fun, but I think this thread (with so many GMs actually reading it) is the perfect place for us to sit down and have a little chat. A primary part of running a business based in entertainment is to remain both likable and entertaining. I like a lot of you, as judged by your posts, whereas I hardly even know Rhia but dislike her from what I've seen so far.


    Rhia you literally asked for constructive criticism, someone gave it to you, and you snapped at them. That's foolish. Don't be foolish.


    In all too brutal honesty, we as a player-base don't care what you as the moderation and administration want for this entertainment business, we want to be entertained. (Areyounotentertained.gif) The thing that makes leading hard is that everyone wants different things; a lot of people love pvp and crashing settlements, whereas I think those people are scummy plebs who deserve nothing less than crucifixion.


    I don't care what you want. I want to be happy and entertained. I came here to be happy and entertained.


    I'm not entertained right now, I am growing slowly more bored as I hold out a dying light that things might turn around and I'll be entertained again, like a crummy patch in well... any other game... being fixed. If people aren't happy, especially if this many people aren't happy, and being this vocal about it; there is something terribly wrong with this server.


    GMs, stop telling us to calm down or shut up about it. If you can't handle discontent among a couple of people, you are not fit to lead. Give us descriptions of what your jargon means, don't be hypocritical, and shape up. I am willing to donate money to this server once it starts doing things I like, even if your rewards are silly. If you want money, do what people want you to do. Dance, monkey, dance.





  5. I lead the AT actually, and have been doing at least top 5 in mod reqs for a few months now. The only reason I haven't been IG for a few weeks is I'm moving and I just don't have time to sit online and do modreqs for hours. As soon as i'm settle back down I will return to IG work. Not that this thread is the place for anything like this nor do I have to answer to a player... Viper is aware of what's going on and can handle it. I have full confidence in Viper and his ability to administrate. 

    I wish I had your unshakeable confidence.

  6. Yeah personally I'd rather have everything fantastic and uh, I don't know DONE when 4.0 comes out. I think we can all stop whining out our blowholes and be patient. Seriously if you guys are "so tired of waiting" then don't wait :/


    I'm tired of hearing complaining but you don't see me running around making POST after POST after POST about how boring the Fringe is or how tired I am of people bitching. Seriously if ANYONE should live up to what they say, it's the people saying that they'll leave if it doesn't come out soon [insert trademark here]. If you're going to say stuff that that, don't say. Do. Please. The last thing we need before a new realm release is a sour community because they can't just wait a while. Sure it's taking a long time but y'know there are only so much staff with so much time. 


    Seriously guys I mean holy crap if you're so tired of it DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I'm not holding my breath about the release. Am I excited? Hell yeah, but if it doesn't come out in the next month? What. Ever. It's a server, it's not that big of a deal. If you're having RP troubles in the Fringe BY ALL MEANS message random people, ask for RP outside of your norm. It really is not that hard to find RP across the Fringe. I log on quite frequently and I never have a dull session of RP. Not every person that logs on to the Fringe is an "item hungry PVP'er" and most are actually trying to keep things fun until the next realm.


    Do you have no sense of irony?

  7. I don't believe VonEbs authored this post to serve as your Alcoholics Anonymous group meet to discuss your relationships and how they are affected by whatever you do.

    Well, in regards to the friend referral question, I included that because Cruz once conducted a study showing that the largest segment of players was introduced to LotC through a friend.


    If this poll's findings indicate people are no longer willing to refer people to the server, perhaps that could be a reason that the server is shrinking.

    Here is Cruz' study: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/81458-new-how-people-find-lotc/?hl=%2Bserver+%2Breferral#entry698991

  8. There has been a flurry of recent threads regarding pvp, rp and the future of LotC. There has also been a far ranging and vigorous debate on the course that we have taken and the course we should now take as a server. In regards to rp and pvp, the general assumption for the last year has been that a "liberal" approach towards pvp is what the majority supports; however, recent threads seem to have challenged that assumption. I, as well as many others I am sure, find myself wondering where the playerbase stands on some of the issues. So, if you could please answer a few questions in the poll above, I would greatly appreciate it.

  9. *Sees Wood Elf trying to give feedback*

    *Sees other Wood Elves get pretty passive aggressive towards them*


    Why even? Isn't she or he apart of your group? Why are you getting so uppity about it? The audacity that they're asking for a means to get out of the city when no one is around! How awful!

    Could I mention you can't solve that Icly? ICly people don't just disappear for nearly 12 IRL hours or half a month. People don't ask icly to "Put foot ledges up the inside of the wall so that we can jump off the top of the wall and break our legs", what person says these things ICly?

    Segregation gone mad honestly...

    For once I agree with you Blunder.

    Noncombatants cannot be trusted? A traitor could just as easily join the guard as a noncombatant able to operate the gate could.

    A far more expedient solution is to create a subrank of the guard force that has the ability to open the gate and the duty to man it, but isn't mandated with killing ****. A sort of border official.

    I suggested this about a month or so ago and I was cut down so vicously it defies reason.
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