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Status Replies posted by Artisane

  1. Dose a Warn status ever go away? Like even if it was in 2011? During Aegis?

    1. Artisane


      But ive had it since October 2011- Not sure the point in it being there when it has no relevance to anything any more :L

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. So what is it with this redstone thing? Are Elfs allergic to it?

    1. Artisane


      Gahhhh so redstone dose not do anything to elves... There's me getting all worried.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. I personally hope they bring Iblees back in 3.0... It seems odd that he'd never be used against after Aegis considering he's the main villain in all of LotC.

    1. Artisane


      I have a feeling that Iblees will return on his flying steed, if not then maybe something even more sinister and feared could be introduced? If there was a vote I would say bring him back... so we can finish him off for sure.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  4. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

  5. I personally hope they bring Iblees back in 3.0... It seems odd that he'd never be used against after Aegis considering he's the main villain in all of LotC.

  6. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

    1. Artisane


      So you are saying that after 500posts are posted we can request a custom group title?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

  8. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

    1. Artisane


      And the one that made me make this post ofcorse.... "Lord of the Sprites (And has Cake from Seventh)"

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

    1. Artisane


      For example I have seen "Teh Sexeh Lich" "pokefan osca" A lover of honor" and more

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

  11. How come everyone is only getting redstone bracelets and stuff now?

  12. How come everyone is only getting redstone bracelets and stuff now?

  13. Dose it say I am not whitelisted on the server because the server is Offline? Or have a been removed from the white list? Probably panicking for no reason...

  14. Dose it say I am not whitelisted on the server because the server is Offline? Or have a been removed from the white list? Probably panicking for no reason...

  15. How high is an average elf?

    1. Artisane


      Different subraces come from different elven nations?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  16. How high is an average elf?

    1. Artisane


      And one last question: Where should I have my Elf be born? Can't make my mind up :P

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  17. How high is an average elf?

    1. Artisane


      Any Idea on how much an average elf could wiegh around?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. How high is an average elf?

  19. I have been role playing with my current Character "Drikk" since the move from Aegis to Asulon (Forgive my spelling), And have decided that its due time for me to create a new fresh young character to let loose into the world. What would be the best way for me to approach wanting to create this new character? So- Am I requierd to make a whole new app for the character or where I am already part of the server is there a different method?

  20. Can someone please PM me and tell me how to get MCPatcher to work on a mac. And how to use it. I dont know how

  21. I'm Wondering whether or not we will be required to reset our characters when the new *map* arrives? Or have we not had enough information to back this up?

    1. Artisane


      Thank you ^^ I'll probably most defiantly kill off my current character - Have a few "different" Ideas for the one I've been developing.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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