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Posts posted by Greener

  1. denied.thumb.png.1df0f9da81d449a42d95e03

    Sorry but you have been denied for several reasons! Fear not this isn't the end in joining our wonderful server but for your next application improve on these areas. If you need any help please feel free to message me.

    • Expand your metagaming definition you can check the wiki for more information.
    • Your biography is well written except you do not have any of the sever lore. I suggest reading this on the wiki http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Humans and by checking the human sub forums. However do not mistake the age of your character in relation to past events in which your character would not be alive.
    • Also space out your biography so two paragraphs are visible
    • Please refrain from being an assassin and change your ambition.  
    • Please also do not include parent's death cliché to drive your character's ambitions and motives.
    • Your skin also does not fit this server please find an acceptable replacement. 

    You may reapply to the server in 24 hours from the time of this denial

  2. Odin walks down the empty streets he rubs his beard observing no one is nearby. He finds Vidar standing alone next to the gate. "Meh bruther dun lose 'ope weh need tu stay strung dose w'u 'ave left ar' cuwurds. Dey flee da orkish 'orde and da 'umans wrath. Tugethur in uniteh we' s'all stay strung."

  3. Ghosts of a Dwed’s Past



    A book lays rest on a stone mantle piece. Cobwebs and dust scatter the mantle the book conquest by the webs.  A dim red stone torch lights the dare room tables overturned writing of blood on the walls. A rat and cave chicken scurries along the stone floor they share a glance at each other as they past the hiss of the rat, a piercing noise to the ears of any race, defiles the chickens business within the home. A quick exchange of clashes between the two before you emerge from the shadows stopping causing a sudden stop in their conflict. As you step forward the cracks of bones and junk under the shoe of your feet. The book out of all objects within the room seems untouched apart from the coverage of webs. The book's cover an oak brown colour faded from time. A gust of wind engulfs the city, due to icy harsh storm outside, it's spread seeping into every alley and house. The dust flings off from the book, table and all sorts. A thick cloud covers the room for all brief second. The dust begins to settle once more a majority landing on your shoulders and hair. A quick shake disperses the dust and the cover emerges visible once more. A few rune words are seen notifying you of its dwarven origins. The page turns and the commoner title is detailed. ‘Ghosts of a Dwed’s Past’ You then begin to read on...


    I find myself each night dancing my eyes around the shadows. The sudden fear of the unexpected to burst forth from the shadows gripping my bare body as I sleep. The cold touch freezing my skin the fear clouding my judgement for these beings are overwhelming me too much. I pray to Yemekar and the Brathmordakin religiously to help me fight this war against my mind. My mind is not as trained as others those with the mental capacity would find this task simple yet for me the grief is great.


    This began as a wee beardling within the halls of Kal’Azgoth the death of my father and mother was a traumatic event that took place before my eyes. I stood upon the hillside with many a kin watching the armoured dwarven warriors encircled by the swarm of humans. My heart tightened as I saw kin alike and family fall before my eyes. The past which flickers now even more in the shadows the horrific sight of war. For most they see I live and breed war. The blood and guts of men slaughtered orcs and elves please me. It is the only thing to deal with my pain, my lust to honour my parents to ensure I don’t end a grisly fate. Yet I feel the more I cause pain the more it inflicts back on me, the past becoming more clear these endless nights driving me stark beyond a dwarf’s belief.


    Except it is not only my parents that haunt my eyes and mind. My brothers that I grew up with Dreek and Igor. They guided me for thick and thin, troublesome times and grief. For I grasp for the day I can be reunited with them. I see their faces often at night. Their arms clawing at my bed side trying to grip my soul. Every passing night I fear they almost achieve their goal, closer to my body and soul. I’ve started to even place salt, pray and place totems around my bed but to no prevail I awake each night to those icy shadows approaching me, I squirm away escaping their boney fingers. Although I feel happiness in seeing their faces but not like this. Has Yemekar forsaken me? Is Dungrim coming to take me to the moon?


    A sudden grunt breaks your fixation on the book. A undefined figure looms at the doorway the sound of it reaching into a bag retrieving an item. The sound ceases and the figure appears to move once more. A slight grinding sound is heard against the stone and a match ignites before you. 




    The light quickly fills the room yourself becoming visible. “Whaa da fawk ar’ ye doin’” barks Odin his stern face becoming increasingly narrowed on your body. “Gewt oot ov meh ‘ouse! Gewt gewt oot!” Shocked to see the unexpected figure you…


    ((Basically some rp to explain my stark nature if you wish to reply and continue this rp please do :D Thanks for reading))


  4. MC Name: greener161


    Forum Name: Greener161


    Skype Name: greener161


    Timezone: BST


    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards set forth to be a member of this team?

    Yes I believe I have a good understanding of lore. After being on this server for 4 years now I believe I have came to grips with the lore that LOTC has to offer. I also understand the commitment an AT must make to ensure good players are allowed onto the server and provide as much help as possible to those who need it. 


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others? 

    I wish to become an AT member as I wish to give something back to the community that has given me a lot of joy. It also saddens me when I see new players who enter the server barely knowing what to do as I feel like that their application has been accepted even though there are some minor faults. As AT I wish to address this issue and rather see an applicant develop their rp/lore in a 2nd or 3rd application than barely squeezing through on their first and then be baffled with an onslaught of lore etc that happens once you join. It is also very rewarding helping new players gain on the server as well since without new players LOTC wouldn't be here still. 


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC Wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?

    I do and accept these responsibilities 


    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?

    I like trains


  5. House Name: Okenhert

    House Patriarch: Stephan Okenhert

    Patriarch’s Heraldry (Quarters): 


    House Sigil/Motif: 


    House Standing: Nobiles Nova

    House Holdings (If any): Barony of Darkwood

    House History (Brief): During the time of the Duke's war the Okenhert family gave it's service to Lord Augustus d'amaury. Because of the families valiant efforts and support during the war the Okenhert family were granted land with the Amaury County soon to be apart of the Duchy of Lorraine. After the ending of the Duke's war and the construction of Darkwood being taken place and the town boomed for a short while. 

    War was upon the domain of men again and Okenhert proved their worth once more by holding out several from the dunamian horde and the Dwarven Legion. Lord Gregor Okenhert married and had twins Abigail and Stephan. Even though it seemed the war died down after a short few years of fighting there was a dis rattle within the mind of Lord Gregor. In the year 1533 Gregor vanished without a sight only a letter to remain. Upon his disappearance Stephan rose to Lord awaiting until he is of age. 

    Family Tree:  http://imgur.com/ZalZgUr 


  6. Medieval Levy Skins

    Hello I'am in need of a collection of skins not many just 2 - 4 variations of a base skin. Upon recently being made Lord of a barony after rp father left/died I felt like there was a need to change our already pre existing skin. The skin we currently have just seems too armoured for a poor barony to have and the quality isn't that great. 

    Closest example I could find to what I would like is this picture of a few miniatures


    The skin attire is entirely up to you semi based on these skins I just ask of a small ribbon of green and brown somewhere or a small sigil of a tree. 

    And of course there will be a reward of 1000 mina

  7. Bishop Piers lowers his head as he prays for Gregor. "May ye soul be in peace within the Seven Skies my friend."


    Upon hearing the news Stephan bursts into tears. He runs rampant through the county till he finds rest within his mother's grasp. "Mummy will daddy come back" he sobs tears pouring down his cheek.

  8. *Posters are scattered around the empire

    -=(Homes for sale in Summerhall)=-


    Homes are available within Summerhall! House size ranges from large to small and you only having to pay 50 mina for the house! The land has rich fertile soil with farmland surrounding the housing. Festivals are common within the town during the Grand Harvest and religions sermons are frequent. 

    Tax is only 50 mina commencing next saint's week. However if you're a farmer you will be able to pay your tax in hay bales instead. Thus you are required to give 100 hay bales if you choose to pay with hay.   


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