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Posts posted by Greener

  1. Application for a Team


    NA or EUW: EUW


    Team Name: Kappa eSports


    Team members (Skype names, if not forum names): greener161 forum (Rest don't either have skype or will not give out sorry just pm all the ****.)


    Team IGN’s (In Game Names for LoL): Greener161, Girhtire, Kcki, Laudofthefro, Fatkin


    Team roles (Who’s the feeder/top/jungle/etc): Greener161 - Top, Faktin - Jungle, Kcki - Mid, Laudofthefro - ADC, Girhtire - Support


    Team logo (Required): WIP


    Team level/rank (Your team members level/soloQ rank): Greener161 - S4, Fatkin - S2 Kcki - S2 Laudofthefro - S5 Girhtire S4


    A Thesis on the sin of men

    Scribed by Piers Dolan


    I’ve spent time travelling the land if that was on pilgrimage or simple travels to visit an old friend from my childhood. On the way I’ve experienced many grave sinners… men doing actions that the normal folk would not commit. Have they strayed so far from god that they are willing to commit such crime and sin? Are we yet to guide those sinners back to the light and hope they confess and let the creator have mercy upon their souls.


    The teachings of predestination states that the creator has knowledge over everything, time is  merely a dimension for him. All actions these men take, the creator knows. Yet men hold the right to free will? Each individual man is responsible for what he does and does not do and that, no one governs. In his mind he thinks and ponders what to do. In this time of thought does man stray, so far from the creator’s grace becoming a heathen and commit such horrible actions? Does man gamble his future to the seven skies at risk of falling to the void upon his death? If I was a sinner I would not gamble this fate at all. Even though man can dictate his choices in life creator knows the outcome. Are the sinners in this world here to show us the right path? The path to the seven skies. We take note from these sinners so as to not to follow these actions, to continue our holy and proper journey. They’re here to remind us of the wrongs we ourselves have committed. They serve as an example of the path not to be followed.


    Yet if men are responsible for their own actions, and their future is not set in place. We are to guide them out of sin. Let them seek redemption for their sins. Let the creator have mercy and forgiveness upon them. We are to free their mind from such bad thoughts and let it be filled of joy and content. We as a whole for responsible for sin, whether it be already set in stone or we to take thought of what to do. Both lie in unison together and both must be accounted for if we are not to sin and help those in need.


    Agnar Ireheart chuckles as he hears Varuk's death

    "Ha!, the bloody rebels deserved to be slained..."



    Odin returns from his travels and sees Agnar speaking ill of a dead Dwed. He walks up to him and simply punches him in the face. "W'ere beh yer manners yer *****! Tis nawt guud w'en weh slay our own kin! Ye an Ire'eart ye shuwn respect da ded ye ****!"


    MC Name:
    Character Name:
    Belegar Ireheart
    Character Age:
    225 and One-Half
    Stonemason in the peacetime, Warrior during nether.
    True to his Dwarvern nature, Belegar stands at around four and a half feet tall, average. Taking after his father, long, dark black locks drop from his head, usually braided with gold bands. His curly beard drops down to mid-chest level, and two long locks of beard go further down to his waist. True to his roots, Belegar is a rather athletic individual. His small frame is stocky, but flexible enough to be nimble. Like both of his parents, he has thick, mud brown eyes. Some could say that a trace of silver could be seen in his pupils, and for whatever reason, his eyes seem to have a shining essence when hit with direct sunlight.
    Bloodline - Feel free to contact Bastion (Lefty_Bojengles),  Farddak (Dragonayr) or Thorgrim (GMRO):
    The Bloodline of Kjell Ireheart (the best there ever was)
    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son of ___, grandson of ___ etc):
    Son of Anneka Ireheart and Ognar Grandaxe
    Grandson of Midgor and Wilhelmina Ireheart, and Thorin Grandaxe
    Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?:
    Do you have Teamspeak?:
    Why the **** would I have Teamspeak?
    yes i have it
    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm):
    Yes. jesse.niccum
    Image of the skin you intend to use:
    I don't have a skin as of yet.



    Accepted welcome to the clan!

  5. Besides, there aren't any dragons since Aegis or the Fringe. The only thing anyone fights these days are the commonly corrupted 'Drakes', which are rather small & the extremely rare (to a point one needs admin perms to even suggest one existing) humanoid shape changers the 'Drakkar'.

    Btw, I've killed a total of 6 Dragons and I'm still known as Paragon, Kjell Ireheart, he whose children are sired from sheep. Or in layman' terms, the Sheep Shagger. Nothing is changing your nickname, good luck.

    Kjell is the one true dragon slayer!

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