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Altan Carlier

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Status Replies posted by Altan Carlier

  1. Very strange my thread got deleted. Anways, I really can't be the only one who thinks the map being called 'Thales' sounds just like 'Fails'?

    1. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      It's more like 'Theylees" If you wanted to get the Greek pronunciation right.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. seriously.... A tip for releasing 4.0 later, you take about 1-2 days off downtime, and you put a certain time that it is 100% released. So you have all the time you need before it's time, at this moment you're kind of "Forcing" people who actually want a look at the new map to stay up late... dear lord

    1. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      GMT players don't get the royal treatment here. It feels like only the American users count.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. I think we should be on 3.75 for a week max, then go to 4.0. If all we need are videos for 4.0 to be complete, make them after its release. I think the majority of the playerbase would agree, in my opinion. Just saying.

    1. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      It should be released when all the plugins are working correctly. If they release it sooner, they'll have people complaining about that.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Can we still make fun of BRA71L?

    1. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      Come on man, 1/7th of all news has been about Brazil.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I got kicked from server by remote host and can not log back in what do

    1. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      The server's down for a bit, you can do nothing on your end

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. The server has been brought down, don't worry guys, it didn't crash.

  7. That weird feeling when you realise a guy made a creep tunnel that looks straight at your bathroom......which you share wiht your girlfriend o3o. ((IC hurr durr))

  8. So... they say 250 players online causes lag. Funny thing is, there is 250 people online right now

    1. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      That's actually a good idea. Maybe post it in the suggestions?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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