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Old Man Boiendl

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Posts posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. Henry Horen the Second looks down from the Seven Skies, he looks over at Emperor Godfrey and shakes his head "Father, the Carrions bring nothing but dark times for the Church, they disgraced the Faith when they transformed our once glorious Church into a hereditary system just to pass it onto their kin! Now they bring corruption once more, I figure most of these so called priests are just Raev who have been pushed into the Church just so they can see a Carrion in charge. I do say, Orthodoxy shall run rampant, a plague nears Oren and all true believers!." 

  2. High Pontiff Adeodatus, third High Pontiff under Godfrey frowns as he sits on a chair in the Seven Skies. "The Faith’s teaching of predestination, or divine-preordainment is derived from the fact that The Creator has full knowledge and control over all that occurs. Everything in the world that occurs, good or evil, has been preordained by The Creator. According to Imperial theologians, although events are pre-ordained, man possesses free will in that he has the faculty to choose between right and wrong, and is thus responsible for his actions" he reads from a holy book infront of him "This new church is not the Church of Oren, they have forsaken a founding code! And what of our fourteen principles, where are those?!" Adeodatus shakes his head in disgust "I had hope in this Winter fellow, but I see that he is merely a slave to the Carrions who dare to grab power!"

  3. A notice is posted around the Empire 


    Let it be known, that from this day forth the 10th of Sun's Smile, 1469, Crius Horen is to be no longer regarded as a member of House Horen. He is hereby declared as Crius Jrent and with such his titles are stripped from him. Furthermore, Decimus Horen, Septimus Horen and are Alicia Horen are to be regarded as Decimus Jrent, Septimus Jrent and Alicia Jrent. 


    Secondly, the title of Lord of House Horen shall fall onto Alberchet Horen and the title of Patriarch of House Horen shall fall onto Henry of Petrus. 


    Thirdly, the Levy of House Horen is to be disbanded, it is recommended all soldiers go to the Imperial Army to enlist. 


    Finally, in the absence of Alberchet Horen his regent shall be Henry of Petrus. 

  4. Bishop Henry sits in the front row of the pews, he lets out a quiet sigh and stands "High Patriarch, might I be the first one 'ere to welcome you to the position and congratulate you, it was a pleasure working in the Chapel with you back in Kaldonia. I believe that our current ranks within the Church have worked quite well for us, and we should keep the ones established from the past Church.  Might I say that our main concern should be the expansion of Clergy and  gaining new members. Our ranks took a  bit of a dip whilst in Thales and the Fringe, but I do hope now that we are in Athera our ranks will once more fill." Henry fixes his gloves for  a moment and then continues on speaking "Secondly I would like to bring up Raine Academy, I feel to counter this possible bed of insurrection we should open an academy of our own so those who follow the Creator can find good and true education under the ever present eyes of our Lord." he sits back down 

  5. Across Oren's capital city of Petrus, signs are hung 


    The Drunken Sparrow

    A Tankard a Day Keeps Iblees at Bay!





    Tired or hungry? Stop by The Drunken Sparrow!

    We offer a lower bread price than the Cloud Temple and drinks to boot!

    Rooms will be offered to any weary traveler seeking a bed and a hot soup for affordable prices. 


    With a wide range of drinks any sailor, soldier or husband with bloody ears from listening to the wife can find bliss. 


    Do not worry about being thought of unholy while at the Tavern, everything that is bought, a portion of that money goes to the Church! 


    Located in the towns square, The Drunken Sparrow provides an easy escape from the harshness of Athera. 

  6. You see a sign hanging on the noticeboard


    Under the blessing and watchful eye of the Creator, the Reformed Church opens it's doors to all at Saint Peters Cathedral. If you are homeless while the city is being constructed go to Saint Peters Cathedral and look for Bishop Henry the Second or Friar Louis to assist in setting up bed and storage until homes are made. We are accepting all who have let the Creator into their hearts and seeks refuge from the cold nights. May the Creator bless you. 


    -Bishop Henry of Petros 

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