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Old Man Boiendl

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Posts posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. Henry of Kaldonia quietly sits in his office in the Cathedral of Saint Adeodatus, one of his priests gently taps on the door and slips a letter through the cracks. Shrugging Henry stands up and walks towards the door, he picks up the paper and reads it briefly. Henry laughs quietly to himself and rips it up "Ha, a dead man speaks, William the Weak tries to command from the grave, whatever this is, it be null and void in my eyes. Oh, and the marriage is not going to be annulled as long as I live." chuckles to himself and goes to sit back down 

  2. Fliers are posted around the city and letters bearing the mark of House Horen are sent to all Orenian institutions that are noteworthy, they read 


    "From this day forth, Magnus Horen(Italian_assassin) , is to be no longer regarded as a member of either the Horens or its bastard house Jrent. He is stripped of his House names and all affiliations that go with it. He shall no longer be thought of as Horen blood and his actions, sinister as they are, are scratched from the books that detail the lineage of House Horen. If he continues to claim to be either Jrent or Horen, immediately inform Lord Crius Horen or Bishop Henry of Kaldonia."

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5ETlShWQ_g


    Bishop Henry sits in his office in Kaldonia, a small dagger to his wrists, thoughts of suicide run through his mind when he is interrupted. He looks up at Winter who tells him that he has been summoned to court. Henry sighs and drops the dagger onto the floor, he breaks into tears for a brief moment "Winter, we got goyed." he says wiping his eyes, he slowly rises from his chair and takes his holy staff. "Thank you Winter, I recommend you join this new Church so  that you are saved from the repercussions that may later come." As Henry leaves the Church the weather changes and it begins raining. With a grunt Henry makes his way to the noble district. The nobles stare and smirk at him, knowing that they now have the power in the Church. Henry averts his eyes from the gazes of them. Slowly he climbs the long steps of the Castle, at the gates of the Chivay Palace he stops, a feeling of betrayal runs down his spine, as he fears what his once Rose friends may do to him. He sighs and enters the Palace, he solemnly passes the women who snicker about his failure and the guards who wish to see him on a pike. Henry finally reaches the throne room and stares long and coldly at Emperor Peter. He kneels before Peter "Good e'en ye'r majesty, I hath been called to court I hear, to renounce John of Darfey." Henry shakes his head a little and a SINGLE tear falls from his face. He looks up at Emperor Peter "I renounce John of Darfey as my master, he never was and never shall be and I hereby declare my fealty to the leader of the Church, Emperor Peter of Chivay. Henry sighs and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a key he says "This is the key to the vault of relics, I present it to you. And of my so called /master/ John of Darfey, he hath fled, and I do not know his where abouts nor do the priests who I once led as Bishop, do not commit acts of harm towards them." Henry sighs and rises 

  4. Proclamation of Demilitarization
    Henceforth, by decree of the Chancellor of the College of Bishops of the Church of the True Faith, it is determined that the Order of Saint Lucien is released from their vows to the Church. The Order has effectively served the Church for many decades, but it has been determined that the attachment of secular orders to the Church distracts from the Godly mission of ministering the True Faith to the faithful.
    I. The Order of Saint Lucien, its sworn members and adherents, are hereby released from secular oaths to the Church and papacy.
    II. These orders may retain their cohesion as independent bodies, or may dissolve. They are suggested to make oaths under the imperial crown to better serve humanity as auxilliaries of the Exercitus Imperium
  5. At sunset, prior to Vespers, the clerics line up and walk towards the alter. They wear black cloaks and are holding light candles chanting, while the High Pontiff following them hold sacred books in one hand and a candle in the other.



    "Adoremus in aeternum sanctissimum Sacramentum.

    Laudate Dominum omnes gentes: laudate eum omnes populi.


    Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus:

    et veritas Domini manet in aeternum.




    As they reach the altar, the clerics make two double lines antiphonally. The High Pontiff follows them, walking towards the altar and bows his head in tandem. The High Pontiff then turn and turn his back to the altar. Speaking forward with a commanding voice, the High Pontiff  says,


    "Basil of Sabris has fallen to blasphemy and heresy he has rejected the True Faith he openly preaches against the Holy Faith and incites the faithful against it. He has derided the True Faith, ascertaining his status as unfaithful and opposed to the Creator’s will. He has committed Crown Treason that the means by which our beloved Emperor Peter I attained his title were illegitimate. He actively works towards the division of the True Faith


    Simon of Khazav has fallen to blasphemy and heresy he has rejected the True Faith he openly preaches against the Holy Faith and incites the faithful against it. He has derided the True Faith, ascertaining his status as unfaithful and opposed to the Creator’s will. He has committed Crown Treason that the means by which our beloved Emperor Peter I attained his title were illegitimate. He actively works towards the division of the True Faith


    These are the sins of heresy, treason and blasphemy. In that Simon of Khazaav and Basil of Sabris  has rendered no act of contrition or repentance and is at liberty in the lands, we must take action.


    We do here and now separate them from the precious light of the Creator and the body and blood of Horen, and from the communion of all Faithful. We exclude him from our Holy Mother Church and all her sacraments in Heaven and in this realm. We declare him excommunicate and anathema together with his accomplices and abettors. We cast him in the outer darkness, we judge him damned with Iblees and his demons and all the reprobates to eternal fire and everlasting pain. After reciting this the clerics say "So be it" The two bishops ring the bells to evoke the death toll, then they close the book which symbolize the excommunicant's separation from the church. Finally they all snuff out their respective candles, knocking them to the floor to represent the target's soul being extinguished and removed from the light of the Creator. The clerics began to chant once more.




    “Tuba mirum spargens sonum

    per sepulcra regionum,

    coget omnes ante thronum.


    Mors stupebit et natura,

    cum resurget creatura,

    judicanti responsura.

    Liber scriptus proferetur,

    in quo totum continetur,

    unde mundus judicetur.


    Judex ergo cum sedebit,

    quidquid latet, apparebit,

    nil inultum remanebit.


    Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?

    quem patronum rogaturus,

    cum vix justus sit securus?”



    Letters, arrive at the Imperial palace, and to the nobility of the Empire and cries are heard in Imperial lands.


    "Paul Thomas Stephen III by the will of God the Bishop of Savoie, Vicar of Horen, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the True Church, Primate of Oren, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Keadrian, High servant of the servants of God. To all Lords Spiritual and Temporal and all other Our flock whatsoever to whom these letters shall come, Greeting!."


    Let it be know Basil of Sabris, has been declared a Heretic and is excommunicated from the Church and all her sacraments, he shan't be harbored by thee faithful nor given food nor comfort.


    Let it also be known if this Simon of Khazav has been declared a Heretic and is excommunicated from the Church and all her sacraments, he shan’t be harbored by thee faithful nor given food nor comfort.”

  6. The Granting of a the title of Fidei Defensor



    Paul Thomas Stephen III by the will of God the Bishop of Savoie, Vicar of Horen, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, High Pontiff of the True Church, Primate of Oren, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Keadrian,  servant of God.  To whom shall read this, Greeting!


    Know Ye that We of Our especial wisdom certain knowledge and blessing do Presents advance create and prefer Our right trusty and entirely beloved Peter Chivay, Emperor of the Third Holy Oren Empire, to the state degree style dignity title and honour Defender Of The Faith. And for Us and successors do appoint give and grant unto him the said name state degree style dignity title and honour of Defender Of The Faith and by these Presents do dignify invest and exalt him by girding him with a holy sword and putting a cap of honour and a coronet of gold on his head and by giving into his hand a rod of gold to have and to hold the said name state degree style dignity title and honour of Defender Of The Faith unto him. and by these Presents granting for Us and successors that he may uphold and use all the rights privileges pre-eminences responsibility and advantages to the degree of Defender Of The Faith duly and of right belonging which the former Defender's Of The Faith of our church have heretofore used and enjoyed.


    The Title of Fidei Defensor/Defender of the faith, granted upon Peter Emperor of Oren for his bravery, defiance. stoutheartedness, steadfastness, boldness, valor, courage, resistance, faithfulness and staunchness against the powers of evil. As well as his protection of the flock of the True Faith and its Church.


    And by granting him such dignity we give on him these rights and responsibility.


    • The right to ask upon the High Pontiff to declare a Holy Crusade.  

    • The right to be granted indulgence.

    • The right to ask upon the Church to give financial aid.

    • The right to ask upon the Church to give military aid.

    • The right to be heard by the High Pontiff as his confessor.

    • The right to be granted a hearing seat upon the College of bishops conclave meetings.

    • The responsibility of protecting the followers of the True Faith.

    • The responsibility of protecting the Church of the True Faith.

    • The responsibility of protecting the rights of the Church.

    • The responsibility of insuring that the faithful are secure and safe when they are doing their religious duty such as pilgrimage.


    Confirmed and sealed by Chancellor of the Conclave of the Bishops, Henry 

  7. In the Chapel of Saint Adeodatus, Bishop Henry calmly sits in his chair. Priest Winter walks into his office and looks at Henry grimly "Your eminence, your nephew has fallen ill." Henry looks up, a  small grin on  his face, almost cheerfully he stands up and grabs his holy staff "Fare thee well Winter" he strolls out of the office leaving Winter in bewilderment. He makes his way to the estate and fixes his suit a little, and rubs his face, he puts on a grimace and walks in. Looking around he nods to everybody "So sad... indeed, I had my quarrels but this is tragic" an almost sarcastic tone emanating from him. He finds a seat and sits down, he relaxes and feels a burden lift off his shoulders. 

  8. An offical church decree has been put up around the Human cities, it reads
    It has come to the attention of the High Pontiff that the Holy Empire Of Oren has declared war upon this Princedom of Finn, after further investigation he has been informed of these Snow Elfs, and he had extensive study of them brought to him.
    It is hereby declared that the Snow Elves, are irredeemable they are not to be considered as equal or sub. There treatment is that of the Kha and Mori they fall under the same tree, they are born out of demonic and untrue creation. Unlike the common elven subraces, and that of the Dwarf and Orcish and Halflings, that where all created by the Creator, from the first man and women.
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