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    Jerno Trout
  1. ((The focus of the guild is to affirm the neutrality of the areas between kingdoms. We are not based in this neutral zone, as such. It's like patrolling international waters; you can't base in international waters, you can merely patrol it for piracy, which is what we are doing. Please send me a bird in-game, or a forum PM if you are interested in joining, you will most likely be given leather armor. We are also looking for a supplier for leather armor.))
  2. *Large posters are nailed to message boards across the land, they bear an unknown insignia* *You begin to read the message* For too long have bandits and nations made arrests and hindered trade in the neutral areas between kingdoms. Now, the People must rise to take back what is their's by right! The Trading Federation is a collection of merchants and warriors dedicated to cleansing the roads of all outside influences. They do not have a formal base, but instead a collection of chapters in different cities throughout the land. The Federation's main goal is to defend the rights of the common peasant, and this starts with making sure he can travel from place to place with impunity, without having to pay unnecessary tolls, or being stopped by hostile forces. From now on, Kingdom's be warned, you cannot toll those crossing borders, you cannot make arrests outside your lands, and you certainly cannot force your way into other kingdom's business. The Trading Federation asserts itself as the Supreme Authority over all matters concerning the lowly peoples. All peasants, laborers, and workless can find jobs within the Trading Federation, as either patrolmen, or as roaming Hedge knights. *The Poster ends here, you look around and see a small crowd congregating and reading* ((The Trading Federation has a single chapter in the Dwarven capital, with frequent patrols along most human and Dwarven roads. Send me a forum PM if you are interested. Layout of the guild is as follows High Command: High Hof Lower Hofs(4) Recruiter- Finki Goldhand((fernandezbunch)) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Road Warriors: Hedge Knight Role is to provide support in the event of attacks, and command all others at the scene of an attack. Each Knight will be supplied food, but must supply their own (iron) armor. In order to me given this rank, one must show considerable proficiency in: Player v, Player and RP proficiency. Dendrophile99 Patrolman Role is to train new recruits, as well as protect merchants and refugees from bandits or, god forbid, guards and soldiers. They must supply themselves with leather armor, which will be then dyed black by the guild. Food will be given to all member of this rank. blindsniper79 Recruit Patrolman Role is the same as a Patrolman, except for training others. They will be supplied with weapons and food, but no armor. Financing The Trading Federation is a completely non-profit organization. As such, it can only be sustained by donations from merchants and kingdoms. For information on donations, please send a forum message to me, and we can arrange a way to meet with the proper RP lead up. With donations comes perks with the guild, if a member sees you, or one of your guild, on the road, they will escort them to their destination. Current Standing with Races. Orks: Neutral Dwarfs: Neutral Humans: Neutral (liable to change, due to the White Rose Checkpoint) Elfs: Neutral Current merchants funding and supporting the guild: Frostbeard Clan
  3. Now I feel like a complete derp :P Added my sponsor god as Belka.
  4. ((I added my sponsor to be †Hosper..))
  5. 1)MC Name & RP Name: Royal_McKeogh Initiate_Gorin_Goldtooth 2)Chosen Patron: †Hosper Race: Dark elf Belka 3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): To learn about magic in it's most simplest and purest form. Also, helping others without any thought of reward, merely because you can. 4)Race: Dwarf, no subrace 5)Flaws in Your Character: Hasty in making decisons, also 6) How long have you been on the server: About a month, I played back in Aegis, but I have played for a month, since early february in this map Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation. 7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] I would not attempt to reason with the shade, as I do not know what it is capable of, and I don't under any circumstances want to risk angering it. I would act as though... the shade owned the lowly citizen, and I was a merchant lookin' for a slave. I would ask the shade 'ow much he was sellin' the man fer, and if it was a reasonable price, "purchase" the man. If it was not, I would haggle down to what I could afford. Once I had "purchased" the man and the shade had left, I would take him somewhere safe, and leave 'im there to go on his way. 8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. The first thing ta' do is to make sure that the young lad doesn' get black toe. So, I would pick 'im up, and run him to the nearest inn, and get 'im some soup. When he seemed fit te' travel again, I would take 'im to his house and let his parents take care of him. 9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. Ferst, I would laugh at the bandit. I would ask him why he was stoppin' me, seein' as I wouldn't be carryin' much if I was out on the roads, precisely for this reason. I would give him me axe, some food, and some saplings; and tell 'im to go out, plant some trees and chop some trees, and make a real, honest livin' fer yourself. 10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. ((I dont know who the Iblees are, so IC I wouldn't know how to respond to this..)) 11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" ((Should be "do the gods" gods, polytheistic society :/)) I would look at the man and ask him why do we choose war over negotiations? And why do we choose to rob people instead of farmin'? Once we are able to answer these questions and correct our wrongs, then the gods will stop the sufferin' they 'put' on us.
  6. Out of Character: MC name: Royal_McKeogh RP name: Gorin Race: Dwarf Do you meet the basic recruit requirements? Yes. In Character: I swear to abide by all the rules of Normandor and the Kingdom of Malinor. I swear to uphold the peace, justice and sanctity of the Elder Tree. I swear not to abuse my powers, to assist my brothers in arms and to conduct myself professionally. I swear to follow the chain of command and strive to prove myself to them. “As brothers in arms we strive to ensure the security and prosperity of our city. Harbingers of death to all who would oppose Her, paragons of justice to all who defy Her, protector of Her sanctity.” Signed: Gorin *The Sentinel asks you questions so he may ponder over your request to join the Guard, he beckons you to keep it brief* Question 1: What can you contribute to the Guard of Normandor? I can provide, aside from my axe, the outlook of one not of the elves. Because I am a Dwarf, and my race's philosophy differs from that of the elves, I will be able to provide different opinions on matters of alliances, war, and trade. I am also a skilled axeman, and proficient with a bow. I can collect wood to be used, as well as do a bit of farmin', although farming isn't exactly my strong suit and lumberin' comes natural to us Dwarves. Question 2: Armoured persons approach our gates, they are open. You don’t know why they are here. What do you do? Close the gate immediately. If armored persons are approachin' the gate the citizens must be secured. After this, I would be wantin' to know how many are in their party, if I suspect they are lyin', I call for a senior officer to take over, as I don' want to be lettin' liars and trouble makers into the city. If I didn' suspect them of lyin', I would ask them to remove their helms and stow away their weapons, then ask them their business and names. If nothin' seemed suspicious by then, I would let 'em in. Question 3: Where do you wish to progress in the Guard? Hopefully to a Sentinel, as is every recruit's dream. definitely in axes, as that is my strong suit. I hope that the Sentinels can come to see my value, and what I 'ave to offer to the Elves.
  7. Mc name: Royal_Mckeogh IC name: Warrior_Gorin Highest skill in weapons: 42 in axes, 8 swords, 4 bow Timezone: Eastern US Gender: Male Race: Dwarf Country of inhabitant ((IG)): Guard at Karik, Dwarves ((Skype Name (If you don't have one, please get one so I may create a guild chat))): royal.mckeogh Answer one of the following questions based on what you ((IC)) would do in the situation: A bandit paired with a slaver stands on the road, attempting to capture a halfling, later to be sold to an orc. You have no armor and no weaponry except for an iron sword. The halfling is also very lacking in weaponry, only having a golden dagger. What do you do?: I would attack them outright with the halfling. Since you did not specify their armor, or skill levels, I assume they have wood swords and leather armor. I assume since I have an iron sword that i am proficient with it, so I attack them with the halfling. His skill is obviously proficient, since he has a golden dagger. We would defeat them quite easily, unless the halflight really stinks at fighting.
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