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Roderick Greymane / Vegas

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Posts posted by Roderick Greymane / Vegas

  1. Minecraft Account Name: The_Exiled_One

    Character Name: Valdax Baenurden

    Gender: Male

    Age: 27-(135 human years)


    Valdax Baenurden stands at 5'5" and is lean muscled, he has fair long white hair with shades of silver strands. His dark blue eyes and light grey complexion helps him blend within the shadows and adds an edge of mystery to him.


    Valdax is calm, quiet, and intelligent, he is a docile male who listens to most women that command him. His love for the darkness relates with his surname which means Blessed by the Darkness, he enjoys staying in the shadows where he is the master of his own domain.


    Valdax Baenurden was conceived between two lesser house guards and was raised in secret by his mother, for years he was kept in the shadows and from within these shadows he learned how to silently move and go throughout the house without being noticed by even the most observant of its occupants. As he grew so did his skills, his mother took note of this and risked the effort of teaching him how to fight, with his mothers help Valdax learned how to become an efficient fight in the art of the short sword and dagger, because of his skills with the blade and his mothers passion for advancement, many of the officers and captains of the House guard fell ill and mysteriously died as his mother quickly advanced through the ranks. Had they known that they were being watched as the years passed by, Valdax and his mother may have not tried to kill their way to the top, but the House Matron was there on the night of Val's birth and had taken it as an act of mercy to let the young Female continue her little act of greed for more power, but as her loyal and docile sisters fell prey to this young assassin's hand, she had decided it was time to end this power hungry b*tch and her climb to the top. The next "morning" in the House guard shift change, the Matron Mother made an example of the mother in a combat lesson that was meant only for wooden stave's, but what actually happened was a group of five of the Houses best warriors against Valdax's mother and they were armed with whips and maces, Valdax watched from the shadows as his mother beat to a pulp by the warriors weapons. He was about to charge in when a voice called out to him using his birth name, when he searched for the source it spoke again. "You will work for me and do what I command you to do, if you please me I shall let you leave." the voice said again and then the Matron Mother stepped out into the torch lit balcony. "Do you understand boy?" she asked. Holding back his rage, Valdax nodded and then sheathed his blade. "Good, we have a lot of work to do..." she said while blending back into the shadows of the balcony.

    Years later, a group of associates were walking down the street quietly talking to each other when one of the group began to stumble and choke, the other two looked over to their wounded comrade and saw that a tiny dart was protruding from his temple and that he was dead. One of the surviving two fell down with another three darts protruding from his left forearm, the last of the three reached for his blade, but found that his belt was gone and with it his weapon. A shadow ran past him and then a sharp crack was heard as the elves shin was shattered by a well aimed stone, the elf lay on the ground moaning in pain and then he saw the figure walking up with a short sword and curved dagger. "L'Detholusin send their regards fiend, this will teach you not to spread lies!" Spoke Valdax and then he grabbed the fallen elves mouth and cut out his tongue. The Matron Mother watched as her assassin walked through the gate and then as he climb the wall and up to her balcony. "The deed is done." he said. "Good...I see you have brought proof yet again, very efficient indeed!" said the Matron Mother as she saw the still wiggling tongue of the informant.

    Valdax worked for the Matron Mother another number of years until she disappeared one evening, most in the House believed it was from old age, but the ones closest to Valdax knew the real story, the Matron Mother had revealed her real intentions for Valdax and his skills while he was asking when she would release him, her answer was not what he had expected and when she lay on the floor bleeding out, she knew that she had made the wrong choice in letting him live all the decades ago.

    Once he had killed for his freedom, Valdax slipped into the city and gave up his life as an assassin, he now offers his services as a scout for who ever needs some extra information on other families or the outside world.

    Your characters ambitions:

    His goals are to be a respected scout among the Mori, and to please and achieve a soul mate.

    ===Roleplay Related Questions===

    As your character wanders the back-streets of Menorcress, you sight a cloaked figure lurking in one of the shadowed nook behind the Brothel: a rustle of cloth is heard, and the figure ushers you in with a skeletal finger. The hooded figure imparts information involving a conspiracy to over-throw the House of Miiystra, and offers you a hefty sum of coin to partake in the planned attack. How does your character react?

    Valdax listens to the figure and nods, accepting the bag of coin he agrees to help. The figure thanks him and then walks off into the streets that it mysteriously came from, Valdax weighs the odds of his chances in combat against the warriors from Miiystra, and then he weighs

    the odds that this uprising will have at succeeding. He quickly decides the former and secretly follows the figure into the back streets and tracks it to a small encampment outside of the city limits inside a small cavern, Valdax studies the area for a few moments and then sneaks away and returns a few hours later with a majority of Miiystra foot soldiers, the conspirators screams rang through the city for only a small while and then the clash of steel against steel ended and the never-ending night of Menorcress was once again silent. Valdax accepted his thanks from an officer in the guard, a tall female, and later that night he walked out of her home smiling and again acknowledging her thanks for his services.

    Your character finds him/herself watching the Alure d'aphyon: the several fighters within the void maze wield only sticks as they prove their prowess as warriors by battling to the death. One of fighters happens to be a close companion of yours, and you witness him being strategically cornered by three of the other fighters and beaten to death. While the crowd cheers in celebration of the violence, and the death of your friend. How does your character react?

    Watching the scene play out Valdax Baenurden thinks about all of the scouting he had done with this individual and frowned, thinking that he was about to lose a companion, Val quietly pulls out a composite bow and assembles it, as he takes aim Valdax suddenly gets a flashback from a few months ago and remembers that this individual had been extremely close in almost impaling him on a scouting expedition when a beast had almost killed him. Thinking about that Valdax battled between what seemed like friendship and what was fair, his friends screams ended as Valdax's arrow pierced right under his left shoulder blade. He had chosen mercy this time, but the traitor had to die. Packing up his bow, Valdax quickly steps into the shadows of the Alure d'aphyon and slips away as the warriors try and find the culprit who ended their fun.

    A screenshot of your skin: SerenityOnyx is creating the skin for me.

  2. Out-Of-Character

    Main Minecraft Account Name:


    Alternate Minecraft Account Name:


    In your own words, define what the act of Roleplaying is:

    In my own words roleplaying is when you immerse yourself into the lore of a fantasy world and create a character from scratch or based off of other creatures. As this character you build a history and personality from events that happen in game, and the character then develops and matures eventually into its own unique person.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta-gaming is the abuse of OOC facts or knowledge that you use ingame for an advantage without learning them IC through your characters actions, such examples of MG can be using a playercard to learn a characters summary history, or using a MC tag to find someone hidden behind a wall.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is:

    Power-emoting is when you use your emotes to do things that are not physically possible for your character to do, it can be as simple as a halfling flying with no magical knowledge or abilities, or a character swimming in full diamond armor without sinking or drowning.


    Character Name:

    Valdax Baenurden

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!):


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Dark Elf

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Valdax was a bastard child conceived between a High Elf father and a Dark Elf mother, because of this unthinkable act, Valdax and his mother were thrown out into the streets by his fathers mother, who would not allow such an act of impurity to ruin her families reputation. As he grew up Valdax learned that living in the streets provided for you as long as you knew where to look, borrowing a bit of thread here and a skinning blade there, Valdax was able to set small snares in the back alleys and catch small prey and then sell their meat for a small profit. Valdax began to learn more survival skills through experience and soon he was poaching in the forests and selling what he hunted to private buyers, building a small fortune as he went through the decades, he bought a small warehouse and founded a tanning and meat preserving business.

    As the years went bent by Valdax grew bored from sitting behind his desk in his small office and yearned for the freedom of the streets as well as the forests he grew to appreciate so much, so with no remorse he sold his small franchise and left for the open road. Spending another few decades roaming the elven lands, Valdax experienced many things that brought him joy as well as many other things that brought him pain, but as he had learned before that to survive you must adapt, he used his skills as an experienced archer and tracker to join an expedition that was heading into the uncharted lands of Asulon, his job was to move ahead of the expedition and to find a suitable location for an advance party to set up and build a temporary settlement, Valdax spent a few years scouting with the party before he broke off and went into the wilds with a few other advance scouts that felt like they could survive off the land by themselves.

    Twenty-three years later while hunting in a new area that he had not spent time in before, Valdax was checking a snare that he had set that morning when his hunting partner next to him stood rigid and blank face as he fell to the ground with an arrow protruding from his back, Valdax dropped the snare and went to rush to his friends aid, but saw the red eyes of the creatures now advancing towards him and turned around running as fast as he could. Running through half of the night, Valdax had lost all sense of his surroundings and was completely lost with no idea where he had run off to, with all hope lost of ever returning home, Valdax heard the sing song voice of an elf happily working the lute, intrigued he followed the melody and came upon a small alcove with the elf he had heard before placing her lute in a small case and walking away. Valdax waited a few moments before following the elf through the alcoves exit and was amazed by the city he saw before him, full of wanderlust he walked down the path into the city wondering what it could possibly offer him.

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    He enjoys wandering the world and experiencing all that it has to offer.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character:

    Nothing that I can think of.


    Answer at least three out of five listed!

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?:

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?:

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Noticing the hut while hunting, Valdax melds with the shadows and drops into a crouch before entering through a small hole in one of the rotted out walls. Rummaging through the chests, Valdax hears the creek of a floor board under great pressure and then a huge bulk crashes through the front door groaning and smelling of death. Valdax dives for the corner as the beast continues to charge and smash right into the chest, unsheathing his skinning knife, Valdax sees why the house was probably abandoned, an undead orc missing an arm and half of its face was roaming around the hut waiting for pray. The beast charges him again and just barely misses his face with its only fist, Valdax somersaults over a table and into the support beam for the roof, the beast looks around for its missing prey, but then smells a wet sweetness and notices the blade now protruding from its skull and the curdled blood leaking out of it, trying to dislodge the blade the beast feels a red hot blow to the back of its skull as its arm falls limp and its legs fail to support it, the beast lets out one last roar and then drops to the ground with the iron ingot lodged into its now smashed skull.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?:

    Valdax trudges into the camp defeated by an awful day hunting, smelling the roasting pork on the spit he gains a little vigor in his step and sits down on a stump across from the group. He nods towards the spit fire and then looks back at the group, smiling he takes out a white wolf pelt that he had been keeping for a trade later in the week, but as he was stroking it he could tell that he had the traders interest. "For this pelt I would be happy to relieve you of just a bit of that succulent swine you have there, do we have a deal?" Valdax says to them. The Traders laugh and then one of them takes out a carving knife and cuts off a slab of meat for Valdax and exchanges it for the pelt, as the traders pet the soft fur, one of them looks up to thank the mysterious elf, but Valdax is no where to be found. Finishing a portion of the slab, Valdax places the rest of the meat in a waterproof pouch and then looks at the traders one last time from his perch in the tree before swinging down the tree limb and into the woods.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: Valdax walks up to the Captain of the Guard and offers him his skills as a tracker, after agreeing to a plan, Valdax heads out into the forests bordering the town and finds a still warm trail left by the bandits, following the trail Valdax finds only a few sentries, which he dispatches with a few well aimed shots. Valdax then stealthily creeps back towards the town to lay out the way back to the camp for the Captain, after being offered to join in on the counter raid, Valdax declines the offer and takes his newly acquired minas and tells the Captain that he has done enough. The Captain watches the Dark Elf slowly walk down the towns road and then turns around and orders his men to charge the camp.

  3. Maybe we can get a little dock made for the boat we currently have, and have a dock house made with a locked door so they have to get through that before they enter the boat, which is the only possible entrance onto the boat.

    Basically we would get a new dock built, with rails on each side so players can't climb over the edges and get into the boat. They would have to enter via the entrance of the dock house and that would be the only way to get in or out of the dock.

  4. OOC:

    Hey everyone, I was going through some of the older posts on here and saw that some people brought up the issue with the boat and how it brought people to the Vale, which is a good thing, but it also brings people that don't necessarily have good intentions for us or our lands. I think that what Darkjames said back in April as a solution for this problem is a great idea, he said that we should rebuild the boat and put a locked door that only halflings and honored guests can use with the permission of the Vale and its residents.

    The reason I bring this up, is that I love the Vale and everyone in it and I don't want to have to end up dying because people come to the Vale uninvited and immediately start picking fights with us. A great example of someone coming to the Vale for no other reason then to fight is the orcs, I saw one of them and had to hide for a good 10 minutes in my burrow because he was running around the Vale and killing livestock and monsters alike. It would fit our quiet life style better if we only allowed certain people we trusted into the Vale so that problems like these do not arise.

    Tell me what your opinion on this matter is, and if you think we should keep the boat the way it is or should we rebuild it and bring a measure of security back to the Vale.

    EDIT: If we have an issue with people wanting to become a halfling and taking the boat to the Vale, but them not knowing the password to use the boat, then they would have a reason to post on the forums here so we know who our new residents are and it will be easier to keep track of any new halflings joining the community.

  5. Instead of spiders dropping the whole web, why not drop a single thread of spiders silk (string) its more rp then them dropping a fully made web. I think that placing two blocks of cloth to make one string is a little worthless, because it takes four string to create one block of cloth.

    Other then that, the rest of the patch update is awesome.

  6. I had talked with Jhonen about the burrow for the Sheriff and he said that the previous one had quit being a halfling I guess, or maybe it was the server, but he said that it was up to the Elders if I got that burrow or not. I was thinking that if I got sheriff that maybe I got a burrow that is closer to the main area of town, because the current burrow for the sheriff is way to far out from the general population then it should be. I vote that the new sheriff maybe get Petyr's vacant home? So he can be the first to greet newcomers and let them know the Vale's rules.

    Also there is a craftsman's burrow near the windmill and I believe Jhonen designated Tiberious Goblinsfoe as the owner so he can work there and sell his items at the Tavern store that he owns.

    I vote that we have maybe a council for leadership, something like a tribal government maybe. One leader or artisan for each craft, like saying my character could be the artisan of war, Rogen could be the Artisan of Fishing,..etc. Then we would have an open view on everything in the vale that needs help, for example Rogen puts up a tally in a meeting saying that the ponds fish population is rather low so the community would have to limit how many fish they catch for a certain amount of time, this would create some interesting rp and maybe bring some life to the Vale.

    For the vacant houses I say make a post on here saying all the Houses that are vacant and give them a one week notice from the day of the post and if they do not reply we give it to another halfling. We should also place a sign with a one week notice in game as well.

    I also had an idea to bring trade to the Vale if we voted yes on that matter, we need to start having fairs and festivals in the fair grounds, maybe having flea market deals within the community and inviting friendly races to visit the Vale and participate in drinking, fishing, and baking contests and anything else we can think of.

  7. No Goblins joined the Vale, I made the post for the Goblinsfoe Clan, its a Clan of Halflings that hate the Goblins which is why our surname is Goblinsfoe. It is not a group of Goblins but a big group of about 8 new halflings to the vale.

    I would like to point out that Jhonen had planned on making the Goblinsfoe triplets the Vale Sheriff's and because most members in the Goblinsfoe Clan are warriors, he had also thought that we start a militia so that we have designated members of the community that can clear out all the monsters, which I do every time I come to the Vale.

    I volunteer to lead the Halfling militia if no one wants it, and my IC brothers would also like to help in defending the Vale, I plan as the militia leader, if elected, to build a small camp away from the peace and prosperity of the Vale as a training grounds for any halflings that plan to fight in the militia or who would simply like to learn how to fight.

    And my opinion for housing is that we either need more or we start placing notices on the burrows we think may be vacant, because as of now my Clan is bigger then we expected and we are sharing a burrow with only three rooms and beds.

  8. *stretching their tiny frames as they step off the skipper, the group of halflings gasp and jump for joy as they finally set their eyes upon The Vale, The new home for all the halflings in Asulon, the group continues to dance around making quite a ruckus, but are stopped abruptly when an old looking halfling hobbles up to them and greets them asking who they are and what they hope to gain by coming to The Vale.*

    Dercius Goblinsfoe walks up and adresses the old halfling while his brothers go back to their wrestling and dancing. "'ail there friend, we be tha' Goblinsfoe Clan an' we 'ope ta join yer community. We 'ave traveled far an' wide ta join ye 'ere an' pray tha' ye all will take us."

    Vale Elder Graeme Parker listens to the halfling explain his journey and smiles every so often as he glances from Dercius to see the Goblinsfoe Clan enjoying themselves already. He waits till Dercius is finished with his tale and then opens his mouth to speak. "Ahh, yer tale is qui'e a fine un an' ye seem like simple folk, we jus' 'ad a burrow vaca'e an' ye er free ta move on in if ye want it."

    Dercius listens with glee and jumps shouting to his family that they have arrived home.

    Elder Graeme holds up a hand to calm them down and then he asks them what their names are so he can keep count of the Clan and its members.

    Dercius speaks quickly naming each of his kin and then runs off to join his Clan in their merry-making at the Vale Tavern.

    [Here are the members of Clan Goblinsfoe that I know of and can remember, I may add some more of them as we have friends that want to join as a halfling, so we will hopefully get everyone added once I take tally of them all.]

    Triplets and all three are brothers:

    Dercius Goblinsfoe-Rurikk

    Perseus Goblinsfoe-CTapNEWS

    Tiberius Goblinsfoe-Abysmall


    Peter Goblinsfoe-Jaewonz

    Theodore Goblinsfoe-camsa

    Finn Goblinsfoe-(waiting for mc name)



    Extended Family:

    Wilfred Proudfoot-randel94-Grandfather

  9. In Character

    RP Name: Charles Greymane -The Hunter

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):

    Charles Greymane is a quiet and calm young man who spent his earlier years hunting the forest of Asulon and grew quite deadly with the bow and arrow because of this. As he grew Charles began to venture out of the forests from time to time to sell furs and pelt, along with the occasional animal following behind him that he would sell to a butcher or a farmer who needed it. When the time came for Charles to leave the forest he explored quite a lot in his late teens and earned a small reputation as a great shot with the bow and would usually be found roaming from town to town offering his skills with the bow, after a few years though Charles began to miss his old home, the forests, and decided to venture back and try to live as he once had. A year after he started living in the forests Charles was forced into service as a pirate on the Obsidian Flame a ship that once ruled the seas from Skull Port and on, but after a few years of indentured service and his choice to join the crew, Charles was once again left without a job when the Captain mysteriously disappeared leaving the crew to wander around the seas and eventually leave the life as a pirate. Charles is now back home looking for a place that he can offer his skills once again and earn a living for himself.

    Previous line of work:

    Peace Keeper Recruit for Salvus, Captain of the Guard for Azaghost Hold, and many other jobs that I cannot mention to protect previous employers.

    What are your professions and talents?:

    I am a free-lance bowman that spends time when off duty or out of work hunting in the forests, skinning and trapping to earn a meager living. I am quite stealthy and quiet when it comes to stalking my prey.

    How proficient are you in combat? (Combat Levels)

    Archery -99 (with about 10k left) Swords -41

    Why do you want to join House Flay?

    After his indentured service on the Obsidian Flame was served and his choice to stay on the ship as a full fledged crew member, Charles was saddened to find that one day while waking up from a massive hangover that involved plenty of drinking from the night before, that Captain Woolbeard had disappeared. Over the following months the Obsidian Flame's crew began to desert so they could find other lines of work to quench their tastes for adventure. Charles was one of the last to leave Skull Port and he did it on a burdened heart, when he returned home he had found that the little hut that he had spent most of his child hood and young adult life in, had been reclaimed by the forest and was nothing more then a heap of collapsed walls, overgrown weeds, and rotted furniture. Charles turned to rebuilding his small home and hunting the forest once again, while doing the occasional odd job for anything that the forest couldn't provide for him. One day while he was trading some furs to get some salt preserves, Charles found a piece of parchment nailed to the village board that stated that House Flay was hiring bannermen and only the most ruthless and hardened men and women were being accepted to join the ranks of the Houses guard, Charles decided it was time to take up a new line of work and walked home to pack up his supplies and see if the recruiter would accept his skills.

    Would you be willing to swear loyalty to House Flay and Count August Flay?

    Yes I would.

    Out of Character

    MC Name: Rurikk

    Do you have the following (Not Required):

    Skype (Y/N) Yes

    TeamSpeak (Y/N) Yes

    Which evils do you have an accepted villain application for? (Include a link to your VA): 1 and 2a, working on getting 2b. VA for 1, and 2a

  10. *walks up quietly and takes out a small quill tipped in fine gold and quickly but neatly writes his call card name and a small message.*

    I have been informed that you need a few signatures to ensure your place in court as a baron, here then is my aid to your cause.

    -The Huntsman

    EDIT: ((my MC name is Rurikk you typed it wrong :P))

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