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Roderick Greymane / Vegas

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Posts posted by Roderick Greymane / Vegas

  1. ((Little busy and pressed for time so I am going to skip the roleplay I usually add before giving my verdict. The application is being denied for the reasons listed: needs to be fleshed out, you didn't answer some of the questions correctly, and your halfling goes against the written lore a tad bit, but I would like to see you apply again and would be happy to have you join us to enjoy the fun of being a Ranger. If you have any questions as to what you did wrong or failed to answer correctly on the application, feel free to ask here, through a pm, or a /tell ingame. My MC name is Rurikk just incase you didn't already know. Feel free to apply again as soon as you want to.))

  2. Patrolling the edges of Hanseti, just out of the clouds reach, Silence is given a package of reports and other papers, he gives them a quick look and then returns to his scheduled patrolling, a few hours later he returns to his home and sits down in his desk, taking out the stack of reports, he looks at the first one on top and sees that this one is an application. "Hmm, looks like the lad got it all filled out... I'm very glad to see that he did as he was told." taking out a stamp, he slams it onto the application and places it in a tray of other accepted applications.

    ((Alright, thank you for filling out the full application and being so patient in joining, my MC name is Rurikk in case you didn't already know, send me a pm on the forums or a tell ingame for information and about joining up. Hope to see you soon and get you started in the fun rp style of the Rangers.))

  3. Returning from another morning of hunting, Ranger Silence is confronted by yet another stack of papers at his doorstep, he sighs and walks over to it, picking the papers up and walking inside his home, he sets the papers down with a grumble and plops down into his seat, "Hmm... let's see what we have here then." picking up the first group of papers from the stack, he looks and sees that it's an application, after a few moments he sets it down and frowns, "Looks promising, but the lad forgot to answer a few questions... looks like I will have to put this one on standby until further notice..." he then whistles a short combination of notes and an apprentice walks in, "Take this to the Cloud Temple or wherever it was found and find the lad that filled it out please." the apprentice nods and quickly slips out of the room.

    ((Your app looks very promising as I said in the roleplay of this post, but you are missing a few important parts of the application itself and I am not allowed to accept an unfinished app nor will I allow an app to be accepted that is not fully filled out, please copy and paste the original app with the filled questions that you forgot and I will reread it and give my verdict.))

  4. -snip-

    Ranger Silence reads the application brought into his office by a courier, he frowns as he reads it, pulling out a stamp and inks it, slamming it down on the papers, "Not enough information... denied, how do I know who this lad really is if he can't give detailed descriptions of himself..." Silence then grabs the papers and lays then down in a tray, sifting through the rest of his letters and reports for the day. ((Flesh out your application and give more detail, you seem to have great intentions for the Order, but I need to see you put more then just one line answers for each question.))

  5. Ranger Silence returns from his usual morning hunt and finds a note tacked to his door, it reads as so, "Dear Silence, I have some important business to attend to and I shall be busy for a while, you are as of now the acting leader of the Rangers until my return, continue as we have been and make sure to acquire jobs for us and maintain our role in Renatus." signed Ranger Eagle. Silence nods to himself and enters his home to find a stack of papers, a few keys, and a list of all the Ranger's in the Order , he sits down at his desk and sighs, rubbing his temples, he takes out a fresh sheet of paper and dips his quill in an inkwell and begins to write a letter to each of the Ranger's on the list, it reads as so, "All Rangers are to send in reports of their recent activities and if they are still a member of the Phoenix Rangers, please make sure to sign them with your alias and slide them under my door as soon as possible to make our records as up to date as possible." signed Ranger Silence.

    ((Send me a tell in game or a pm on the forums with your MC name and Ranger Alias stating whether or not you still intend to be in the Order and what your activity status is within the Phoenix Rangers, my MC name is Rurikk if you can't find it.))

    ((Also, Ranger Eagle( also known as Hawk, or Awackpenguin) is currently having issues with his Minecraft and is unable to lead for the time being In game, so he made me acting leader until he can return, if you have any further questions feel free to pm him or myself and we will try to answer them to the best of our abilities.))

  6. Name (MC and RP): Rurikk, Gorrkulug Gobo

    Race: Goblin of course.

    Preferred Weapon (If any): Bow and Arrow, as well as the mighty bone.

    Non-Combat Skills (If any): I can spit over 10 feet, skip with one leg, and burp in over three different langauges.

    Prefered rank: GoboKomtur

    Your most valued trait from list below:







    Justice against the metal men

    Are you willing to take an Gobonic oath?: Yush

    Do you have a VA?: Not on this character.

    Additional information: I wish to gut all dem ugly Teutons...

  7. I love all the new ideas and additions for this new patch, however I think that there should still be a healing rate from hunger, not like it was before, it would be a lot slower, but still being able to heal over time, I mean in real life we heal very slowly when wounded, which is caused by eating healthily and drinking the right fluids. Not healing at all, unless from using a bandage is slightly ridiculous, considering the realism that is trying to be created with this patch, you should be allowed to heal over time like in real life. An example of this is, say you are a hunter and you get a wound from an animal or mob, a broken leg perhaps, you kill the beast, but have run out of medical supplies/or just didn't have them in the first place and then are forced to stay in a tree or cave until you have healed/recovered enough to move again.(this would create realism and great rp opportunities, forcing others to look for you, writing in a journal about the days you are stranded, having to scavenge for food to not die of starvation, threat of death by other beasts, etc.) Other then that, I think everything else is just fine. :)

    P.S. this idea was formed with the help from the Great and Almighty Shady. :P

  8. *walking past the herald with two squires behind him carrying a rather large deer from that mornings successful hunt, Charles hears his name called and signals to his squires to halt for a moment, he walks up to the herald and announces himself.*

    "I am Ser Charles the Hunter, Knight Commander of the Steadfast Shield Chapter of the Holy Order of the Red Dragon, give Ser Uthor my regards."

    *he then reaches a hand into his cloak and pulls out a few Horens, handing them to the herald, he smiles and nods before walking away*

    "Keep up the great work."

  9. Application For The Rangers:

    Out of Character information






    (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    [How much time you can be online per day]:

    I can be on about 3-6 hours daily, which could be split between my two accounts that I role-play on.

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]:

    I made my account on the 16th of August of last year, and I believe I was accepted about a week later, so roughly a year now.

    [Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]:

    I would like to be a Ranger because it is basically everything I look for in an organization for Charles, who is very much alike what the Rangers are.

    [Do you have TS?]:


    [How did you hear of us OOCly]?:

    I was tasked with restarting/creating a new archery division for Oren, after clicking on the Guild's section for the Forums I spotted the post for the Ranger's and decided to check it out, and maybe even help them become active in the Empire once again.

    In Character Information


    Charles Greymane, also known as Ser Charles the Hunter

    Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]:

    The Silent One

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes I have, and I aim to follow it to the best of my abilities.






    Knight Commander of the Order of the Steadfast Shield of the Holy Oren Empire, Deckhand and Scout for the Obsidian Flame Pirate Crew, Bannerman for August Flay, Peacekeeper of Solace, and many other minor Jobs.

    Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]:

    -I believe am very skilled in the art of the bow, preferring the long bow over the shorter more compact short bow, after living off the woods for most of my life and then later training and honing my skills in the training grounds of the Oren Empire's best archery ranges. (level 100 Archery)

    -I am also skilled with the short sword, a weapon I have also learned how to use as an extension of my own being, being it is a requirement of the Holy Oren Empire that all Knights know how to use at least one melee weapon to defend themselves with. (level 100 Swordsmanship)

    -Having to repair various things while working in the Holy Oren Empire, I have learned how to fix and craft gear such as arrow heads, swords, and varying types of armor, which has given me some experience with the anvil, giving me the ability to keep my blade sharper, and my arrow heads even sharper. (level 75 Blacksmith)

    Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join and aid the Empire even more, hopefully being able to finally use my skill set for the betterment of the Empire and its people, being on the front lines hacking and slashing my way through the enemy is a job I have had to carry out for some time now, and I would rather use my skills in stealth, the bow, as well as my own words to gain information, and maybe even quell the fighting our Grand Empire is always involved in somewhat by doing so.

    Describe your personality: I am a Calm, Quiet, and Intelligent person and some would even describe me as a gentlemen with the ladies and in the court.

    Describe your personal attributes:

    I am quite refined with anything I do, preferring to think before carrying out with any of my actions.

    I enjoy spending my free time in the woods, hunting and exploring what wonders the serenity of the trees and wildlife hold.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:

    I swear on my life and my oath that I have made to the Emperor himself, that I will be honorable and just with my actions and stay loyal to the Rangers and the Empire.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:

    I have only served the Holy Oren Empire in my short life, and plan to always serve the Empire as a loyal citizen and defender. I believe loyalty to the Empire is the only reasonable way to live, because we are not savages and aim only to bring peace and prosperity to the lands of Asulon.

    How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at the Cloud Temple?:

    While patrolling the outlying lands of Arethor, I was confronted by one of the Recruiters for the Ranger's just outside of the Arethor Stables at your Ranger's Outpost.

    Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Renatus?

    Absolutely and I plan to keep serving the Empire even after my time as a Ranger is complete.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:]

    Talking out of character is done by using either the ( or [ symbol, and goes like this, (Hey will you be online tomorrow?

    [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?]:

    Yes, I plan to commit myself as much as possible, while still carrying out other responsibilities such as school work and my other characters on the server.

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:]

    Villain Application for 1, and 2a.

    2b Mini-Villain Application

    [Link to Server Application:]

    I do not have the application link as it is archived and unavailable to me.

    [When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!]

  10. Charles listens to Winter speak and chuckles softly at the notion that his men would even know how to use a hammer and nails to build a simple door, but then frowns slightly at the mention of his beloved Rose, "Its been hard on all of us, she always brought life to the cold dark halls of Shadow's Edge..." he looks to one of his men and orders him to tell the others to go out and patrol the woods of Riven, then he turns back to Winter, looking her in the eyes. "I will be fine, and she will always be in my heart, I only wish we could have spent more of our lives together." he finishes speaking and smiles weakly, giving Winter a hug, he stands back up and looks to his waiting page. "Go and get my hunting gear, I need some time to think." he turns back to Winter "Farewell and safe travels" he then walks back towards Shadow's Edge Keep, his shoulders slumping somewhat as he walks.

  11. Charles stands and watches the scene from one of the many balconies that line his Keep, he turns around and orders one of his pages to go and assemble his men. A few hours later Charles and the few lances he has under his watch are seen marching down from the hill side that marks the entrance to Shadow's Edge Keep, he crosses the bridge to Riven and walks up to Winter, gives a slight bow then looks up and speaks.

    "M'lady I wish to offer what supplies and men I have to help you tear down and rebuild Riven once more, is there anything that you need or require to be done?"

    He stands up straight and waits for her to reply.

  12. Minecraft Account Name: The_Exiled_One

    Character Name: Valdax Baenurden

    Race: MORI

    Gender: Male

    Age: 27-(135 Human Years)

    Appearance: Standing at 5'8" Valdax Baenurden is lean built with deep red eyes and pale white hair streaked with silver. His skin shows as a dark shade of grey in the light and gives him an advantage when sneaking in the shadows. He is of good complexion and would be considered handsome by Mori terms.

    Most Mori Females would see a seductive look upon his face when they look at him, while most Mori males would see him scowling back at them.

    Personality: Valdax is calm, quiet, and intelligent, he is a egotistical male who feels that all Mori women can't resist his good looks, but usually fails in an attempt to seduce them, when he does hook a lover he is loyal to them until they have nothing left to offer him. His love for the darkness relates with his surname which means Blessed by the Darkness, he enjoys staying in the shadows where he is the master of his own domain.

    Biography: Valdax Baenurden was conceived between two lesser house guards and was raised in secret by his mother, for years he was kept in the shadows and from within these shadows he learned how to silently move and go throughout the house without being noticed by even the most observant of its occupants. As he grew so did his skills, his mother took note of this and risked the effort of teaching him how to fight, with his mothers help Valdax learned how to become an efficient fight in the art of the short sword and dagger, because of his skills with the blade and his mothers passion for advancement, many of the officers and captains of the House guard fell ill and mysteriously died as his mother quickly advanced through the ranks. Had they known that they were being watched as the years passed by, Valdax and his mother may have not tried to kill their way to the top, but the House Matron was there on the night of Val's birth and had taken it as an act of mercy to let the young Female continue her little act of greed for more power, but as her loyal and docile sisters fell prey to this young assassin's hand, she had decided it was time to end this power hungry b*tch and her climb to the top. The next "morning" in the House guard shift change, the Matron Mother made an example of the mother in a combat lesson that was meant only for wooden stave's, but what actually happened was a group of five of the Houses best warriors against Valdax's mother and they were armed with whips and maces, Valdax watched from the shadows as his mother was beaten to a pulp by the warriors weapons. He was about to charge in when a voice called out to him using his birth name, when he searched for the source it spoke again. "You will work for me and do what I command you to do, if you please me I shall let you leave." the voice said again and then the Matron Mother stepped out into the torch lit balcony. "Do you understand boy?" she asked. Holding back his rage, Valdax nodded and then sheathed his blade. "Good, we have a lot of work to do..." she said while blending back into the shadows of the balcony.

    Years later, a group of associates were walking down the street quietly talking to each other when one of the group began to stumble and choke, the other two looked over to their wounded comrade and saw that a tiny dart was protruding from his temple and that he was dead. One of the surviving two fell down with another three darts protruding from his left forearm, the last of the three reached for his blade, but found that his belt was gone and with it his weapon. A shadow ran past him and then a sharp crack was heard as the elves shin was shattered by a well aimed stone, the elf lay on the ground moaning in pain and then he saw the figure walking up with a short sword and curved dagger. "L'Detholusin send their regards fiend, this will teach you not to spread lies!" Spoke Valdax and then he grabbed the fallen elves mouth and cut out his tongue. The Matron Mother watched as her assassin walked through the gate and then as he climbed the wall up to her balcony. "The deed is done." he said. "Good...I see you have brought proof yet again, very efficient indeed!" said the Matron Mother as she saw the still wiggling tongue of the informant. Valdax nodded and took his payment as usual, then he dropped from the balcony and slipped into the shadows for a night of fun in the streets of Menorcress.

    Valdax worked for the Matron Mother another number of years until she disappeared one evening, most in the House believed it was from old age, but the ones closest to Valdax knew the real story, the Matron Mother had revealed her real intentions for Valdax and his skills while he was routinely asking when she would release him, her answer was not what he had expected and when she lay on the floor bleeding out, she knew that she had made the wrong choice in letting him live all those decades ago. Valdax gave her one last kick and then left the House forever, finally free from the years of torment and control that the compound has caused him.

    Valdax currently resides in the city as a Court Member for House Alean'nar and works as the cities Kir'Ima for the city Kyorls. He works the streets seducing low and high status females in the society and reaping the benefits he receives from courting them.

    Your characters ambitions: Val seeks to earn a fortune using the skills that kept him alive for so long and maybe one day settle down with one of the beautiful Mori females that walk the streets of Menorcress.

    Why does your character do what he/she does? Valdax aims only for the betterment of himself and earning something from what ever he does whether its earning a few minas or a good time with one of Menorcress's many females as long as he gains something from it.

    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any? Valdax doesn't mind hurting others if it means it will help him gain something, but he does try to stray away from harming Mori females unless he absolutely has to.

    He doesn't mind stealing others mates, breaking relationships, or impregnating females with his spawn.

    He enjoys the freedom of being able to do what he wants when he can get away with it.

    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character?

    Strengths: Valdax's good looks and complexion help him smooth talk most females in Menorcress and will usually keep him from losing his head.

    Valdax's ability to stick with the shadows has proven very helpful for him in the past and continues to aid him where ever he goes, often helping him learn secrets that many would not want others to know or find out about.

    Weaknesses: Valdax's ego can somewhat prove harmful for him, especially with jealous males who find out that he has been sleeping with their mates. His ego also gets him in trouble with many females as well as they aren't use to such a flamboyant male and always try to break him.

    His eyes can prove to be a fatal attribute when on the surface like it does for all of his kin, when on the surface Valdax has to make sure to bring plenty of veils to make sure his eyes are protected at all times.

    What role will your character play in Asulon? Informant, Scout, Lover, Blade for Hire and many roles that could potentially gain something for Val, he is willing to do plenty of things to further his status in the Mori Society.

    Is your character loyal or a backstabber? He has no problem with stabbing someone in the back, but would rather use them for more future gain and potential information.

    Are you familiar with all server/villain application rules? Yes, I have an accepted VA for my alt account Rurikk-Charles Greymane.

    Evils to be considered for?

    *1. Thievery, Cheating, Lockpicking, and Jailbreaking.

    **2a.Murder Type A - Assassinations, Murdering when unprovoked.

    ***2b.Murder Type B - Killing for pleasure, twisted ways of killing (cannibalism, weird fetishes), Torture, Slaving.

    Why do you as a player wish to and think you deserve to play as a villain?

    I love being a villain and believe I can handle it as I am already accepted as a villain on my other account Rurikk for the character Charles Greymane.

    ===Roleplay Related Questions===

    As your character wanders the back-streets of Menorcress, you sight a cloaked figure lurking in one of the shadowed nook behind the Brothel: a rustle of cloth is heard, and the figure ushers you in with a skeletal finger. The hooded figure imparts information involving a conspiracy to over-throw the House of Miiystra, and offers you a hefty sum of coin to partake in the planned attack. How does your character react?

    Valdax listens to the figure and nods, accepting the bag of coin he agrees to help. The figure thanks him and then walks off into the streets that it mysteriously came from, Valdax weighs the odds of his chances in combat against the warriors from Miiystra, and then he weighs

    the odds that this uprising will have at succeeding. He quickly decides the former and secretly follows the figure into the back streets and tracks it to a small encampment outside of the city limits inside a small cavern, Valdax studies the area for a few moments and then sneaks away and returns a few hours later with a majority of Miiystra foot soldiers, the conspirators screams rang through the city for only a small while and then the clash of steel against steel ended and the never-ending night of Menorcress was once again silent. Valdax accepted his thanks from an officer in the guard, a tall female, and later that night he walked out of her home smiling and again acknowledging her thanks for his services.

    Your character finds him/herself watching the Alure d'aphyon: the several fighters within the void maze wield only sticks as they prove their prowess as warriors by battling to the death. One of fighters happens to be a close companion of yours, and you witness him being strategically cornered by three of the other fighters and beaten to death. While the crowd cheers in celebration of the violence, and the death of your friend. How does your character react?

    Watching the scene play out Valdax Baenurden thinks about all of the scouting he had done with this individual and frowned, thinking that he was about to lose a companion, Val quietly pulls out a composite bow and assembles it, as he takes aim Valdax suddenly gets a flashback from a few months ago and remembers that this individual had been extremely close in almost impaling him on a scouting expedition when a beast had almost killed him. Thinking about that Valdax battled between what seemed like friendship and what was fair, his friends screams ended as Valdax's arrow pierced right under his left shoulder blade. He had chosen mercy this time, but the traitor had to die. Packing up his bow, Valdax quickly steps into the shadows of the Alure d'aphyon and slips away as the warriors try and find the culprit who ended their fun.

    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female rothe [slave/cattle] instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either coin or bread. How does your character react?

    Valdax glares at them and asks them what they are doing in his city, when they tell him that they mean to take from him, either some of his food or his coin, he narrows his eyes and screams. "Get out of my sight you dirty filth!" he backhands one of them and roughly pushes the other out of his way, he then continues to walk down the path-way chuckling softly to himself.

    A male and female rivvil [human] and a rivvil child seem lost amidst the alley-ways of byr'shuk [outsider-market]. The woman walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side. How does your character react?

    Valdax snarls at them as they block his path, he walks past them though as he doesn't have any real quarrel with the group, but stops after thinking that they might make a profit for him, he quickly runs off and then returns a bit later to find the lost group huddled in an alley way still lost. He grins, whistling he signals some Alean'nar guards and within a few moments the women and child are being led back to the compound, while Valdax is busy counting coins and listening to the faint splash of the male's corpse hitting the water as its thrown in.

    Two guards try to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two members of another qu'ellar [house]. Your 'friend' slays one of the guards as he approaches, causing the others to draw their arms. How does your character react?

    Valdax watches his friend's dumb struck face as he impales him with his dirk and wrenches the blade towards his heart, killing the Mori instantly. Val then looks to see the members of the other qu'ellar running off, using the distraction as a way to escape punishment. Pulling out a small pouch of coins, Valdax tosses it to the Kyorl and the Mori nods, understanding now that the killing was an internal feud between Valdax and his friend, deciding not to question the Mori anymore, the Kyorl walks off forgetting all that had just happened and only focusing on his new promotion...now that the old Captain was dead.

    A screenshot of your skin: Serenity knows what it looks like. :P

  13. ((I am going to clarify that the location is not mg'd, as the fact that I am like 50-75 meters away (maybe 20 blocks) from the island and can see it from the shore near my hunting lodge, I asked around the holy lands and the general area if the island was owned, and this is how we came to find out about the castle not being owned by anyone of Oren. So please don't come in here and whine, making false accusations about petty issues unless you actually have a legitimate claim.))

  14. *Gideon’s brows **** themselves as he nods in Charles direction he gestures for two squires and Charles to come up as he speaks:*

    “Make a notice to them that we if they do not answer us who they are and what are they doing onto our land without our knowledge and that they must bend a knee to me or else we shall march onto them! Also please notify Uthor in Riven that we will be taking that land by force if they do not yield His Majesty Godfrey and Oren.

    Nice burk...I love the first sentence lol.

  15. It does not matter, you still have give an in depth reasoning for why you are doing this, if everyone else can and does do it, so can you. If I were to post a war claim saying I want Arethor I wouldn't post a two sentence paragraph and say "Oh I like the color of the walls, I think I will take it!"

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