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Status Replies posted by Daniel

  1. Is minecraft.net down again?

  2. I'm getting an "Array" error whenever I try to send a PM. Help?

  3. Think I should make an FM app? The Forums are all I do nowadays.

  4. -_- Am I doing something wrong? Every time I try to send a PM to someone it says, "The following errors were found Array This personal message has not been sent"

  5. No need commenting on this. Just move on to the next status update.

  6. So a Russian "aquaintence" came up to me to day and said sorry for your late christmas present... he proceeds to hand me a handmade skyrim amulet.

  7. *Sees all his friends playing Terraria, is not owning it* D: Forever alone

  8. *Sees all his friends playing Terraria, is not owning it* D: Forever alone

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