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Status Replies posted by Daniel

  1. For all who are wondering (Probably none, but meh) I was temp banned from the forums for suggesting that some trolls get /nuke

  2. * Grins from ear to ear with the most evil of smirks* Oh the things I have planned... Hehehehehehehe....

  3. Raise the flags my brothers. Raise your weapons! The sun has arrived.

  4. When someone insults your intelligence, you're not happy.

  5. Gah, braces feel weird ._.

  6. *raises an eyebrow* 705 people online, and this is only Spring. I would say Summer will see a massive influx in players? -keeps constants 1,100 online on forums-

  7. Good luck to Rio and his "Exploits."

  8. Vote and post on this status to gain my personal thanks!

  9. Goodbye LotC...

  10. New character - Severian Tattersail. Say Hi if you see him around.

  11. has his own MC Server now, and is willing to give out the IP for the lols

  12. Who is a good architect I should hire for a new nation?

  13. Who is a good architect I should hire for a new nation?

  14. This Lore is turning out awesome. Thanks Daniel for letting me do this!

  15. Drinkin' wine. O boy. Not sure if best idea or brhhgh irjgh.


  17. Haters can hate but Nicki Minaj... Now!

  18. Haters can hate but Nicki Minaj... Now!

  19. People these days. D:

  20. I hate having birthday on mondays, it's so unmotivating -_-'

  21. Ugh I reall wish all little towns and villages could be forced to take down their walls! They're all so ugly and pointless and so un-rp!

  22. anyone wanna play Civ 5 with me and callum2357

  23. Well, goodbye LoTC. If you wondering why I am leaving, it's because a certain minecrafter lied to my face and got me banned. Anyways, adios!

  24. Listening to MJ's Greatest Hits, like a bau5.

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