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Status Replies posted by Daniel

  1. Am I allowed to take a profit from a shop in graphics? Like, charge 200 or so minas for a drawing?

  2. Am I allowed to take a profit from a shop in graphics? Like, charge 200 or so minas for a drawing?

  3. You know, I think robbing in chain and leather might actually be pretty fun, come to think of it. Shame there is still slowness on the chainmail though.

  4. You know, I think robbing in chain and leather might actually be pretty fun, come to think of it. Shame there is still slowness on the chainmail though.

    1. Daniel


      Actually chain is heavier than iron armor IRL

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Ok not gonna lie, Im actually loving this plugin. Just gonna have to get used to the fact that I cant be a speeding tank anymore.

  6. Ok not gonna lie, Im actually loving this plugin. Just gonna have to get used to the fact that I cant be a speeding tank anymore.

  7. Happy Birthday to me.

  8. Happy Birthday to me.

  9. What have I missed? So many damn "2012's"

  10. What have I missed? So many damn "2012's"

  11. Heh. I want to makes a website for random stuff. Easiest and cheapest way to do this?

  12. Heh. I want to makes a website for random stuff. Easiest and cheapest way to do this?

  13. Can some one hook panda up to some good music? Pleeease?

    1. Daniel


      Go to www.stereomood.com and click on a mood to enjoy

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Can some one hook panda up to some good music? Pleeease?

    1. Daniel


      Go to www.stereomood.com and click on a mood to enjoy

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Can some one hook panda up to some good music? Pleeease?

    1. Daniel


      Go to www.stereomood.com Click on a mood and enjoy

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Must donate today and become Lord! And 50x50 plot ftw!

    1. Daniel


      It would be hilarious if one person started a rebellion and it was just you and that person battling over Alras.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. I died. With a clock on me.

  18. Cleared out my inbox. 250 messages in 2 months.

  19. Is there a way to delete a topic you've created? I've somehow managed to post my app twice.

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