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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Juvens

  1. Hey All,

    just realised its been 12 years since i joined the server, 

    havent been on the server in like 4/5 years, mainly due to real life, i was just wondering how the server runs now adays, whats its player base like, if old players still play etc, 

    hope everyone is well! :) 

    Many thanks,


  2. Just wanted to check my baby of server, just to figure out I can't connect to TS nor server...dangit!

    1. Juvens


      Sadly it doesn't show me the server, and connection to ts still fails /:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Seen these around on facebook...comment on this status and I'll give you a rating out of 10, and something I like about you

  4. Went driving for a couple hours to think. I enjoy just aimlessly driving about. Ended up going to Chicago. ^^ Got some yummy foods! Back home now.

    1. Juvens


      Others sit in their seat,

      get something to drink

      and then think about anything.

      Danie takes her car,

      and just starts driving.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just ordered Medevil II total war gold editing, with one day shipping from amazon. =D

  6. It's friday, friday, gonna pwn noobs, it's friday

  7. Unbanned, but not? I was told i was unbanned yesterday by an admin named respiren, he told me "Unbanned" but when i try to login to the server i am still banned. Can i have some help?

    1. Juvens


      I'd say PM Respiren and ask him, or join the teamspeak and talk to an guy with Server Admin, which is mostly an GM.


  8. I want more stuff :/

    1. Juvens


      Wanted to give you stuff when we met at cramaroe, but you said I shall leave...so you missed free food, 10 iron and 500 minas which i wanted to give you ;)

      Best wishes from me.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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