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Status Updates posted by Nigthhealz

  1. ((thats not that good because when you are going online its more then midnight where i live ))

  2. ((want to meet in game plz))

  3. ((want to meet ingame so you can help me with the Black Axe base))

  4. ((where can we meet in-game ??))

  5. ((yeh and can i be a Warlord ill prove that i am good))

  6. (Bazian now that you own the Blackaxe can i be a Runevill and Blackaxe?))

  7. are you recruiting for the Black Axe?

  8. aye if you need to build your base again ((in 1.8)) ill help you build it

  9. Congratz On VAT already said that in a PM but wanted to say it agian Congratz

  10. Haven't been on here for a while ~~

  11. Runevill skin i am talking to TEEbrown about being in Runevill and the black axe and then i will have my mother a Runevill and Father a Black axe

  12. Well can i be a warlord and just when 1.8 comes out ill help you build and make your base again but i think he is going to make it save the map because or else the Cloud Temple and all the citys and evrything destroyd

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