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Everything posted by Blawharag

  1. Ths is a bit more than a summary of previous lore. There was never actually canon on where the magics started or where they draw power from, or where those fonts of power came from. Previous lore was: The first four taught us magic. That was it. As for the title, yes, there will be more releases about magic lore. We thought the player base would appreciate being kept up to date as we finish pieces of it rather than being kept in the dark and then having a sudden change where we release all the work we have done over a long period of time. Such a drastic sweeping change could have been bothersome and players have been waiting long enough to see progress on magic as it is. No need to make that worse on people. Elaborate on the Magic Canon idea... I'm afraid I am not exactly sure what you are asking here. If I already answered it, awesome. If not, please rephrase the question and I'll try to help how best I can.
  2. Index of Links to other Magic Cannon posts: Greetings Asulon! Today we are taking the first major step forward in paving a canon foundation for magic lore in Asulon. There has been some confusion as to where magic all started. Some people have written lore suggestions on the topic, who taught us magic ect. Well we now have story for all of you to wrap your heads around: In the beginning... The Creator created the world, life, and existence. He forged the physical realm in which we live, using the elemental spirits to make the building blocks of this realm, the aspects to oversee the natural working growth, souls to take physical form as inhabitants of the realm. He created the Void from which thoughts could exist for the physical realm, an Ancestral plane for souls to go when their physical forms were shattered. He created a spirits of emotion and culture, Wrath and Joy, War and Hunt, and a separate plane for these spirits to exist. These spirits gave life and reason to the beings of the physical realm. This is where the basis of magic exists. Anguel and Daemon taught Krug, Malin, Horen and Urguan the secrets for how to draw from these sources, and Anguel further taught Aeriel, one of Anguel's own brood, the secrets to her own magic. Daemon taught Iblees, one of Daemon's own brood, the secrets of his darker magics. Horen and Urguan were attracted most to the manipulation of the Void as a basic but powerful form of magic and passed his information to their learned sons, calling these first magic users Mages. Krug revered the power of the spirits, understanding the importance of the soul. He taught his brood this magic that they might share reverence and they became known as Shamans. Malin understood the importance of the aspects in maintaining the world, so he taught his brood how best to interact with these and promote their power, calling them Druids. The Daemon Iblees, created to be the evil balance to the Anguel, created the Nether. From this realm he empowered his unholy magic. He created the first Overlord and granted him the power, that he may spread corruption across the world. First, the four faught Iblees. When he was defeated, the Anguel Ariel created the Sages and taught them her own magic that they may ward against Iblees in the future. As time went and races grew, the races slowly had to abandon magic to seek simpler forms of sustaining their populations. Farmers were needed to plant a sow crops that the races might eat, and no time was left to study magics. Warriors were needed to fight wars and a blade was just as effective as a spell, but far faster to learn. Kings were needed to lead and politics left no time for study. In the end only a few retained the knowledge and passed it down. Those of you already excessively familiar with the origin lore of our planet, as well as the various magical archtypes, are probably completely unsurprised by anything I just said. For the rest of you, consider yourself 100% more informed! In addition, I will address some of the questions that have been popping up frequently. Free Q&A: How long until we see the magic plug-in/magic applications/ect.? The best answer I can give is soon. We have a game plan on how we will tackle situations and intend to release them as we overcome them. Currently we are working on bringing lore solid and up-to-date. With the Origin story out of the way, our next plan is to overview lore suggestions that have popped up. We are going through people's ideas for different magic types and deciding if they should be allowed or not. This may seem like an out of the way thing, but it will actually set the foundation for all our future projects (Plug-in magic, what magic applications look for, ect.) Essentially it's another stepping stone for laying down a solid lore so that we can build the more game-mechanic stuff for you. Plus I'm sure these people who have been waiting for decisions forever would appreciate finally being answered, even if it is a denial. Will we be allowed to submit new magic ideas? Yes, we are open to new ideas for magic, and now that we are starting to lay down lore it should be easier for you guys to write ideas that don't conflict with the reality of the situation. Unfortunately what we grounded today is going to automatically rule out some ideas/suggestions that were submitted prior to the M-Teams existence. Believe me we looked at these ideas, took them into consideration, and decided they wouldn't work for the overall lore of the server. However going forward hopefully people will make suggestions with solid information to build on and we won't have this issue. How will magic work via the Plug-in? My best answer: I don't know. None of us do. We have a few ideas floating in the air right now about what we might do, but as it stands we haven't really looked at this yet. Our plan is to lay down the lore first, then approach the magic plug-in in a way that fits this lore. This is also something we have to work with Vaq with before it can happen and sort out what is and isn't reasonable/possible. So unfortunately my answer to this question is temporarily incomplete, but there will be one of these threads to address that once we get to it. That's all for now folks! I would appreciate having more questions given as this Q&A is a tad bit short and may have missed some questions you all want answered. Ask them in your posts and I will start making a list as I see them pop up. I look forward to seeing them and answering them with our next thread! Remember: The above is OOC information, treat it as such. You may be subject to a metagaming report if you choose to bring this IC without Roleplaying and successfully discovering this. Do not wake up tomorrow and suddenly know the secret of the universe, that is not how this works :smile: ~~~ Requesting Sticky for all to see ~~~
  3. Actually, I was aware that it was a requote, however I chose to label Oppenheimer as the one I was quoting because I enjoyed the significance of what he had said. For he, truely, became death incarnate. Where I believe Shiva to be a fictional being (I am Atheist), Oppenheimer is a very real human who is credited for creating the most terrible and destructive weapon in human history by a long shot.

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