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Posts posted by DecoLamb

  1. *Writes a carefully written response.


    "I wish to purchase Muriel, She seems a fine fit for my travels. And her courage would be a fine companion for me through the dark forests and deserted ruins.


    However, I have neither a place for her to stay, nor bridling for her. If you could sell me these items as well I would be most appreciative.


    I shall seek out friends to keep the horse in the mean time for a more permanent solution.




    *The note is stamped with a seal, contained within is the phrase. "Oracles Library, Delvers Keep"

    Erin stares at the letter, glancing between it and the nearly two thousand pound mare before her. She stands in confusion a long moment before going up the stairs, writing up a reply;



    A trail saddle and bridle can be fitted for her easily, we carry everything here at Farraige Capall. I'm sure we can find a local stable with stalls or a paddock large enough to hold her. Muri's quite a big girl, with an even bigger heart. First, you should meet her, and see how well you two get along.



  2. *Upon seeing the parchment, he hastily scribbles up a few words on a piece of paper before sending it off to Erin*


    "I'll take the first one. But I must ask, does he include a saddle?"

    A carefully etched not returns;

    "Yes, Maximus has a saddle fitted just for him. Where would you like him taken to?"

  3. Spans of parchment are pinned up all through Anthos, thin, neat handwriting spread across the page along with careful sketchings;



    "Hello! It seems you're attention is caught. Wonderful. Hopefully I can keep it long enough for you to reach the end of this page, and actually comprehend its contents.


    Farraige Capall has come to possess too many horses than can fit comfortably within its walls; so we are selling a few of our horses, hoping they will find good homes.


    We are asking for 800 mina for each, and hope you will take very good care of them.


    If you wish to purchase, contact Erin [DecoLamb]"




    Maximus, prancing and spirited. He's a wonderfully proud throughbred, absolutely beautiful. Trust us, he knows. It will take lots of praise and admiration for him to tolerate you.




    Bubbles, our sweet little painted mare. She adores children, especially little girls who will braid her main and tail. She's a chubby girl, but she will love you endlessly.



    Cueball. A fat and stubborn shetland pony gelding. Grumpy and fincky, he's very hard to deal with. But.. after he warms up he's as loyal and loving as they come. [special hint, his weakness is sugarcubes]




    Muriel. She's an old girl, far past her prime, but she is still proud. A fine percheron bred for war, she has a lot of weight to it and knows how to through it around, but.. we highly advise you don't. She's ready to retire, and would be best suited for someone who wants a gentle, easy going horse that won't spook for anything in the world.

  4. ((There is some lore surround feral elves of sort already. They are the mindless "Soldiers" of the dwarven antagonist Ordanach. They live down in the deep roads and use weapons of hardened ice to my knowledge. Think of the Falmer from skyrim, but a bit changed, less bug related bits and more Ice and Snow related bits ^^))

    [[she's not that kinda girl :P]]

  5. A small bit of parchment is pinned up across various noticeboards, the paper scrawled across in loose, slightly messy writing.


    "I'm looking to find a donkey or two, maybe even more, to guard a small sheep herd against wolves and bandits. I'd like it if they did well around ponies too, and liked to wear flower crowns.


    If you hassa donkey that can be friends with my lambs, send a note to Erin Brae [DecoLamb]"

  6. Keep the OOC permissions. IRL, a well trained horse would make loads of noise and not let the thief ride him. Whether the OOC consent is given or not, a GM should watch and give Rp like "The horse bites at your hands" etc. The idea of a horse being stolen easily is pretty much impossible. The horse just wouldn't allow it, and in a real situation, people would be around all the time, and not 150 max exist in such a huge plot of land, much less several cities, so the thief owuld be caught stealing an entire horse much easier.

    Actually only a horse trained to deny other riders would do that. Most well trained horses kinda just accept a rider, because their trained to be ridden. It takes a lot more work to make them hate anyone other than the owner.


    EDIT: If your theory was true, it would be impossible to lease horses, run children's pony rides, or sell rides on the beach or rent horses out for trail rides and the like.

  7. I am just curious as I never encountered the LB problem when I was GM, what LB command is capable of crashing the server? You don't have to say the literal command, but what it is intended to do- Im curious.

    Pulling all the logs ever will cause a mass crash with LB, if it was LB that did it. If you pulled like.. 8 months of logs it would cause some lag even, for almost a minute or a little more, that's why you should only pull short term logs unless you REALLY need to.

  8. I'd change the thing with owner permission for theft. Why? Because it makes it pretty much impossible to steal a horse, and people will not bother to take care of horses since they cannot be stolen.


    I have seen several horses just left to wander anthos because they can be teleported away and cant be taken by other people. People pay so much money for an expensive animal, yet they let it wander around aimlessly in the middle of a major city unattended?


    Its not something that should be tolerated. You do not let a horse walk around by itself for days on end with tack still on. Let alone leave it in a major city either completely free roaming or just boxed up in a tiny fence box.


    And not very many people will even agree to horse theft, that is, if they are even online to disagree to it.


    EDIT: I agree with giving the owner some sort of notification however, especially if you are stealing from a stable. But if you leave your horse to wander with its tack still on, I'm going to walk up, grab his bridle, and walk off with him. Its your own fault for not taking care of him.


    EDIT 2: Also, I'm -okay- with two weeks between breedings. But I think it would be a bit more friendly and less time consuming to shorten a breeding season by a week. I was told that its supposed to reflect the once a year cycle, however I'm also told that a real life week isa year, meaning we're waiting two years between each breeding, when a mare is capable of dropping far more within that time period.

  9. Thanks MrGreene for the awesome idea, and thank you all you GM's for deciding upon this! +1 good plan

    I hope your joking.. Ever's kinda the one pushing hard for all the things we wanted.


    Ever is fighting for it, not Greene. No offense to him, but he had little to do with convincing Danny to accept this idea.


    -motions to 16+ page feedback thread-

  10. Hey we could always have a stock team that goes in and hand places them..QUICK! MINE REPLACEMENT TEAM APPS GO! (jk)


    But, multivariate does help with the problem. It will be a completely separated map this way and allow a bottle necking of any data corruption that may occur. Also world edit has improved and optimized itself in more recent versions, so the world corruption hat was so massively evident two years ago has steadily lowered in occurrence.


    Aegis is long since gone and past, the team then and the team now are drastically different. The community along with it, mostly for the worse (until now hopefully), but we know the mistakes and history fairly well at this point. All in all, we SHOULD be okay, especially because if the worse does happen and we MUST move once more. We have a larger team of experienced world painters, voxellers, and builders to slap it up there.


    I mean the Abresi castle was built by one person in the span of a single day, and it wasn't that bad. (loldickcastle)

  11. I only skimmed for the most part since I'm busy, but, I both want and don't want the new land.


    My brain working the way it is.. why not make old land into new land? We often see huge changes in environments due to natural disasters and the passing of time.


    Huge events could take place to literally shatter bits of the mainland into islands, and cause shifts in biomes and climates, get rid of ghost settlements, and let staff and event teams go berserk and have fun, while also giving us something new to smash our faces into.


    I'll expand upon this later if I must, but yeah. Deco jsut had a girly moment and painted her fingernails so typing is a female dog.

  12. [[i shelled out my money to buy it. Mine. Its spent my time to take care of this issue. Since it belongs to me, I reserve the right to do whatever I please with it. Minea didn't buy it. I did.


    RP wise, we came on there, it was creepy as all hell, and difficult to get to, so we GTFOd. If minea wants to pursue it again, he will warclaim Kraal.


    Kraal was originally supposed to fight peterquartz for it, but peter tossed it to jark, jark said they would give it to kraal, but then sold it to me without informing me that kraal was after it, or informing him that i bought it. So really, I think I have perfectly enough reason to give it to him when my money paid for it, and he's been doing so much work.


    So once again. My money, my time, my work, my product. I'll give it to whom I please.


    Lock requested. Conversation over.]]

  13. Caoimeh stands quietly in the cow barn, staring at the paper handed to her by the passing Konrad. Her eyes flick across it, scanning it once, twice, three times, each passing bringing a hushed murmur of confusion from her lips. Slowly her hand lowers, brows raising as her head shakes.


    "Vhat is vith zhese little men and zheir scrabblings? Bah.. I 'ave cheese to make und cows to milk."

  14. Tassel snickers as he leans to the side, rubbing at his head as he sits back in his chair, "There's no such thing as non-reliable friends, I'm afraid. Friends are family that has chosen each other, and family will fight for each other until their dying breath."


    The tattoed male glances up, hands moving to fold in front of him, "I think the word you're actually looking for here, is strangers, or rather mercenaries. Both will swear their sword to you, for a price.. and both will turn away from you when a bigger purse is offered. I've known the Horen line since before its rise, back when Godfrey was a scrawny youth that would sit in my tavern fussing over the dirt on his seat. Today I look to his spawn with the same light I saw him, another being. There is nothing to fear of Oren, as long as you are a true friend. And even a stranger really has no need to be afraid.."


    His expression hardens as his chin lowers, eying across the table coldly, voice gaining a darkened tone, "But those that would think to attack.. those that lust for something they did not earn, those that wish to tear apart the home that my family and friends have settled into.. Well, it will not be a very pleasant situation, of that I can safely say..."


    Quickly the foolish grin returns, Tassel reaching out for another apple, "But, that's just my opinion on the matter~! Really i'd much rather go home and read myself a good book while my children play in the den."

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