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Posts posted by DecoLamb

  1. I'm very tempted to hand out the idea I worked on with Sky to see how many people support it. Then again GMs want to lessen the so called workload.


    If GMs didn't have to oversee every time someone decided to rename an item or breed an animal, they could work on watching players and stomping out powergaming and foul play in RP. There would be less ban reports, less arguing, and therefore less turbulence on the server.


    What reports? I barely see any. I remember when there was always a page of them going, now there's rarely more than five, even after a war or other pvp event. I'm even looking at the ban report page in another tab. There's three. THREE. That's a lot less than there used to be, and the last one was only written over two weeks ago.


    I'm going to make one more quick reply before bed, then. Honestly, I see where you are coming from, and I am sorry your enjoyable enterprise was taken from you. Honestly, I am, because I work tirelessly do to the exact opposite from reducing server enjoyment.  But it does not change the fact that not every single dedicated craftsperson can be regulated manually.


    Furthermore, yes, automation is going to happen in more areas than one, and before long we will also see a system that automates the rewarding of active stable holders. Until then. you will have to roleplay for the sake of roleplay  Take a page out of Lark's book, who roleplays a dedicated blacksmith despite every tool with a workbench being able to make their own armor. Domainoft, playing a scribe, rewriting book after book manually and basically never making a good revenue. These people have been able to roleplay their craft, and enjoy it, without any preferential treatment and GM interference. I hope that you also will be able to adapt.


    I could continue to roleplay just to roleplay. I could go on for hours on my own, and basically just write up a story. I can just give up on trying to change something that the people who actually breed don't like. Or I can say no and fight for something I personally think should be changed. I don't want to take a page from Lark. I don't want to take a page from Domainoft. I want to write my own. And honestly? I think that not everyone should be able to do everything. I think Lark should have the skills program so that he gets more RP more often. I think there should be a library thread of sorts for Domainoft, and other extensive scribes, to post in. So that those who love to read but hate only getting two sentences per page out of his books.


    I could just give up, roll over, and attempt to adapt. Or I can keep fighting for something. I don't have to give up like others have. In fact, I absolutely refuse to.

  2. It's not actually a bug. The plugin gives you this message because 'love mode' in horses is now chance-based, with a vast chance of your treat being unsuccessful in inspiring procreation. Now that people can freely breed horses, alternative measures were taken to make sure they do not flood the environment.


    I'm not going into the ranting parts too thoroughly, except to say that the GMs have stated we want to get back to 'playing minecraft'. Fair enough, you dedicate your time to your character's stables and are ballsy enough to make modreqs. However, the GMs cannot oversee everything everyone's character dedicates time to. They would instead trust the players to use the Minecraft Mechanics they are used to, and use them fairly. While human assessment is great, GMs are busy enough that they can't assess everything everyone does.

    If I wanted to play minecraft, I'd load up singleplayer or go to a survivor server. I came here to ROLEPLAY using minecraft as a medium. I'm not here for blocks, I'm here for ROLEPLAY and a visual representation.

    The job of a GM is to provide customer care and basically be the Dungeon Master. There to implement structure and roll the story along. The GM is the one sitting behind the screen, looking over the map, picking and choosing what monsters to lay out, and helping to shape the adventure we are on.

    And we can get more gms, there are plenty of good apps out there, full of people who want nothing more than to help. There is a massive pool of people capable for the job, but the laziness is choking them out. Heck if you really wanna work on a plugin, a lockpick one would be a great thing to automate. Focusing on the shops and magic would be great. Things that add visual representation to it. Not flashy plugins like brewery, nexus, and now this. We don't need this. These are things we can do with words and a minute of a GMs time.

    The majority of modreqs anyway are for unlocking, renaming, and regions. Automate lockpicking and give us a way to rename, and you have pretty much just regioning left, except for the odd breeding or logblocking.

  3. I liked their system, and it was nice too... its not that hard to fly over and throw out a couple eggs against horses, or better yet, just give the stable owners the eggs, something. This system has already cost a LOT just to waste carrots on horses that dont want to breed or wont even give you the foal... T_T

    They want to give players control over everything. Its great on paper, terrible in actual functionality. We're coming closer and closer to just being tweaked vanilla server with an emote plugin. Majority of staff don't seem to realize that restrictions doesn't hinder RP, but enables it properly.


    The 'everyone is a winner' mentality is all to prevalent, completely butchering any chance of hard work being meaningful. Now, anyone and everyone can call themselves a breeder because they have some gold, a carrot farm, and a square of fences. The rp of it? Completely gone. Its no longer something special to be a breeder or even own a horse. Breeders are rendered almost completely invalid because of this, making stable and breeder rp almost nonexistent except for people who have no other character to play.


    Its basically like magic, the people that made the apps, put in the time, DESERVE the reward of getting magic. They did the work, they deserve the fruit of that labor.


    Now, I'm not saying put in an application jsut to make horses hump each other, but it actually takes some intelligence to breed and maintain horses, not everyone should do it, not everyone should have a horse. They aren't toys.


    'But deco! This is a game and I wanna have fun!'


    Guess what, so do I. I know, freaking mind blowing concept there, right? I want to interact with people and talk to them about their character, getting to know them to see if they really deserve one of my horses. If they can't afford it, I would hire them as temporary stable hands, getting me, and them, more rp. When the horse boom began to decline because everyone had a horse, guess what happened? My rp stopped. All I did was sit there with minecraft in windowed mode, and played pokemon waiting for someone to walk by.


    'But deco, you should just go out and rp with people!'


    Oh right! Fantastic idea! I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. But what am I going to interact with people about? Erin's interest is horses, and other horse-enthusiasts. She is literally, crazy for horses. But guess what, there's no point to that because horses are not interesting and special because they're as common as dirt. Do people want to talk about dirt? Not really. That's pretty much what she has devolved to. Dirt.


    'You should just make a new character/ make that one more interesting!'


    Really? Really? That's the solution? Make a new character or change the one I have? No. It's not. The 'everyone is special' mentality breaks that apart pretty easy too. Trust me, I've been here a long time, there's next to nothing that I haven't done on this server besides the 'new' magic, and that isn't appealing in any shape or form because the old style was way more interesting in my opinion. As to making Erin interesting? She is, or rather was. She has a lot behind her, despite the young age she's accomplished much and has a lot on her plate. However she can't share this with anyone because her opener is, was, and always will be, horses. They are the thing that brings her out of her shell of distrust and hate.


    'Its just a game, y u mad?'


    Because it -isn't- a game anymore. Games have goals, bosses, missions. They have rewards, and consequences. If you have to go against a difficult boss in a game, and die a bunch, its frustrating, right? I -hated- the last boss in Kingdom Hearts as a kid. I failed endlessly, dying over and over for hours on end because I couldn't figure it out. And then I actually beat him. I was so happy about I jumped out of my chair screaming "Yes! Yes **** you you ugly pink ****-face! Suck it!" I had been rewarded for my hard work and persistence, I felt victorious. I beat the game and I liked it. What LOTC is becoming at this point is feed the baby its bottle. No work, all reward. We have become Jack, and Jack is a dull boy.


    'But I just want stuff!'


    Go flippin play on creative then you whiney little dingleberry. Spawn everything in, have no challenge, no risk, no effort. Go find another game and spam all the cheat codes, beat the game in ten minutes. It won't feel as good as that final rush after spending an entire year going through the entire main quest line and seeing what all your hard work did. Little prats that want everything with no effort, that want their little bottle with milkies, are what's ruining pretty much everything.

  4. Just an FYI, you can still go to the wilds if you were wise enough to set your SS there......By the time this is fix'd I will tear down all the ***** walls.


    Darn you Mongolian Chat Filter.


    Wilds is only about 1k blocks from the docks of Oren, you can plop down a boat and be there in a minute or so. You can launch off from where the wilds docks is too, its a straight line pretty much.

  5. So, what about us whose horse was stolen while we were offline, by abusing the lack of OOC-permissions and timezones?


    Well, I surely am not the only one whose horse was pushed out of a stable and stolen while I wasn't online. In my opinion the OOC permission doesn't need to be there again then atleast, unless we get some kind of compensation or horses back, since we didn't even get to know who stole the horse. Can you imagine logging on and finding that the horse isn't where it was left overnight.

    People have simply started to somehow magically teleport their horses indoors IC, which is even more silly, it just does not make sense.. that is of course, to prevent stealing of the horses, which is almost abusing of MC-mechanics in my opinion. However, the problem that happened with the lack of OOC permissions, resulted in many horses getting pushed out, creating the 'bad circumstances' or whatever, and then modrequesting to steal it, and the owners of those horses do not even get a notification who owns the horse, nor anything else, it's simply put gone. So..

    Changes should be somewhat fair, not that 'those who abuse the quickest, profit the most' in my opinion.


    I had this problem for awhile. Then I started putting my horses in a paddock with a singular gate they can't be pushed out of, or in a stall. No horses stolen since. I let people store horses in my paddock if they stop by and ask as well. Horses can get into my place with or without a player, but they need to be ridden to get out. Pretty easy.


    Really, you kind of need to pay attention to where you leave them. Stuffing them in a hole or an unsafe 'barn' if you can even call half the stables around here that, isn't going to cut it. You know where my stable is Trip, just come drop it off >:T

  6. Crisp, cool winds swept across Anthos, a calm, peaceful morning. One few and far between in these days of chaos and violence. The first rays of sun spread across the land, slowly beginning to burn away the misty breath of night past. As many just begin their day, still drowsy and just leaving their homes, a somewhat odd sight would catch the morning rays.

    A horse.


    Really horses were not all too uncommon a sight. Usually in shades of shimmering white or inky black. But this one was a common chestnut. But something about the powerful beast drew eyes. Heavy hooves thumped on the ground, sending a ripple through the powerful muscles beneath the gleaming coat. A creature of raw, primal strength. One would barely notice the small girl marching along beside the finely bred steed as they passed, every inch of the pair moving in unison to the point they seemed a nearly single fluid entity.

    As they pass, you feel a brush of paper in your palm, barely catching the sight of a man or woman in uniform much like the spindly girl leading the caramel-coated stallion before you look to read;

    “Four Horses Stable Now Open for a Limited Time!!

    Magnificent Mares and Stunning Stallions, steeds unparalleled by any to ever set their hoof upon this land. Shetlands, Arabians, Mustangs, Thoroughbreds, the range of breeds here at our fine estate cannot be found anywhere else. Warhorses, cart ponies, jumpers, racers, hunting horses, just about any job you need an equine for, we will help you find the perfect horse for your line of work.

    We also offer medical and ferrier care for horses, as well as custom made saddlery. Don’t know how to ride? We can teach you, no problem! Just pay a friendly visit today at our mainland location, just south east of Gronkkston, on the path leading to the Wilds. For your convenience, we've marked it on our map;


    We welcome any who comes to our stable, but remember, we can and will refuse sale to those we think are unfit to adopt our horses. Only the best owners for the best steeds.”

  7. GM's recently put forth their suggestions to Urasept when he asked for them, now we just wait for him to pick I suppose.


    On another note, that idea is great, I'll do it once I finish the current modreqs.

    I kinda feel like this should have been asked earlier, but meh.


    Yellow brick road to Oren, anyone?

  8. We need more active American GM's - GMT is fine.

    There's tons of apps up hosting active people in various timezones, maybe its time to look at them.



    Also a thought. We have stained clay now.. why not do something with that to mark the roads to main cities for people? A few signs in spawn can tell what color goes where and lead them along.

  9. You're in pretty much the right place, don't worry about that.


    You -can- build your own home in unprotected areas (there are several), and easily start your own village. However, why don't you try getting in contact with the dwarven group already existing? There is a city that could really use some new life, and I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. Take a peek in the dwarven roleplay forum I'm sure you'll find something they have that you'll enjoy.


    There really isn't a way other than hiding them well, or donating to get LWC to lock things, if you're doing the locking yourself. But many people who have donated offer up their locking abilities to others. Just ask around and I'm sure you'll get someone to do it for you.

  10. "Sir Tarus,


    I have heard of your want for a steed. Here at my stable we have a large few, all well kept and healthy. However, I have a few things I must ask of you before I would consider introducing you to the herd. I'm curious as to what sort of temper you are looking for. The horses here are wide in their range of personalities, and some may not get along well with you. Also for what job to you wish for him or her? If it is a hunter you fancy, I have a wonderful young mare with the sweetest temper for her age. Black coated with cleanly lined stockings on all her legs, and a wonderful dished face with delicate curve to her neck. But if she does not fit your fancy, I am sure we can find one that does.


    -Erin B."

  11. The Kanakawa Horse

    Many groups of horse users often have specific breeds of horse they favor. Ranchers often prefer the quarter horse for its endurance and agility. Show jumpers favor Warmbloods. Dressage has much love for the Andalusian and Lippizaner, and the most iconic of draft horses, the Clydesdale. These horses were not always born the way they are, but selectively bred. Carefully paired to bring out certain tempers, colors, builds. Creating special breeds to perfectly suit the job its needed for.


    The Kanakawa Horse is a heavy horse, or draught, breed developed for the Ishikawa Clan’s purposes. Their outline is marked by a thick, heavily crested neck bearing a far arch, and short, stocky bodies. They should always stand square, their legs slender and uniform with lightly feathered feet. The breed features two very striking features; Their stiff, upright manes, and the oddly striped markings that appear across their coats. These stripes vary in placement and shape, but always stand out sharply. The prefered color is black stripes on white or bright chestnut coats.

    Bred for war, these animals are truely massive, standing at an impressive 17.5 hands on average (About five and a half feet at the shoulder). With a wide, deep chest and heavy head, they are wonderful chargers, however because of their immense girth, they take a bit of time to get up to speed. Their short, somewhat slip legs bring a look of elegance, but also a touch of risk. Because their legs are smaller than normal conformation would allow, they are prone to being born with defects. Many a yearling will snap their bones springing around in play, and all too often a careless rider will force one of these horses to run too quick over uneven ground, causing them to trip and break. Their hooves are prone to cracking, and need frequent farrier care and must be periodically oiled to keep them healthy.

    Only the most intelligent of these horses are allowed to breed, resulting in a very bright, but also incredibly stubborn animal. Because of how smart they are, whomever owns them must keep them constantly entertained, less bad habits form. A bored Kanakawa is a violent Kanakawa, prone to biting and kicking out at whomever draws near.

    A trait that has cropped up frequently in the breed, is a penchant for being possessive. These horses will often choose a ‘favorite’ among the people around them, jealously attacking those that draw near. Many war breeders capitalize upon this trait, and train them to reject all but a single few. However sometimes the horse will not chose a human, but another horse or animal, even an object. One case was that of a mare named Tochrais, who obsessed over her foal blanket to the point she would kick apart her stall should it fall outside her window.




    Large breed, well built for war or heavy pulling

    Intelligent and Curious

    Known to be very affectionate


    Thin legs prone to breaking

    Conformation problems in the legs

    Prone to hoof cracking and disease

    Intelligence often leads to bad habits

    Cannot survive in cold weather, unable to grow a winter coat

    Annoyingly vocal…

  12. [[hoooooooly s- i take a nap and dis happens. Okay lets do dis.]]

    *a bird is sent off to Erin*
    "I would like to take a look at Cueball later today if possible"

    "Since both you, and another show interest in Cueball, I'd love to meet you both. He like the rest are close to my heart and I want to assure he goes to a good home. Simply give me a place I can come to find you, and we'll come visit to see if you get along.




    *sends off a reply*


    Being a solid dwarf I wished to know if you had a pony or donkey suitable for my build. Perhaps Cueball would be suitable?

    You can contact me further by posting to District 2 Pikel's Books&Ale, opposite the Drake's Hearth Inn. 




    Pikel Boldshoulder



    "Since both you, and another show
    interest in Cueball, I'd love to meet you both. He like the rest are
    close to my heart and I want to assure he goes to a good home. Simply
    give me a place I can come to find you, and we'll come visit to see if
    you get along.

    Secondly, I do have a trio of donkies, if Cueball does not fit with you, I'm every sure Tucker will.




    Darius leaves a reply.
    "If the first horse, Maximus, is still for sale, I'd be happy to take him. -Darius."

    "The person who wished for Maximus has not called upon me once more.. So I could potentially sell him to you. I'd like for us to meet, so that we can see if you will get along. He's a very proud boy, and I want to assure he goes to someone who will love him as much as I do.




    A messanger hawk is send to Erin, the letter is neatly written with blue colored ink.

    "Karin'ayla or good day, wether you prefer. 
    I would prefer to buy the horse known as Muriel, as she seems rather fit for a horse I could teach my grand child to ride and use myself. I could ensure you of it would have a lovely home inside the secure walls of Lin'evaral, away of praying eyes of bandits, savages and the like. 
    If this horse is already sold before I can buy it (do mind I would go up to the price of 900 minas due to her being what I need), I could do with. 
    If there is any other question before we could meet one day, do send it. I would also like to see the horse before buying her (or he, in case you already sold Muriel.)

    From The Sanctuary, Lin'evaral.

    -Seth Calith."


    "There is a person interested in Muriel it seems, though I'm very happy you'd consider her for a child. Not many people would think such a large mare would do well with children. If I cannot meet with her today, or her home proves unsuitable.. I'd like her to meet you and your grandchild, I'm quite sure they will get along. And, if all else fails, I am sure I know of another plucky fellow would absolutely adore living in Lin'evaral.





    I did it!


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