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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Beneh

  1. I'm IN LOVE with this patch. It makes this server feel alot more realistic in my opinion and makes clear sense while forcing people to interact with others and RP.

    1. Lirinya


      You, just got a plus one cookie.

    2. Aislin


      You know what's up.

  2. Come on Italy ! Their the better team in this match , deserve to win !

    1. Schwaan


      I like Italy more, but they aren't the better team anymore. They are all washed up.

    2. Beneh


      How so ? I believe Italy has had 14 shots on target , England around 7. Italy has also had FAR more possesion for all of the second-half and I would judge it even by possession on the first half.

  3. What server 'yall on for Day-Z ?

    1. Miquill


      I don't play games that take up like 30 gigs of memory

    2. Rusty7x


      I always play on the server with the lowest ping.

  4. I wonder why.. Playing a wolf is so popular now.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It's better than cats...

    2. Jexdane


      ah, the curse of more player models

  5. You stay classy , San Diago.

    1. Secret Lizard President
    2. Beneh


      Bugger , it was a good-enough attempt

  6. And so... On the Night of Wednesday , in the fiery pits of Mount Doo- I mean , Hanseti. The One Ring To Rule The- I mean , the One Laser-Beam to Destroy them all was forged.

  7. Bad Boiz , Bad Boiz. What'cha gonna' do , what'cha gonna' do when they write lore 'gainst you ?

    1. yekim8


      Cry in my sad corner of sad

  8. Been playing Baystation 12 as the captain almost all day, I think I'm in love.

    1. Dargene


      I love being AI, people always loved me, Then the traitor tried to Kill me, And the captain Changed the traitor to NOT Human >:D

  9. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35425-janos-baelishs-gm-application/ - Leave a comment with your thoughts and if you think I could improve something
  10. Stay strong Ebo and Freya !

  11. I swear this illness will be the end of me.....

  12. Can I ask the same as Sala here , became Gold VIP Yesterday , Not too fussed about it , but it would be nice ^.^

  13. Just tasted Malteasers for the first time... Pure Bliss...

  14. I love Vanus.

  15. I love Vanus

  16. Branfest , is now ON. Come all , come all , for a chance to win prizes , like VIP !

  17. Branfest. Was pure brilliance :)

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