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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Urahra

  1. okay okay okay


    so we’re considering gun lore 


    stop me if y’all heard this one before


    gun magic

  2. in this entry elf grandma takes care of a drunk 13 year old and cleans the oven. definitely a thrill a minute in the life of tanith


  3. in this entry elf grandma takes care of a drunk 13 year old and cleans the oven. definitely a thrill a minute in the life of tanith


  4. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      man she ain’t been a toov for like




      *checks dates on wiki and forums*


      ...337 years


      in other words... single n ready to mingle ya know what Im sayin boyo ;3

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  5. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      man that’s awesome tho


      i commission a lot of character illustrations but dang i’d SUPER love to commission character music. 

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  6. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      HOL UP


      where you commissioning music son! 


      i need a three minute long song for my cotton candy elf princess STAT

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  7. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      Oh obvs I have nothing against renalia ooc! it was cool and fun 🙂 very interesting build and the chars were very cool, even mr. raw meat.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  8. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      i don’t know if that would improve tanith’s opinion or make it worse honestly.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  9. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      where’s the renalia tourism board


      i’m filing a complaint

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  10. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      i expect a formal written apology and compensation for my character’s mental trauma at the hands of one mr. ri’ahk 

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  11. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      i cannot tell if that’s a compliment but thank you kindly

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  12. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      *to the tune of mr. sandman*


      mr. mapman


      map me a map


      make it the best map that’s ever been mapped


      (why yes i did get a master’s degree in creative writing how did you know)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  13. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Urahra


      I love parking myself behind the bar and not moving!

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  14. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


  15. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  16. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  17. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  18. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  19. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  20. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  21. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  22. in today’s entry, tanith goes to the library and learns that books are for nerds.



  23. whoops we got the feels

    (warning for descriptions of miscarriage)



  24. whoops we got the feels

    (warning for descriptions of miscarriage)



  25. whoops we got the feels

    (warning for descriptions of miscarriage)



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