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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Urahra

  1. the king of elves needs a new skin. 

  2. i got some bad news for tanith..........

  3. Reminder that ghosts are now playable once again! Remember the check the lore and the guide for detailed information regarding changes in the lore before you start RPing if you had a former CA!

  4. in entry #2 theodora witnesses someones almost death AND talks about learning languages

  5. in entry 41, tanith kinkshames the emperor



  6. ive followed u for the longest time, and now when my mental health is at its peak, youre just recently existing?

  7. Woke up, and it donned on me that most cases of Admins stepping down, especially in recent times, have been a direct result of some scandal or integrity-destroying event that ultimately leads to their removal through Telanir and or an Admin-Vote. Now, I’m rather curious if there’s ever going to be a change on that, will the players ever have a say? Or will we just have to wait for another scandal or intervention for notably ineffective members of the Admin-Team to be removed? Is anyone interested in a community-vote on the matter, a democratic decision made not just by four – five individuals, but instead each member of the Admin’s respective staff team? Is there already such procedure in place? I feel like a topic on the forums may be just what we need.

  8. that’s a cute orc right there




  10. Looking for armor skinner, willing to embezzle state funds, hmu

  11. please write for my museum so i don’t have to spend 18 hours researching on the wiki



  12. Anything going on in LOTC lately?

  13. entry 35 – tfw your romance rp is basically summarized as “well, guess you’ll do.”




  14. in today’s entry, @Gusano at long last gets a name drop in the pink journal



  15. hey, you know what this server needs


    more plays about sad girls



  16. in today’s entry, @Gusano at long last gets a name drop in the pink journal



  17. in entry 32, tanith get C U C K E D



  18. in entry 31, tan loses her job and has to go on fantasy enlightenment minecraft welfare



  19. in entry 30, tanith continues to be a huge simp for the hot cartographer



  20. now taking suggestions for what to do on tanith’s 500th birthday 

  21. Explore Arcas, get paid!


  22. in entry 27, tanith and juan do some sloppy makeouts



  23. you ever just feel like lying on the beach in the sand and not moving for 7 days

  24. in entry 27, tanith and juan do some sloppy makeouts



  25. My city is under curfew, feel free to hit me up for help with lore!

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