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Everything posted by Desires

  1. You left? What a jerk (lol)

  2. Hello old friend. ♥

  3. I would actually love that, please and thank you.

  4. So what are you going to do then? That's pretty much the reason I left for the first time.. Someone who got away with a slap on the hand for no-rp killing because of their GM friend making excuses with them, only to create an uproar. I didn't get my items back, and no apology.

  5. Eh? Why is that? Referring to the new start as well as you.

  6. Those were the good days :> Things seem so odd in the new world now.

  7. Looking to get back into LOTC, Anyone mind helping?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. everblue2er101


      Any lore questions, hit me up with a PM.

    3. Gunner


      Human. Become a human. Salvanian Human. -Recruiting-

    4. Beneh


      If your looking for a laid back and humorous experience from a different ( smaller ) perspective , join the halflings :]

  8. Where is void \o\ ?

  9. Meh. I only play that with my husband, Dota that is. That's good that you're getting things accomplished though :> I'm getting back into RP.

  10. I think I'll come on to Roleplay today...Though with a different character

  11. I think I'll come on to Roleplay today...Though with a different character

  12. I wonder how they are going to fix the draught of players.

  13. I never had mine taken away.. They just said I didn't have it, but it was approved originally.

  14. Was a psychopath, but it was declined after 5 months, two months after I quit.. Which it was approved of before. -Sighs.- The staff.. Anyway, I logged on for a moment and it was immediately a turn off, the immaturity it mind numbing.

  15. That's the best sorts of evil.

  16. Oh? And what is that?

  17. You were always the evil one to me.

  18. Most definitely, it's just not something I am used to. Especially from you. Haha.

  19. Likewise, but your happiness overflowing is erking me.

  20. Like I said, come back part time.. Since all the people I've been trying to get banned, finally got banned. As I would say, " I told you so."

  21. A different one. The one that Timayame's on ignored my application, so I presumed they didn't want me around.

  22. Doesn't help that the server is being wtf owned right now.. But currently I'm on another roleplay server. It's doing okay.

  23. Not really. It's not a job hunt. I'm actually at my job, behind my desk.. Not doing work. I'm thinking about joining in the server as a part time again, how everyone is speaking of 3.0, it sounds like..perhaps it will get better. Maybe take over the "bakery".

    Why were you banned?

  24. Nothing much,. Actually at work right now, going home in about two hours.. Yourself?

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