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Status Updates posted by Desires

  1. I don't think I want to come back to that boiling puss bubble called Lord Of The Craft. Especially the drama attached.

  2. How you be Oo?!

  3. I actually did leave from the lack of roleplay oriented..blah blah blah, and work!

  4. They do somewhat.. And I try to not go to the Elven area just because it's a long ass walk back.

  5. Claire is laying low for awhile.. But I'm living in Salivus...or whatever.

  6. I am still Claire. I don't have the imagination to conjure another character.

  7. Shame we don't run into eachother :U

  8. FNnnnnghh... Oh god I love you Ninja XD


  10. Zzzz....work...

  11. Thank you. :)

  12. When is Timayame coming back?

  13. Like a big shout-out for Boggy~~

    1. Desires


      Oh right! And the darling Tmimayame!

    2. V0idsoldier


      I saw you in game <3, but I could hardly rp cuz I was busy =(

    3. Desires
  14. I'm soo sowwee :

  15. Too busy my love kitten.

  16. Hey Jago, I came to stop in to say hello. I see you're busy as well. I hope you're having a good life and keep up the good work on your projeeect!

  17. Lol.. Wow, you're a female. YOU'RE FREAKING ME OUT MAAAN!

  18. Lol. I suppose I do.. I really need it, to relax.. If anything. That Turkaduck or whatever sounds .. amazing. XU

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