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Everything posted by Enthreri

  1. Mad about all the people complaining about how armor slows you down. I mean, come on, just suck it up. You can't boss people around in diamond armor anymore.

    1. legoman144
    2. Dyn
    3. Tee-Tree


      I know on the first day I played I was RP killed by a guy in diamod armor while I was trying to run away

  2. P-Town? What part? I'm a native Oregonian myself. (Don't worry, I don't stalk people :P)

  3. 8/10 I have seen you on the forums, and you chopped my head off, on top of that you rule a race, so pretty famous.
  4. I love the book that you got your namesake from. Go RA!

  5. Ignore all that, sent it to the wrong person, sorry.

  6. Ha ha, playing Starcraft II and watching Battlestar Galactica while I wait

  7. Hello, I'm not completely sure if I should be asking you this, but seeing as your a GM, I think this is my best bet. I don't want to bug availer, 'cause I hear he just got back from Libya. I'll make this short and sweet. About 5 weeks ago, I made an app for the server, 1 week later, Availer accepted me. However, when I go onto the server, I am still a WS. Thanks for your time.

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