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Status Updates posted by Yuln

  1. Im awsome (a friend wanted me to say that) :P

  2. Im awsome (a friend wanted me to say that) :P

  3. Almost finished my family lore :D

  4. Almost finished my family lore :D

  5. Finally, my family history is finished!

  6. Im going to pre-order Guild wars 2 when I get home

  7. Guild wars 2 Beta!

  8. My internet is F**ed up! :(

  9. Did Minecraft.net just crash?!

  10. Appearantly Im member of the HCLC

  11. Freaking R:TW online

  12. Yuln

    Congratulations on your achievement, sir Roman.

  13. Hail, high prince native!

    You said You fixed the thing that I was a wandering soul.

    But I still am a wandering soul.


  14. My minecraft name is Gosness_Aurea

  15. I made a mistake typing my name, sorry

    it should be Godness_Aurea

  16. Guild wars 2 Picture! :D

  17. ok, stuk koek :P

  18. I would love to see some videos again!

  19. Yuln

    Are you an ascended or an Follower of Aeriel?

  20. if we have a conversation, and there have been 3 messages, you never send a 4th message. Why not?

  21. OK I understand that.

    PS: at the moment I am working on prototypes for tree-houses for elves, when I'm finished with my first one I'll send you pictures

  22. ben je echt nederlands? Or are you just an Idiot?

  23. why are you looking soo long to one topic?!

  24. Hi to self :D

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