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Posts posted by Yuln

  1. I think you did well. The LotC community tends to be a pretty loose cannon. This isn't your fault, there was some miscommunication between the staff and the players and it blew up. People don't seem to understand or don't want to understand what actually happened. I feel you don't need to apologise.

  2. 5 hours ago, whiteoak123 said:

    Epic, but can you explain how it would work with Conjuration?


    The device basically concentrates the mana of the spell into a powerful beam, so in theory you could conjure a vine from the machine to the thing aimed at, however this would most likely break the machine. Conjuration with this device is not advised.

    Anyways! Looking forward to running the test runs with this in RP. Even if the experiment is a huge failure and we blow up half the workshop. ;)

  3. Name: Vallel'Yuln Aeléyèlsa
    [Mc Name]: Godness_Aurea
    Race: High Elf
    Magics known: Transfiguration and Telekinesis
    Magics you can teach: Transfiguration
    Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?

    Ambros gave me a basic overview of Transfiguration before disappearing, Silvos Sythearin was my telekinesis teacher.
    Which position do you feel most suited for?

    Adeptus major

  4. Yuln frowns deeply when she is involved in the discussion, she raises her chin and speaks up.


    It seems the time has come for my resignation, for I am no longer desired. The spiteful fight of two men who both seem to be blinded by their own ideals and power has driven me out. Maruthir, the two of you and the rest of the populus may decide who that is aimed against. However it becomes apparent that the Maheral is unsuitable when he has to force others to obey him. A true Maheral is respected, like our beloved Dio Astore was. A true Maheral can advise and steer the council that way. A true Maheral does not need to reign like a king, like a tyrant, even if it is for good. But enough of that.

    I resign, not only from Tilruir’Leyun, but also from the position of Illerir, for that is a position I have held for nigh my entire life. I started my journey as city builder before any of the involved Mali had even set their sights upon the silver city. I constructed the walls and built the docks. That was my first gift to the city. My second gift to the city was a Lelien, my daugher. She can be counted among one of the greatest contributors to our city and tended to our library for years. My third gift to the city was, well, the city. Lin’Evaral, which would shape our architecture for years, even when I was not around. It was after this that I was stripped of my purity and cursed to be a creature of ice, which I never desired to be. I worked long and hard to be accepted again among the Mali’Aheral and never fully was. Though I was still Illerir’leyun and my next gift to the city was another city, which Kalenz’ overzealous followers lost us by riling up the Mali’Ame. My fifth gift to the city was the Citadel. My sixth gift to the city was Fi’Ceru which I regret creating. And now, in the process of making my seventh gift I resign and it lays unfinished.

    Van’ayla lliran kathiranehya


    She turns around, taking her leave from the assembled crowd.

  5. Yuln walks forth through the crowd, carrying a small scroll. She greets those assembled with a bow of her head. "Karin'ayla, lliran. I bring my husband's reply to this challenge, for he is unable to do so himself, the reason for which shall follow shortly. Hear his reply." She clears her throat and begins speaking, reading out from the scroll.


    As some of you are already aware, I have recently fallen quite ill and ceased making public appearances. It was whilst on a diplomatic journey in Oren that I came into contact with one of their diseases, and have been stricken by it. I have refrained from direct contact with anyone but the Tilruir'Leyun, in hopes my condition will not spread. Therefore my challenger is correct in stating that I am not capable of doing my job, and in light of his challenge, I respectfully resign. 

    I thank Taeleh for recognising my current state and not simply pretending I have ignored my duties which would, after falling ill while carrying out those duties, be nothing short of slander.
    - Delonna Aeléyèlsa."


    She rolls up the scroll again, bowing her head to those assembled, before turning to take her leave once more.

  6. "It seems the time has come to remove that accursed swamp settlement. They seem to be afraid of frost? So why not help them against that frost? I think fire is an appropriate solution, or maybe Silvos could prepare a more fitting solution." Yuln gazes at the small town on the horizon from one of the towers of Haelun'or.

  7. tumblr_m0an31XPpF1qbhp9xo1_1280.jpg

    On the top floor of the city sits an art gallery, which is empty but for a few paintings. Little art graces the blessed halls of the citadel, apart from a few paintings of previous Sohaeran. Who made these paintings, and where did they do it? There is no guidance for the art within the city. Paintings, statues and tapestries seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear into nothingness. It is time to change that.

    Ellin’leyun is opening its doors as an institute for the fine arts within the city. It is meant to centralize and stimulate the creation of art and will provide art studios to those who desire to add to the cultural heritage of our blessed nation. These art studios are available to practitioners of any visual arts. Painters, potters, sculptors are all invited to make use of the facility. Furthermore, art exhibitions will be hosted where the various works of art will be put on display.

    Contact Eltilruir’leyun about available studio space.


    Vallel’Yuln Aeléyèlsa, Eltilruir’leyun


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


    Art Studio Space Application:

    ((MC name: ))
    Art discipline:
    Sample piece (if you have any):

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