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Posts posted by Yuln

  1. Dohvi has come a long way since we first started building together. He was a great help in a lot of my projects and I thoroughly enjoyed working with him on both those high elven cities. While I have had a long pauze from building and minecraft in general, he has continued developing himself and I can definately vouch for him that he will be a great addition to the team.

  2. The Holy Kingdom of Myanmar

    A national day of celebration has been declared in the Kingdom of Myanmar. For Queen Thirisanda has taken King Hiroshashi for her husband, bringing their two kingdoms together. Bonfires have been lit in villages all over the two kingdoms, and all were merry.
    Upon the Union of the two Royal families, the newly wed couple declared several projects to be started. These would be for the betterment of both nations and would greatly improve the unity of the two peoples.
    The first on the scedule was the construction of a railroad between the capitals of the two kingdoms. It would offer a great many jobs to those of the Burmese population who lost their job, due to the improvement in their agriculture. Even the expansion of the farms couldn't deliver enough jobs. This was the perfect opportunity. (3 pages)
    Other jobs to find for those without one was becoming a soldier. The Burmese had realised that their army would be too small to hold out against the military of any of the other nations. Therefore they would recruit another 10 000 soldiers.
    These new recruits were trained in traditional Burmese style with high discipline and cooperation. However they would also be trained in the Thais style so the armies of the two nations could work together more efficiently. (4 pages)
    The last thing would be that one of the tank-turrets, situated on the towers of the Burmese royal palace would be taken and transported to Thailand, where men with more knowledge of guns could reverse-engeneer the monstrosity. This would be a benefit to both kingdoms and improve their defensibility. (10 pages)
    During this time, the two nations would bring eachother up to the same technology as well as start to trade their goods.

  3. tSvyUMI.png


    The Holy Kingdom of Myanmar




    The emissaries from Ayutthyaya continue to travel with the men from Myanmar as the group leads them to their nation's capital.



    After several days, the land the group is traversing through changes from from forests to farmland. Many farmers are working the fields in the burning sun, however they pause from their occupation to eye the foreigners suspiciously. After passing through another two valleys, they come across a white plastered wall that spans straight across the farmland, the top of the wall shimmers with the light of the sun reflecting on pieces of shattered glass.
    They pass through a gate of iron after the guards and the men conversed in their own language. The discussion lasted a little while before the emissaries were reluctantly let through. However they were checked and any weaponry in their possesion were taken. This delivered several small firearms and cartriges of bullet casings.


    Once that was handled, the group continued their way. It appeared that behind the wall was another few miles of farmland before a great river forced the paved road to go over into a bridge.
    The bridge met the other side of the water at another great, white plastered wall. Several towers were positioned left and right of the reinforced steel gates. Above the walls, the emisaries would spot a few soldiers walking their rounds.
    Onces having passed the gates, they would be checked on weapons again and guided by soldiers armed with polearms and guns they were led through a city of carefully crafted wooden houses and white walls. They were led before the queen in her fortress-palace and she asked for their purpose there.

    The emissary diplomat greeted the queen in Thai fashion, he explained where he was from and presented his gifts, which the queen graciously accepted. He went on to explain that the King had dispatched him to investigate the lands of Burma, and if that if a civilisation is met, it would be offered help. Then he glanced up at the queen to get an impression of her apprearance.

    The young queen seemed surprised by this and graciously accepted the gifts. However she would ask what kind of help there was to be offered since they had always sustained themselves. With this she raised her arms, which had the effect of lifting her long sleeves from the floor as she stood in front of her throne. She looked almost etheral in her dress of white silk that pooled freely on the floor. A crown of peacock feathers kept her night-black hair out of her face as it hung to her waist, where it was cut in a straight line. Her skin was pale, almost white, asif she never went outside. She seemed to glow in beauty, but that may have been the effect of the glass that was cleverly placed around the room to reflect light onto her form.
    The Diplomat was dazzled in awe, standing utterly rooted to the ground for several moments before he excused himself to clear his throat and recompose himself. He informed her that Ayutthya too, used to be isolationist until recently, when the newly appointed king decided to sent emissaries out shortly after he received the throne. He pauses for a moment, thinking, before he glance dback at her.
    " Your highness, Why dont you come for a visit to the Capital of Ayutthyaya, to meet with His Highness, King Hiroshashi. I am sure he would love to speak with you, and would discuss the future and suituation much better than I could ever do. We are a friendly and hospitable people, Your Highness, in the world that came before, we were known as the land of smiles."
    The young queen looked doubtful and answered. "I will take your proposal into consideration. For now, you will stay here at least a week so I can have council and so I can pray. Bless you." She inclined her head slightly to show that they were dismissed.
    The Diplomat nods, " I shall, your Highness, thank you for your hospitality" The Diplomat bowed in a traditional Thai manner, hands clasped together before taking his leave.


    At the end of their stay, Miyuin Thirisanda reappeared, announcing that she would travel back with them to meet their king. A great company was ensambled, existing of 200 of the queen's personal guard as well as courtiers, priests, cooks and others. In total this made a company of around 1000 men and women. The size of the company would slow them down significantly and it would take several weeks to maybe 2 months for them to reach the Ayutthyaya Kingdom.

  4. tSvyUMI.png

    The Holy Kingdom of Myanmar

    After the terrible distasters World War III brought over the world, a big part of Myanmar was layed to waste by the flood that came from the south, and ultimately the east. The Capital of Yangon was completely whiped out, carrying millions of people to their deaths. The people where scattered, many died of hunger in the aftermath of the events. Most lived in fear of what might happen next. Those who had once been rebels were in the end the ones to reunite the then scattered tribes of the birmese peoples. Their leader brought safety and order to the society. Things they hadn't had before. People started to talk about him as one who was blessed by the heavens and he started to behave more and more like a priest and a king.
    This way he became the first Priest-King of the new Kingdom of Myanmar. His capital was built on the ruins of the old city of Mandalay. It grew out to be a walled city surrounded by farms. In the centre was a palace with high walls, nine turrets were situated on equal distance around the walls and on each a duo of artillery pieces, salvaged from tanks, was positioned. However warlike the state may seem, with a constant millitary of 10.000 heavily trained men, they had Always been isolationists, not wanting to communicate with the outside world, who they blamed for the destruction of everything and thus a threat to their safety.

    Nowadays, Miyuin Thirisanda is queen of the Holy Kindom of Myanmar. She inherited a healthy state with a self-sustaining economy. Her people were highly ordered and were spread over several provinces, each centered around a walled city built on the ruins of an old one. They might have been fairly sizable, Mandalay was certainly the biggest.



    Total populus: ~350.000

    - of which lower class (farmers and the like): ~240.000

    - of which middle class (traders and the like): ~100.000

    - of which upper class (government workers mostly): ~10.000


  5. *Posters are spread throughout Malinor. They read the following:*

    Looking for a high elf that goes under the name Vallel Lyun.

    She has silver hair and dark blue eyes, and looks like this:

    *A drawing of the girl's face is added here.* ((The MC account name is firestar344 be sure to have the right character, she has multiple.))


    The person who is able to tell me what happened to her will recieve 500 minas for the imformation, as long as it proves truth.

    Send me a letter if you have information. ((Forum PM))

    -Vallel'Yuln Aeléyèlsa


    *Under the poster an adress is written.*

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