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Posts posted by Yuln

  1. NOTE: These maps are RP, but not everyone can look at them and use the info IC, so do keep that in mind. There are also areas still unknown in RP. In the future I will be adding actual RP maps.




    Im working to make maps of anthos, this is the first one that is finished, the one of the nations:





    I am working on a map of the mountains, rivers, cities and roads, but that takes more effort, so bare with me and be patient for I will provide you all with that map as well.

  2. *Selena Hyacinth stands at the side of the square, she frowns deeply at the peasant. Her hands go to her currently rounded ears for a moment. She turns around with a rustle of her green dress, heading off to her family in Lin'Evaral.*

  3. *Yuln stands to the side, the hood of her robes pulled back. Her orange hair plays over her shoulders as she watches the "shameful politics". She gives Lucion a respectful nod as he finishes speaking. Her reaction to Amras is fairly similary, however her face shows less respect. As Kalenz speaks, her only reaction is her jaw tightening for a moment. When Delonna speaks she gives him a smile and a nod.*

  4. Yuln climbed up the stairs to the Mages guild. Finally, she could return to the place again. Her... personal matters had been handled with.
    As she reaches the top of the stairs, she finds the gate open. A frown appears on her face as she enters. Looking arounds the place, she finds that it is completely void of people. A deep sigh escapes her mouth.

    She leaves a small note, reading:
    "Personal matters have been handeled, send me a letter when someone reads this.


    She lays the note on the rim of the ice fountain in the main hall and starts to descend the ruined stairs again, enjoying the ice cold wind on her skin.

  5. Minecraft name: Godness_Aurea


    Skype ID: Teun.Theijse


    Timezone: +1 GTM


    What is your favorite building style?: Changes from time to time, my current project is something human, however Im also the one who desined the high elven city. I'll be able to change styles when necessary.


    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible): Ehm.... I really like how my current project is turning out: http://imgur.com/a/97WHN And of course Im proud of my designs for the high elven city.


    Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each: http://imgur.com/a/97WHN I guess this is the rich section of a human city. Im still working on it so I'll be adding the pour houses and some farms, for as far as that would be possible on the island.


    As a builder, what makes you unique and stand out from the crowd?: I think that I'm able to bring in a lot of detail in my builds, plus that I can easily build something without preperations beforehand: I don't need to make a lot of designs first to make something look good.


    How capable are you of building with the least amount of preparation as possible? If I were to ask you to construct the remains of an ancient settlement, would you be able to handle it on the spot without being babysat? (there is no right or wrong answer): I think I would be perfectly able to manage that. I would of course follow my own impressions of the city. However if it is a new city that is built over the old ones, I would try to make a style that is more modern than what I can see in the ruins, this means that it most likely is more like the other styles in Anthos.


    Additional details: N/A


    (Actually it was Benboboy who asked me to make this app...)

  6. Character Name: Vallel'Yuln Aeléyèlsa
    Nicknames: None at the moment
    Age: Looks 19, but is in reality 86 years old. However that is an illusion as well, since she became a Fjarriauga around the age of 75 and her body hasn't aged ever since.
    Gender: Female
    Race: Fjarriauga (formerly Mali'Aheral)
    Status: Very much alive.

    Height: 6"1
    Weight: 143 lbs
    Body Type: Slim yet strong, she looks lovely. (Hourglass figure)
    Eyes: Her eyes are a light blue and emit a cold glow (Formerly: A deep dark shade of blue.)
    Hair: Yuln's hair is snow white, with some icy pale blue strands here and there. (Formerly: red golden or orange), it flows down her back in slow curves and reaches to her middle.
    Skin: Pale grey, cold as ice (Formerly: Almost white, you'll only be able to see the difference in the snow.)
    Markings/Tattoos: None.
    Health: Exeptional.
    Personality: Yuln is tolerant and thinking, however she can bring high elven logic down on anyone who annoys her.
    Inventory: A curved whitesteel dagger and a flask of blood.
    Further Details: Yuln is beautiful and married, she always wears two rings on her fingers: One white gold with a green and blue heart for her engagement and one simple white golden band for her wedding.
    Also, her teeth are sharp and pointed, made to tear through skin and flesh.

    Life Style
    Alignment: Neutral good
    Deity: None
    Religion: None
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Her friends and family.
    Job/Class: Huntress and Witch
    Title(s): Apprentice
    Profession(s): Tailor, Architect
    Special Skill(s): Architecture.
    Flaw(s): Blind trust in her friends.

    Current Status: Studying
    Arch-type: Arcane
    Sub-Type: Enchanting
    Rank: Apprentice

    Arch-type: Dark Magic
    Sub-Type: Frost Witch Magic
    Rank: Witch
    Weakness(es): Heat, especially fire.
    Strength(s): None magical
    Current Spell(s):

    -Making things glow

    -Heating things up

    -Cooling things down

    -Controll over snow

    Fighting Style: Slashing and cutting without pattern. Preferribly stabbing someone in the back when they aren't looking.

    Trained Weapon: Curved dagger and bladed bow.
    Favored Weapon: Bladed bow.
    Archery: Sniping, incredibly skilled,

    Parents: Aurea Aeléyèlsa & Seraph
    Siblings: None of blood, however you could say that the other Fjarriauga are her sisters.
    Children: Lelien Aeléyèlsa and an adopted daughter, Reika.
    Extended Family: She is married to Delonna.
    Pet(s): None but a nameless hawk.

    -To be added-


    -To be added-

  7. "I come from Malinor." *She says the name asif it's something dirty.* "And from the former city-state of Haelun'or." *She closes her sketchbook and puts it away, along with her pencil.* "I find this place inspiring for it architecture, it reminds me of the old city a bit."

  8. *Yuln smiles amusedly and raises an eyebrow.* "I don't think the wizard is that foolish to let himself get eaten by a Kraken..." *She giggles softly at the thought.* "I expect him to return once he thinks it is the time."

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