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Status Replies posted by Dante

  1. * wonders what his character looks like in a beard *

  2. Eventually, Lucas shall awaken once more, he has almost repaired half of his soul, although he will, even when his soul is completely repaired, fully recover his power for a while.

  3. GM's and others, please stop swearing >_> I know you're unhappy with each other, but still

  4. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

  5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

  6. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

  7. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

  8. My face as I have an intense staring contest with Daedr = o,..,o

  9. ლ(ʘωʘლ)

  10. Vampires?!? Seriously?!? Dante, I am dissapoint.

  11. Filming some vidoe for a trailer!

  12. Is wondering why forums avatars aren't the same as profile avatars....

  13. My little thing that's next to my 486...posts says I have 502 but my profile says I have

  14. How are you all tired?

  15. How are you all tired?

  16. One more post... One more post... One more post...

  17. Following foxes in Skyrim... too much Jesse Cox

  18. I haz 1k profile views. IN YOUR FACE SPAMSHOK

  19. How do you create a page on the wiki!? Ugh!

  20. I haz 1k profile views. IN YOUR FACE SPAMSHOK

  21. Following foxes in Skyrim... too much Jesse Cox

  22. Why has the server been so derpy as of late?

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