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Status Replies posted by Dante

  1. Why has the server been so derpy as of late?

  2. i need some extra things to do on the server with my spare time. any ideas?

  3. You guys/girls should go support the vampire lore, just saying :P

  4. I haz 1k profile views. IN YOUR FACE SPAMSHOK

  5. I haz 1k profile views. IN YOUR FACE SPAMSHOK

  6. Damn I wish I wasn't so impatient..if any skin makers are online could you at least attempt my skin request? At the very least you receive 500 minas.

  7. Damn I wish I wasn't so impatient..if any skin makers are online could you at least attempt my skin request? At the very least you receive 500 minas.

  8. I need to learn how to make friends in this game?!?!?!?!?! Without being creepy?

  9. Just for Future People who want to complain about my Signature, grow up. even if we have kids playing on the sever and on the forums, they see it in school so whats the point of complaining on here? its not like it shows anything bad.

  10. I haz 1k profile views. IN YOUR FACE SPAMSHOK

  11. Think I might be in trouble. Uh oh... >_>

  12. Hello! Do you like vampires?

  13. Hello! Do you like vampires?

  14. im probly the only elven lesbian xD

  15. I sent in a villain application. I know some of you have RP'd with me so... SUPPORT!

  16. I am now the Head Teacher of the Druids ;P

  17. Minestatus reset... And our rank right now is 32... THRITY. TWO. That needs to be amended as soon as possible.

  18. Turned out exactly as I expected. Going to have a cup of tea now.

  19. Turned out exactly as I expected. Going to have a cup of tea now.

  20. Seems I'm the only one who prefers a quiet and quaint new years to a bombastic party... Ah well... *cuddles by the fireplace in a fuzzy blanket, awaiting the ball drop*

  21. Never liked the Mages guild myself. Probably because all of their members become evil. Now the DRUIDS, on the other hand, come from all walks of life and operate a little bit more subtly. I like how they get the job done.

  22. Never liked the Mages guild myself. Probably because all of their members become evil. Now the DRUIDS, on the other hand, come from all walks of life and operate a little bit more subtly. I like how they get the job done.

  23. New years eve…. everyone is out partying, with friends and having a good time… Me, Im sitting here bored shitless, watching crappy tv shows and praying my VA gets accepted...

  24. New years eve…. everyone is out partying, with friends and having a good time… Me, Im sitting here bored shitless, watching crappy tv shows and praying my VA gets accepted...

  25. Druids are getting a little hectic lately. We started an RP tension between us and the mages... some sweet RP will be just around the corner ;)

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