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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. *is completely fine with appearing out of nowhere*

    "I know of your woes in terms of arms and armor, da quality of da Seventis army attests te dat. I would gladly send the men o' House Flay in return fer mina and rations fer when dey are dere."

  2. *seemingly appears out of nowhere as Renati talks to himself* (; D)

    King Godfrey did not send us, King Renati, it is my personal grievance for dis potentially great nation and da troubles it is facing dat brought me here. But as da letter states, only as long as I am supplied can I help ye...I am being sent te da front against Hanseti soon as well as other places. As much as I wish te help, I cannot divert too maneh resources...

  3. *You see many notices, spread all throughout the prospering tent city and capital of Seventis, all of them have the seal of House Flay of Renatus*

    Greeting and Good Tidings, People of Seventis!

    We have seen your growing city, and are impressed with the progress of its growth. Despite my previous aggression on the people of Seventis, I, August Flay, formerly known as Prince, have grown a love for your city and nation. I felt great sadness when King Godfrey, first of his name and rightful ruler of true Oren, told me of the horrific raid on Seventis as of recent by heavily armed vagabonds which resulted in the deaths of many innocents.

    Driven by a sense of duty to those I once wronged, I investigated further, and have found the identity of these men, who call themselves 'The Circle'. They intend to continue killing and harassing this nations and its people which has not yet blossomed, set upon its ruin. But worry not good people! I, as Count and head of House Flay, pledge to support King Renati and his people, and see to it that no bandits ever attack Seventis again!

    However, this comes at a price, as House Flay is engaged in many wars of justice across many fronts, and our resources are taxed. We ask only that we be given supplies and mina so that we may fight this battle against these villains on your behalf, as to see this great nation grow and become a close friend to us. Should King Renati not be able to provide these things necessary to wage war, I am sorry to say we must not become involved, and let the bandits run their course.

    Glory to you people of Seventis, and glory to House Flay!

    Signed, Count August Flay


    House Flay


    "Blood for Coin"

    -House Standing-


    -House Lands-

    The Dreadfort

    -Greater Liege House-

    Vassal to House Silverblade

    -House Family Members-

    August Flay, "Prince", House Head

    Gawyn Flay, brother to August Flay

    -House History-

    On 37th year in Asulon, August Flay, otherwise known as Prince; a renowned villain

    known for his crimes throughout Asulon created House Flay, under the

    authority of Duke Nico Silverblade.


    August Flay had become infamous in a short amount of time for his time

    as a bandit leader, and ruthless killer, and was actively hunted by

    many across the land. His methods of death were gruesome, and his

    victims often had done little wrong. At the height of his power, he

    challenged nations, and had the audacity to kidnap Kings and Queens,

    and in many occasions thrashed their armies on the open field. Some

    even respected him for the large power he had garnered from nothing,

    although most simply hated him.


    However, all things, good or bad, come to an end, and eventually

    Prince, having been defeated time and time again, betrayed by his

    closest allies, sank into despair. He realized at this moment that his

    life had little purpose, his actions held no meaning. Thus, he

    journeyed to the capitol of the Kingdom of Renatus bearing gifts for

    its King Godfrey, in an attempt to gain absolution, and find a place

    for himself amongst society once again.


    King Godfrey was in a forgiving mood, and despite having himself

    fought against Prince in battle, granted him the opportunity to fight for Renatus and her people. At

    this, Prince swore the loyalty of himself and his men to the great House

    Silverblade, and put aside the name, “Prince”.


    The heads of the House Silverblade, knowing the potential use of August and his followers, gave him land and title. With this, House Flay was created, and has already built a reputation of military strength and cruelty. They reside in their Dreadfort, always plotting...


  5. *Obviously forgetting his place, he shouts to the 'Lord Flay', "Green are we now? Ye' dare show any disrespect to 'ouse Tarus it'll be over my dead body, Lord BANDIT!"

    "Yer men are fer da most part green. Dey do not know how te fight and watch comrades die. Yer conduct proves da lack of discipline."

  6. "It is in ma belief dat Tarus' men are not well suited fer da job. My men have an initimate understandin' o' Salvus and her people, I myself have made maneh deals and treated many times with da Monarchs and Ordinators o' Salvus. Despite wut ye think o' me, I am da most qualified fer dis job.

  7. "Salvus has surrendered te Renatus? In dat case I will immediately call off my men, if such an agreement has indeed been reached. Come Duke Lycian, tell us of da terms of dis treaty. If I heard ye correctly, ye spoke of da need fer Renatus te protect da floundering nation, if dat is da case, I would suggest House Tarus and Flay, being da strongest militarily, it onleh makes sense until order is restored ...Dere is great animosity between me and da Grand Marshall, perhaps dis would heal old wounds and prove our gud will."

  8. "Den I suggest an ultimatum be made. If ye truly want te save "civilians" as ye say, I suggest we tell da innocent people o' Salvus dat dey should evacuate immediately, er be considered hostile. I was not lying out of pride when I said my men were going inte Salvus and killing five er six o' any Salvian, armed er not, seen."

  9. Speaks with some conviction, sternly,

    "Kill the Salvans. Their corruption ends with their government. Their people should be spared for the most part- I doubt they did this. Their leaders will pay though, surrendering, or dying."

    His eyes drifted to Tryggvi, he blinked and nodded, affirming he was present and smiled briefly comforted by his close friend and loyal son at hand.

    *August shakes his head, disagreeing completlely, his armored fist slams the table.*

    "Dere are no innocents in a war such as dis. Da weak die, and da strong trample dem. Da citizens o' Salvus dat have not yet fled are insurgents, and my men treat dem as such. As we speak, my men enter Salvus and kill any dey see..."

    *August speaks up and puffs his chest proudly*

    "We have a kill count of 5 to 6 Salvian insurgents every day at dis rate. Da war is close te won, kill dem all, scorch da nation and her people."

  10. *August scrunches his nose in spite and disgust. His blood red bandanna, which he had refused to remove manages to cover the ill mannered expression for the most part. Without any indication from their leader to do so, his guards, standing three paces away behind him do likewise, one making a distinct growling sound from his throat.*

    "Always a pleasure te see ye Tarusssss...a little overkill on yer escort fer a simple meeting...regardless, wut is yer stance on dis conflict?

  11. *nods acknowledgement to Reynard, and continues.*

    "House Silverblades decision te leave da war was based solely on da fact dat Vance was killed, and dat "reparations" were made. Da insult given te Renatus as a whole, and especially te da Silverblades should not be forgiven so easily. Salvus simply exiled Vance and da other Ordinators, not somefin done with difficulty...make 'em work for their peace, for they have done nofin te deserve it."

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