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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. August writes the note hastily, giving it to a nearby guard.

    "Have that replicated and sent to the dukes and barons participating in the attack against Salvus, especially the Silverblades"

    Brave Nobility of Renatus,

    A tough fight is ahead of us, such that even the newly formed and minor House Flay has a role to play. Fight I will, for the honor of Renatus and my greater House the Silverblades. However, I refuse to fight alongside those who have shown me only contempt in the past. I speak particularly of the Grand Marshal, Eze'Kiel Tarus. He has slandered my name many times before, even attempting to take my life and that of my men. It would be the greatest dishonor not to only go to battle with this man, but take orders from him, something I wholeheartedly refuse to do.

    Instead, I request that when the time of battle comes, I may be granted that I fight with my good friends and allies the orcs, brave warriors with whom I've fought many battles and shed much blood. I have no brotherhood for my fellow houses of Renatus, no sense of camaraderie in which I desire to fight and die with them, unlike my orc allies. This is my request, and should it be granted, the full fury of House Flay will be unleashed upon the enemy. Should it be denied and criticized by you nobles whom I address, I will have no choice but to take other measures to avoid the humiliation I might endure.

    No Mercy,

    Count August Flay - House Flay

  2. *Reads the note*

    "House Silverblade will most likely join this conflict. I will have to confirm this with my Brother Nico though" *Roys sprints off to talk to his brother*

    *Sees him running off.*

    ****..erm...House Flay, vassals to House Silverblade is bound to....help...****.

    *shuffles awkwardly*

  3. Prince shuffled nervously over to the large tent that indicated the current royal court of Renatus. He looked behind him to see Tom carrying the various gifts he had brought with him. Prince gritted his teeth, recent events had made standing alone near impossible, allies were needed, even if it meant subordinating himself.

    The guards at the tent eyed him wearily, and had their swords half drawn by the time he approached. Suddenly, there was a sword to his neck; one of the guards had recognized the blood red bandanna he was known by. "It's the bandit! Kill him!" the sentry yelled, and at this word, Tom fled, leaving Prince on his own to face the angry men. Prince braced himself for the impending attack, hoping that the monks could again save him. He shut his eyes and held his breath...but the strike never came.

    "Stop!" cried a booming voice. "What are we, peacekeepers? Let that man in!" it continued. Prince opened his eyes carefully, to see the men had parted to allow him entrance, behind him, Tom had returned; seeing no danger of death any longer. Recomposing himself, Prince entered the cool atmosphere of the tent, to see King Godfrey of Renatus before him, the man who he had fought on the battlefield of several occasions, but also the man who had just spared his life.

    "Hail te ye, great King of Renatus" Prince said halfheartedly. Godfrey nodded, he cared little for the lackluster tone of Prince or the formalities he had to say, mostly he was curious as to what a ruthless criminal was doing in his royal court. "What are you doing here, Prince?" "I have seen the error in my ways great King, and I come to repent for my sins and serve the Renatus and her people" Prince looked up briefly, to see the disapproving look that he was receiving. "Uh, I have brought gifts for you great King, in order to receive your mercy" at this, Tom lumbered over carelessly, and handed Prince a large sack of items. Carefully, Prince pulled out one of the contents, a resplendent iron block, and presented it to the King. He sighed inwardly at the smile on Godfrey's face. "This is only the beginning, great King" Prince said as he passed the bag of iron gingerly to the monarch.


    Three days later

    August Flay, Prince thought to himself, a name he had not been called for many, many years. It was strange to throw away the title Prince after such a long time, but necessary. August Flay, his birth name, would have to do. The newest Count of Renatus chuckled to himself, as he surveyed the building of Renatus' new border fortress, the Dreadfort, under the protection of the House Flay. "Oh how the tides will turn" he mumbled to himself, as the builders unfurled the house sigil over the keep.


  4. You see a flyer hammered into a notice board

    House Flay, vassal to House Silverblade, and servants of the great King Godfrey of Renatus, are looking for additional banner men!

    Led by former criminal "Prince", House Flay will bring you riches and honor beyond your wildest dreams!

    Strength, is our focus, and just are our causes.


    "No Mercy"

    Should you be accepted into our ranks, you will recieve:

    -300 mina a week-

    -A suit of diamond armor upon admittance-

    -A free 10x10 room in a secure fortress-

    -Rations, access to a farm-

    Available Positions

    Not looking for, Captain of the Guard, Personal Guards, Blacksmith, Builder, Torture Master, Knight of Flay (Different from Household Knights), Sergeants of the Guard

    Man at Arms [16/20, Need Four More]

    -((Villain number 2a, required, 2b HIGHLY reccomended))

    -Fight for House Flay and its allies

    -Must be well versed in the art of battle

    -No morals, cold, obedient

    Sergeant of the Guard [2/2, POSITION FILLED]

    -((Villain number 2a, required))

    -Fight for House Flay and its allies

    -Must be well versed in the art of battle

    -Must be able to lead and organize men in battle and otherwise

    -Leadership qualities needed

    -No morals, cold, obedient

    Torture Master [1/1, POSITION FILLED]

    -((Villain numbers 2a, 2b, required))

    -Must be well versed in the art of information extraction

    -Efficient, and unrelenting

    -No morals, cold, obedient

    House Knight [1/1 POSITION FILLED]

    -Fight for House Flay and its allies

    -Must be an actual knight

    -Protect the members of House Flay and bring honor to the House itself through victory in tournaments, quests

    ((Following is OOC))

    If you wish to join, send me a bird. ((Send Forum PM with Application))


    MC Name:

    Characters Name:


    Job you would like to apply for:

    ((Choose the branch of questions for the job you would like to take))

    Man at Arms-

    How proficient are you in combat? ((Combat Lvls))

    What is your preferred weapon?

    What is your moral deposition? ((Include link to accepted VA))

    Previous line of work:

    What do you want to join House Flay as a Man at Arms?

    Sergeant of the Guard

    How proficient are you in combat? ((Combat Lvls))

    What is your preferred weapon?

    What is your moral deposition? ((Include link to accepted VA))

    Have you had any leadership roles before?

    Why do you want to join House Flay as a Sergeant of the Guard?

    Torture Master

    What experience do you have in this field?

    What is your moral deposition? ((Include link to accepted VA))

    What is your preferred method of torture?

    Why do you want to join House Flay as a Torture Master?

    Household Knight

    How proficient are you in combat? ((Combat Lvls))

    What is your preferred weapon?

    By whom were you knighted?

    What great feats have you performed in your time as a knight?

    What is your moral deposition? ((VA not required))

    Why do you want to join House Flay as a Household Knight?

  5. Ha! Fools!

    ( Wow...Now we understand why you guys didn't press this charter. You can do whatever you want anyway RPly. )

    ((No, we didn't press the charter because we aren't annoying pricks. Don't apologize to me and then post this kind of slander.))

  6. How about this: We just not have a fight? I mean seriously, fighting one single nation over and over with maybe even the same people over and over is not very medieval rp. Think about it. You die, then come back and fight again. and again. and again. Seriously, just stop attacking Seventis, you annoying little buggers.

    ((None of the Mandarins allies are the same, I didn't even know what Mandarin was until this thread came up. The RP for this attack is legitimate))

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