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Posts posted by Mercius

  1. Denied.

    • Explain roleplaying fully in your own words.
    • You NEED a skin screenshot or link. You must put as much effort as you can into your application, and show that you have. Read the pinned topics if you need more information.
    • Re-read your application and improve it as best you can.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  2. Denied.

    • You need to fully explain roleplaying in your own words.
    • Your biography needs expanding and more depth, take more time on it.
    • Try not to give on word answers to the character questions beneath your biography.
    • Be wary of spelling errors.

    Take more time on your application and create a work of art! You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  3. Denied.

    -You need to fully explain roleplaying in your own words.

    -Your application as a whole needs far more time and effort put into it. Don't rush it :)

    -In particular try to expand your biography, add more depth.

    -Try not to give one word answers to the character questions beneath your biography.

    -Be cautious of spelling errors.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  4. Denied.

    Not bad overall but a few points to improve on:

    -Your bio. It needs some depth, I don't know very much about your character. And I don't see why he's so needlessly violent, or how your character single handedly slaughtered orc villagers and got away for so long. Be wary of powergaming.

    -Villainy. Please make sure you've researched what you can and can't do without an approved villain application. You will not be able to kill every orc you see.

    -Lore. Use of it is minimal and I feel you haven't really done your research. Oren is not a city!

    -Be cautious of spelling and grammatical errors.

    Take more time on your application and re-apply in 48 hours. Create a work of art!

  5. Denied.

    You seem to write well in general, but you need to improve on these points:

    -Your skin link doesn't work. We need to see your skin.

    -Your definition of roleplay is good but could use some expanding upon. Add previous roleplay experiences for bonus points!

    -Your biography needs expansion and further depth added to it. Take your time on it and create a masterpiece!

    -Expand on the character questions beneath your bio, try not to give one word answers.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours. Good luck!

  6. Denied.

    -You haven't explained what roleplay is in your own words.

    -Your biography could use expansion and more depth.

    -Expand on the character questions below your bio.

    -Please add the questions to your application, it makes things easier for us.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  7. Accepted!

    Good job. Your bio definitely has more substance than before, and I too enjoyed the inventive format which you chose to present it in.

    You've also expanded on your character questions nicely. Overall it's very well done.

    Be patient and a GM will promote you in game as soon as they're able.

    torwi please do NOT post on an application until we have responded to it.

  8. Denied.

    You write quite well and I generally enjoyed your bio. These are a few of the improvements you need to make:

    -You need a skin screenshot, it isn't there. Check that it is when you post an application!

    -Check over your entire application and try to perfect the grammar and spelling as much as you can.

    -I personally would like to see your definition of roleplay elaborated on just a little bit.

    -Take a little more time on the character questions below your bio, and expand on them.

    If you have any more spare time on working on your application, I recommend making any improvements to your bio that you can think of. More depth, more detail. These are both good things to have plenty of :)

    You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  9. I think you'd do well on this server. And you've made improvements to your application. There are just two things missing here.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I've been playing role playing games most of my life. I don't play another type of game.

    1. You haven't explained what roleplaying actually IS. You need to do this. Be as in depth as you like :)

    2. Your skin link is not in this application, please put it in.

    Edit your application with these adjustments, PM me when you're done and I shall take another look.

  10. Denied.

    Please wait 48 hours before re-applying!

    You are slowly improving your application but I feel you're rushing it. Take the two days to expand your answers, add more depth.

    In particular I'd like to see your bio improved.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    yes he can read and write like a pro.

    -Can your character mine?: yes he can mine because he is a pro

    Answers like these aren't entirely suitable and you need to take more care when writing them. Please do more research on what makes a good application and look into the lore of our server.

    Watch for spelling and grammatical mistakes, these need to be avoided.

    Try to improve the format of your application by adding space between each question or something along those lines. This is not a major thing but it helps us read the application.

  11. If the military aren't willing to take action to protect the people and the roads they travel on, then what are we here for?

    We didn't join the military because we were too afraid to risk our lives. And indeed, risking our very lives is part of the job. It's part of being in the military.

    THIS is what we're here for.

    Standing idle is not.

  12. Apart from the odd spelling error, I very much enjoyed your bio :)

    But you haven't explained what roleplaying actually is.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Roleplay is my favorite type of gameplay. This is however the first for minecraft. why? because i dont like long applications such as this one, but my friend Skonth said its worth it.

    Edit this then PM me, and I will take another look :)

  13. Denied.

    Your definition of roleplay needs expansion and elaboration. Add your past experiences of roleplay for extra brownie points.

    Your biography needs to be expanded, and you need to add more depth. Talk a bit about your characters life too, and how he came to be where he is now.

    I'd do more research on our lore and where your character fits into this.

    Try not to give one word answers to the character questions beneath your bio. Expand on them.

    I advise cleaning up the skin link a bit next time too, check it works properly when you post the application.

  14. Denied.

    Your biography is too short, and needs more depth. It also has elements of power gaming.

    You need to fully define what you think roleplaying is, not just talk about what kind you do.

    Your character questions below your bio have one word answers. Try not to do this, put more time and effort into your application and re-apply in two days.

    Be cautious of grammar.

  15. Denied.

    You need to fully explain what roleplaying is in your own words. Try to elaborate on your past experiences too.

    Your biography needs expansion and depth. Take more time on it.

    Your answers for the character questions below your bio are fairly short. Try to improve them.

    Watch out for grammatical errors.

    Re-apply in two days with these things in mind.

  16. Denied.

    You need to fully explain what you think roleplaying is in your own words. Try to elaborate on your past experience.

    Your bio needs expanding and more depth.

    Try not to answer the character questions beneath your bio with one word answers.

    Your skin link doesn't work.

    Watch your grammar and spelling, try to get it as perfect as possible. You may re-apply in two days.

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