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Posts posted by Mercius

  1. Denied.

    Your bio is actually fairly well written but I have a few problems with this application.

    Your grammar, spelling, capitalisation all need clearing up, try to correct as many errors as you can!

    Your bio doesn't completely fit our lore, for instance the elves don't have a King as such. Or Guardians. Do some research on our server, perhaps look around the Elven roleplay forum for info that'll help!

    Take your time and ensure your application is as perfect as it can be. You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  2. Denied.

    Everything apart fom your bio is much too rushed, take more time on it.

    Your definitions of roleplaying/metagaming/powergaming need more elaboration. Powergaming is missing entirely.

    You say your parents died before you could crawl, but your father is present at 18?

    Do some research on our server lore, griffins are awesome creatures but there are none in Aegis.

  3. Denied.

    No skin screenshot!

    Your definition of roleplay isn't solid. You've kind of described what a fantasy world is, but not roleplay itself.

    Definitions of metagaming and powergaming aren't entirely accurate or could use clarification.

    Expand your bio and try to incorporate lore or places from the server. Do research on our wiki or forums.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  4. Denied.

    Definition of roleplay isn't solid, would like to see it expanded upon.

    Definition of power/metagaming not entirely accurate or could use elaborating.

    Your character section is short and feels rushed, your biography in particular needs to be more in depth, do some research on our server's lore. Show us your roleplay skills and take your time on your application.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours, no earlier.

  5. Denied.

    You can't skip questions in your application, do some research on what metagaming and powergaming is, then explain it to us.

    Copy and paste the application format and make your application as clear as possible. Correct as many mistakes as you can.

    Take more time on your application and expand what you can. I'd also like to see your definition of roleplay cleared up and clarified.

    Please wait 48 hours before re-applying.

  6. Denied.

    Please do not copy and paste things from other websites, your definition for metagaming and powergaming for instance. It asks you to explain it in your own words and we need to see you understand it.

    Please do some research on our lore and incorporate it if possible. There are no creepers in Aegis.

    Wait 48 hours before re-applying.

  7. Did you take this name from Gefan? He was planning New Oasis, being the founder of Oasis Village the first, and I'm unable to remember what the village was called before Gefan arrived to set up his Oasis shop.

    I'll admit Gefan seems to have vanished and his idea of New Oasis along with it, and your town looks great!

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