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Posts posted by Mercius

  1. The Outpost has undergone some reconstruction of late. Hawk has just finished engineering it's beacon. When turned on, the beacon will flash on and off to warn travellers of danger. It doesn't mean the outpost is unapproachable, but it does encourage extreme caution. Please be alert if the beacon is on!



  2. ((Idea for some fun roleplaying, suspect Bircalin of treachery because of his association with the High Princess of Malinor. Where is his loyalty?))

    ((This has already been discussed IC))

    Training is being arranged for all Rangers. And the fact that many of us aren't well known works HEAVILY in our favour. If we aren't seen as a threat then we can take many by surprise and remain undercover with ease. Personally I'm not sure I'd like the Rangers to be told of, many people already see us in action. Perhaps too many.

  3. Denied.

    Your application needs fleshing out and needs more effort put into it. Check over your next application before you post and take your time on it. I'd like to see your definition of roleplay expanded upon and the bio too.

    You may re-apply in 48 hours.

  4. A good application but:

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    I'm not an expert on role playing, but I do LARP with my floor mates on the weekend. However I have no idea how it will work on this server and look forward to this new experience.

    You haven't explained what roleplaying actually IS. Please edit in your definition (be as detailed as you like) then PM me, and I shall take another look! :)

  5. Denied.

    You have made improvements and seem generally well written, but:

    • Check your use of lore thoroughly. For instance Aegis is the world, not just a land to be discovered. Take a lot of time on your bio and see what else you can improve too.
    • You have mentioned you're studying the language/lore of the orcs, adding some of this to your character section will give you many bonus points if done correctly. Also if you plan to roleplay an orc it'll help if you have a little bit to work with when you enter the server, though I don't expect you to learn it all right now :P
    • We also like to see evidence of research and preparation for the server.
    • You talk a lot about your history of roleplaying, try to focus more on telling us what the word really means.
    • Check your application carefully for spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
    • We don't always list everything wrong with an application because we like people to figure things out for themselves, so always check your application over and over :)

    Re-apply in 48 hours and good luck! :)

  6. You're a lot of fun! Criminal activity adds a great deal of positive RP when it's done correctly, and you seem to be doing it very well.

    Been a while since I've actually had to arrest someone in Al'Khazar.

    I tip my hat to you for making life more interesting.

  7. Denied.

    I have to tell you your application is well written and it was difficult to make this decision. Here are my reasons why, and what I'd like you to improve upon next time:

    and you act like you would in real life. Role playing is a game type in which you talk formally as you would in real life

    This part of your definition of roleplay made me uncertain about it.

    Your bio doesn't seem to flow very well and I feel it could use some work. I also feel like you haven't done any research into dwarves on this server or the lore. Your age is younger than you realise.

    I'd like to see both your definition of roleplaying and biography improved next time! Take your time and do research, I feel you are capable of this :)

    Good luck.

  8. Denied.

    You have not fully defined roleplaying.

    Your biography needs expansion and more depth.

    Expand on the character questions beneath your bio.

    Where's your skin?

    Take more time on your application when you re-apply and check it over several times.

    Please do not post OOC comments in your IC section.

    Please do NOT bump your thread, this makes it less likely we will look at it!

    Make sure you have read ALL the rules that are pinned on page one.

  9. Denied.

    This application isn't far off and you write well, I'd like to see a few improvements:

    You describe roleplay as being in character, but what is it to be in character? Please elaborate on your definition and explain it as best you can.

    Knowledge of lore is not entirely accurate and I feel you could do a bit better, for instance you mention the Elven Kingdom a lot but you could just name it. Elven Council isn't a race either, they lead the Elves.

    Take more time on your application and check it over and over when you re-apply, perfect it as best you can. Good luck!

  10. I like this application and it's well written! Just a few things:

    • Do some research into average Elven ages, you may find yours is younger than you think.
    • You need to fully explain what roleplaying actually is.
    • Consider your character's Elven name carefully.

    Feel free to edit your application and PM me when you have.

  11. Denied.

    • Biography and character questions need more length and depth. Do more research on what makes a good application.
    • You have failed to define roleplaying.

    Take more time on your application and re-apply in 48 hours.

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