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Posts posted by E__V__O

  1. MC Name: Jenny_Bobbs

    Character's Name: Erebus Tartarus

    Character's Age: N/A


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. **MC Names of all involved**

    Jenny_Bobbs, Samsan99





    The command has been buggy since release. Tokens are not being renewed and the promise of: 



    Where it explains different VIP’s get more lines to work with



    Isn’t working. (I am Aether and capped at 15 lines, instead of 25).

    **Date of occurance**
    Since 1.15.2 update.


    **In game specifications**
    The /edit command and functions are not working as intended.

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    <!--- Provide all the steps necessary to reproduce the problem -->
    1. /edit desc [enter description] (Full amount).
    2. /edit desc [enter description] (Full amount).
    3. You have reached the maximum length on that item.

    **Expected Behavior**
    Different VIP levels should have more lines to work with / tokens renewed.

    **Actual Behavior**
    Different VIP levels not getting more edit lines to work with / no tokens being renewed.

    **Additional Information**


    **Error Message**

  3. 1st, I've been told by shades that Amber is mana, so their magic would be affected by this.


    2nd, if Unsound magic is accepted. Which has a similar presence to Fi' that it stops all voidal mana. How will this magic reflect or change based on it? As you're aware two magics doing very similar things are probably not going to pass.


    Just curious on these questions!

  4. 29 minutes ago, Telanir said:

    I usually call these “admin understudies” people Managers but yeah, that is the idea.


    Well ‘management’ is good. Though when you have – as an example, Flamboyant (He is good at what he does, don’t take this as a hate post) go in hiatus/breaks and having managers with differentiating opinions on the same subject(s) it gets a bit disheartening aa you do have a figure head to confirm or deny. Managers are also unable to move forward with the ‘Lore Games’ reviewing/accepting/denying lore and not able to give answers to lore pieces since the admin has it. It comes to a point where the ‘admin’ should either appoint a ‘understudy’ or at least confirm what they want done with any projects they want to accomplish so it can be done and any given answer can be official and not different from others.


    Same can be said with some ET leaders, who go ahead and plan this world-event but unable to go through with it, or plans for maps. I understand this is all geared to ST currently but a written plan so others can take it and follow through with the original initiative should be done. So things can run smoothly, with Moderation this can also be geared to the rule rewrites, which is currently split up (that’s good!), making it so one person isn’t focused on all the work and pieces can work together.

  5. 1 hour ago, Telanir said:

    Final point I want to make is about your comment on team directors—I don’t believe we ever chose to have “team leads”, just that slowly admins beginning 2012 just receded into the background and instead of working closely with the community chose to take a backseat and let team directors do all the heavy lifting. This caused a very backwards and distant administration which is definitely alleviated when you collapse some of the massive hierarchy. It doesn’t fix all the problems. But it certainly helps. The old Team Director position was a symbol and symptom of a horribly bureaucratic system which did not prioritize community wishes (pretty much every director would just pull it into any which way they wanted and then resign a few months down the line). We can do better but receding into that mess is a bad idea.


    You could initiate a program similar to “team directors” by having elected “Admin understudies” for the groups they watch. If an admin goes on hiatus or break for an extended period of time, the elected understudy fills their place until they can return. This can make it so replies/questions/events, ext can proceed as normal without delay.


    The only thing that’ll have to be done is the admin making a paper-trail of work/ideas they have so that the individual taking their place during the admin hiatus doesn’t **** up.


  6. 50 minutes ago, Rickson said:

    These are cool but aren’t they super intensive on the network? I can’t imagine them being a VIP feature unless you only get like 1-2 per player ever.


    From my experimentation, no. They just take a map data file and replace the ID with another image file. So it’s replacing a image with a image. It shouldn’t result in lower frames or loadouts especially if they only happen per restart. 


    Edit: On further tests, looking at image files. The basic map file takes about 5kb, image files take 2-7kb. So technically it can be less server intrusive. 


    Plugin Name: Custom Map Art


    Description: Allows users of certain VIP level and able to be purchased in the crown store, several ‘custom map tokens’. Which can be consumed similar to the `/edit` command of rename tokens. The plugin allows users to get custom image URL art on the server on maps, overriding the ID through a command/approval.


    How will it benefit the server: Having another VIP perk / Crown store perk will give players a greater control of roleplay which can benefit the servers standing by introducing custom art or various pieces of flavorful designs (Ship Wheel). This also can be utilized in staff events by adding in some atmosphere art. Some examples: 









    The user will first have to have a map in their inventory (claimed ID map). Typing:


    /edit map [Image URL]


    This will send a ping to the moderators to look over the image to make sure it isn’t NSFW. If the image is fine, the moderator will accept the image, if denied the moderator can decide to put a ‘restriction’ on the user by typing:


    /edit map decline [map req ID] [X duration] [Reason]


    Otherwise if they click the decline button it’ll just decline the user to submit a new request. It won’t consume the token. If a manual decline was done such as above, the map token will be taken. Breaking the rules could also constitute to warnings/bans if done repeatably/a lot of inappropriate content. 


    If the map is accepted, either on restart or straight away (depending how it’ll work) the map will change to the new image you set/requested in your inventory to display in item frames. As a reminder, removing maps from item frames be custom art or not is against the rules unless approved from a heist/owner. 


    How can this backfire: 

    A lot of random requests/NSFW requests of map file art. 

  8. RP name: Erebus Tartarus.

    MC username: Jenny_Bobbs

    Discord: Jenny_Bobbs#0001

    What nation you affiliated with: N/A.


    Why do you wish to come?: After questioning Mystery on the eventline and it having some standing even after it concludes, I believe it could be something fun to attend and join in with as it’ll be one of the very few world events i’ll be able to access in my timezone. It’ll also add in some flavor of interaction between other groups and settlements for good character development.


    What skills can you bring?: My character has magic, more utility than offense. So he would be in the back offering boons or utility abilities to help counter threats that meet the groups way.

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