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Posts posted by E__V__O

  1. 2 hours ago, player 67Ui829 said:



    Despite being a burner account alt of someone who wishes to remain anonoymous i'll still reply to your critisim. 


    1) Cognatism isn't a feat that attracts everyone, much like how not all magic attracts others.

    2) This is character flare, it also doesn't impact the server a whole bunch nor should it. Other concepts can be made following the same archtype as many different levels of horrors exist and ways to work it to your gain. This lore isn't limiting that, rather opening up an expansion.

    3) I worked with Zarsies on iterations on "The Horror" text on the piece who is the know how on voidal creatures. They came up with the original idea of 'protection'. The way I wrote the feat offers an expansion on both horror lore which works with Zarsies intention and offers what really delves deep into it. The horror doesn't hide in the head rent free. If you want to re-read the piece I would as i've gone over the required level of information needed for the piece in this section. More will come later when Zarsies wishes to make the expansion on voidal horrors coming soon.

    4) Self-rp isn't terrible. It offers an expansion of your character and the way I wrote the feat provides more than that able to interact with other characters. The 'mental drawbacks' are significant and not mundane in application/use.


    If you wish to comment further and not have a back and forth, my discord is open: E__V__O#0001.


    Thank you.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Evo'lur Tartarus


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  3. 3 hours ago, Moribundity said:

    I'm fairly sure the voidal horror in the mind concept is covered by voidstalker.


    Please read the purpose of the text. I understand it has been adapted prior to fit voidstalker lore which is servitude role-play, this is coexistence. It plays out differently in role-play and gives playability that is different from voidstalkers as with having no overlap of abilities.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Xergarok said:

    Very noice to see it's not a Voidal-only endgame-feat. If only there were a way to make it work with Afflicted... Food for thought?


    As it requires an initial voidal connection, described in 'Expanding Ritual'. If the creature/magic/race/alchemical being allows it. Then it is possible yes. No present voidal connection is required after the initial draw in.

  5. Cognatism




    With the initial connection to the void, scholars were unaware of the untapped potential within the abyss. The only knowledge given was that it is a replacement for substitute power. Unbeknownst to the scholars, the discovery created a pathway to our realm from the void. Each connection pinged the void and the entities within, announcing the mortal realm to those residing in the abyssal void.


    Discovering that the breach was simple, per new connection grew the intrigue to the horrors, drawing them close. A barrier, however, prevented them from accessing our world. Both worlds separate by a veil neither understood, only able to pass meek connections to either side. Mortality used the void for power, the horrors for consumption.


    After centuries of waiting, the breeches widened within the void, small voidal pockets filling space within their realm emerged and with this - a pathway. Both worlds, unknowing of each other, finally found an opportunity to meet, the horrors of figuring out ways to aperture the veil could cause a destructive mess, scarring the landscape. Void rifts, explosions, and destruction ensued in both realms. The horrors trying to cross the veil led to explosions that defaced each realm's land.


    Scholars studying the rifts and void explosions were able to decipher the strange occurrences, this only prompted a further study in the void that ended in two minds meeting. 

    — Evo’lur Tartarus, Cognant.


    Magic Explanation

    Cognatism is a symbiosis between twin minds bound at the veil of the void. The connection serves as a tether between two minds fighting for dominance and control over the other, locked between a mortal mind and that of a voidal horror. The binding communion between the two entities is an agreement of protection for an exchange of knowledge. The horror using the mage voidal pocket forms a protective ring defending against outsider attacks, syphoning the host's mana to keep the barrier up. The lesser horror seeks a new host if the reserve of mana and connection isn't grand enough, putting the host in a prismal loop trial.


    • Cognatism is a feat, it can be learned alongside all other voidal rituals. 
    • Cognatism can be learned by players with/without magic. 
    • Just be aware it takes an initial voidal connection to draw in the horror, described in 'Expanding Ritual'. If you're character/race/magic/alchemical being doesn't allow for this, you cannot become a cognant.
    • To learn Cognatism one must find an applicable teacher or horror stone.
    • You do not get ‘smarter’ for having the twin mind, just access to tools that aid in seeking knowledge.


    The Horror

    The void is a split consciousness of many residing horrors seeking consumption and essence to grow in a hierarchical status amongst lesser, greater, supreme and behemoth horrors within; ascending only through the consumption of essence from other horrors may cause one rise within the standing, following the philosophy/culture of Darwinian on the principle of survival of the fittest. The voidal horrors often seem to form into packs, led by pack leaders of greater to behemoth horror standing, allowing greater intellectual control of the horde to seek further essence to grow and command within the void. Ascension is through consuming weaker ‘superiors’ when the opportunity arises, allowing lesser to become greater or greater to superior standing in the horde of horrors.


    The evolutionary standing of voidal horrors amongst this hierarchy is dim to lesser horrors, offering nothing but a plaything or food to the horrors above them in constant strife and antagonising nature. Seeking a pass to escape and even protection, they seek the aid of rifts accessing their domain to flee through, or even that of magi to house them. Nevertheless, the outside look on their primitive nature prevails even in this state to consume, grow and evolve. 


    Cognatism focuses on those voidal horrors, opening up a barrier of protection along the veil between the void and the mortal world, forming a psychic link between the two providing a protective barrier within the void pocket of the magi to encapsulate the lesser horror free from consumption long as the connection remains untampered. 


    The Prismal Loop

    The connection between the two minds is an imbalance of a power struggle between two sides, where if faltered, can subdue either party from a grander force applied to the other mind. It is possible that through no fault of the Cognat, the Horror may issue a test of strength on the connection and the strength of the consciousness it shares a mental home with. Should one fail to push the Horror back, the void beast will stick your mind into a Prismal Loop. The focus will spin round and round, disabling the Cognat from reaching consciousness once more. The Loop forces them into a Comatose state, wherein the Horror will administer a series of tests for the Cognat to achieve. Moving the Cognat deep into the mindscape they create, they must battle the demons of the past and self to defeat and conquer each stage. Once all trials are complete, the Loop will break, and the Cognat will be free. Should such falter,  the Cognat will succumb to the mental debilitations threefold as the horror debates to leave you. They are seeking a more extraordinary mind for protection.


    • This occurs if the Horror does not believe that your connection is strong enough to protect it.
    • The Loop can occur more than once.
    • The tests are not easy, not in the slightest. They are hard, and can and will result in damage.
    • The Loop forces the Cognat into a coma, where they must complete trials of the mind in order to get through.
    • This adds some flare to the roleplay, though grants no additional abilities.
    • Whilst in the Loop, the body must still be sustained. Food and water are still required.
    • If wounded inside of the Loop, the Cognat will suffer phantom pain on the body as if it occurred.
    • Accumulating a large sum of phantom pain will fail the trials.
    • Failure of the trials means the horror can leave your mind, breaking the tether.
    • These trials are difficult and will push the Cognat to their limits but will always be within the Cognats ability after the first connection trials.
    • If the Cognat survives, they may still believe they are inside of the Loop even after they have awoken.



    Mental Effects

    The voidal horror cohousing within the mind of the Cognat brings an assortment of conditions brought to the single mind they bound to, yours. A Cognat bound by the first connection will suffer from minor debilitations, and the longer one has bound increases to the point, it'll become part of the host's personality. The debilitations can come and go through; some will always be present within the mind at any given time.


    • The horrors’ personality is governed by a teacher or ST melding with your own character. Taking aspects, greed, growth, hunger, ascension, ext. This effect occurs over the duration of the horror being bound.
    • Intrusive thoughts come far more frequently, of the horror's personality.
    • Self-illusions, the mind of the horror might overwhelm the host sending false images across the landscape or area you’re within.
    • Paranoia, a presence is always felt watching you that you can never escape. Despite knowing it is the horror.
    • Sleep paralysis, the horror will wake you from slumber occasionally as it feels threatened by the barrier weakening due to lack of focus.
    • Frequent nightmares, given by the voidal horror to keep you awake of its own experiences.
    • Obsession, when the voidal horror has a set agenda that is right in front of you to get, it’ll attempt to force you to achieve and get it at any cost.
    • Memory Consumption, the voidal horror will actively consume memories which you hold no attachment towards, and root itself further within.



    The Twin Mind

    Sharing one’s mind with any consciousness but your own isn’t unheard of, though without a doubt life-altering. Taking in a second mind inhibits you to a tirade of mental debilitations that fatigues the mind, weighing you down without the twin mind speaking to you. The voidal horror paired will send intrusive and controlling thoughts to inhibit your actions, sway mood swings, self-illusions or enact paranoia in the act to weaken the mind for takeover, having no affiliation or opinion on the world around, the horror rather running on its primal urge for ascension. With gaining the third mind, the tri-mind, from either void stalker feat, or another sentience, will amplify the mental debilitations.


    Although the Cognat and the mind of the horror are linked, the horror wouldn’t share any information given to it back to the Cognatunless learned while bound with the host and imperative on the horror to do so.


    • The exchange of information between the twin minds can only be done if it is imperative to the horror to do so and learnt while bound to the host.
    • You may learn any of the voidal ritual feats, (voidstalker, artificer, scion, eminence). Limited to one, as specified in the respected lore.
    • Losing the Twin Mind/Cognatism, you’ll still suffer from all the mental debilitations if you pass the connection prismal loop (2 IRL Weeks of MA acceptance). 
    • The twin mind may not be “tamed” or “befriended”. It is an unbiased entity out for its own survival.
    • The Twin Mind may be purged by a paladin, or cleansed upon a spirit-walk by a shaman.
    • Gaining the Tri-Mind+ doubles exponentionally the mental debilitations, plus the debilitations of the other lore.






    Teaching within Cognatism is probably the most strenuous feat in the void archetype; it isn't about learning spells but instead building a symbiosis between two entities. The actual teaching aspect of Cognatism only allows easier access for a student to work on developing this symbiosis, subduing the horror within until the student can take its full strength. 


    The voidal horror is extremely captious when its consciousness is brought from the void into another's mind — often rejecting the new host out of little faults they have unless subdued by the teacher. After the horror has successfully moved into the mind, Prismal Loop trials can begin. The trials are demanding on both the new host and horror, separating their connection to cast any magic until ALL trials are completed.


    Prismal Loop trials can be incredibly imaginative to the horror or incredibly simple; the trials are here to test the will and drive of the host to form the symbiosis between the two entities. These trials are not without risk. The horror can easily manipulate the host if seen weak and consume the host's memories if the trial is accepted. The teacher must caution the student and make sure they're aware of these risks; otherwise, the student might lose themself to the horror during this stage of connection.


    The initial connection of the student's mind to the horror is something that doesn't cause pain or torment to the individual, yet a sense of surrealness. While the horror subdued, it won't lash out or probe the mind until the trials have begun. Without the subduction of the teacher on the horror, it can lead to disastrous mental affecting damages to the new host before leaving if not forcefully forced to remain. 


    • The Prismal Loop trials on beginning cognatism last for two IRL weeks, the trials happening periodically through this period and dictated by the teacher/ST.
    • While within the two IRL weeks of obtaining, once connected to a horror you’ll be unable to cast any archetype of magic.
    • While connected, all mental debilitations will constantly barrage the host, until full symbiosis is achieved.
    • Failing prismal loop trials considerably will lose you access to Cognatism, dictated by teacher/ST during the period of connection. (2 IRL weeks). Aka - you lose the magic. 
    • You can attempt to link to a new horror after two IRL weeks of failing the prismal loop trials.



    Practising Cognatism




    The practice of cognatism once passed the Prismal Loop trials after connection can finally begin. The voidal horror begins to dig its roots through your mind, from either empty or occupied space taking over memories feasting on them if needed. The mind would take some personality of the horror unto the person, only amplifying the further tiers you progress through the feat. 


    The horror bestows the feats amongst the host occurs periodically as the beast roots itself deeper into the mind. It shares consciousness by amplifying its grasp for survival and sharing a deep root of knowledge with the host.



    Voidal Commune (Passive/Non-combat)

    An endless abyss and the mortal world, the twin mind connection rests in between to commune. While the connection between horror and cognant exists, all information gathered through any senses is collected and stored within the mind of the horror, for them to share back to the cognant if desired. The host cannot do the same, only hearing whispers of intangible moonspeech screeches through the void. The voidal horror is able to translate moonspeech into the common tongue and vice-versa only if the horror wills it. The only exception is a power superior to the horror commanding it to do so.



    • This is a passive ability, active once the initial prismal loop trials have been passed. The ability is always active.
    • The horror will not always respond or answer questions, queries or have a casual conversation with the cognant. They’re not your friend.
    • The horror will not teach you moonspeech, the horror will not translate moonspeech for you unless forced by a superior horror. 
    • To draw out information stored and gathered from bound, you need to use the ability ‘Notes’ listed below.


    Infusion (Passive/Non-combat)

    The link between the twin minds equalises a pool of mana shared between them, the reserve is unusable or able to be directly drawn from by both parties. When a time of need, be for the horror to create a barrier to protect itself from creatures in the void or the cognant drained of all mana, an infusion will commence taking the reserve mana to prevent Thaumburn.


    When either the horror or cognant is suffering from Thaumburn, exhausting all mana an infusion will instantly commence from the reserve mana collected. The reserve mana is unable to be used for spells, nor does it revitalize the expended pool of mana, purely all it does is prevent Thaumburn for a single-use per IRL week.



    • Prevents Thaumburn, one IRL week cooldown.
    • If a mage uses all of their mana, the infusion will save them from death/pass out, recovering faster so they may “walk it off”.
    • Doesn’t refill/refresh your mana to cast further spells.


    Notes (Non-combat)

    The mind is a fickle thing, forgoing memory, knowledge lost or minor details left unable to be recollected or traced. The Voidal Commune link can be brought forth by drawing stored information collected by the horror back into the mind of the cognant, able to reminisce the forgotten parts of the mind.


    While the Voidal Commune link is active, any information gathered/collected by the cognant is stored by the horror, able to be drawn forth and brought back into the mind of the host. Information lost from short-term memory or degradation can be brought back if desired. 



    Connection to the horror -> Discuss information to be brought back -> Information sent to cognant.



    • The information gathered/collected can only be brought back from when you learned it post horror connection. Anything lost prior to the connection cannot be returned.
    • The information gathered/collected happens passively and is stored within the mind space of the horror to be recollected by the cognant if desired.
    • If your character died in any capacity the information of that death is lost unable to be brought back, following guidelines of death rules on the server.


    Memoir (Non-combat)

    Amassing knowledge is something both cognant and horror do best though with some information, it is best to forgo. The wonders of the world or attained memories are something that can harm the overall individual and by will, the cognant may ask the horror to consume these discoveries. While done so without much affliction done to the cognant, they will feel part of them taken as what was consumed cannot come back.


    Communing with the horror, you may request anything gathered from past events within memory to be consumed. The information of whatever the memory was is lost by the cognant and only known to the horror.



    Connection to the horror -> Discuss information to be consumed -> Consumed memory.



    • The information consumed is lost by the cognant, unable to be obtained except through the spell ‘Notes’.
    • The information lost, cannot be sparked back in memory from another party speaking about it.
    • The horror can be deceitful. If a memory contained a prominent/non-prominent figure/item it may consume all information in other memories on that same item.
    • This is consensual, unable to be forced. 


    Scrambling (Passive/Combat)

    The twin minds are a link bound through the relationship of the horror and host, forming an interconnecting bond that aids in the prevention of interference of outside sources of magic. If one mind is taken hostage from an ability, both are afflicted for better or worse upon the cognant and horror.


    Both an ability that can be used to detriment the cognant or be beneficial. Detriments with the affliction on the mind afflict both causing both minds to be affected by the spell that may cause amplification on ‘mental debilitations’ listed above. Beneficial would be if someone attempts to search or implant images within one mind finding two instead, potentially not afflicting the cognant but the horror instead.



    • Spells that afflict the mind with disorientation, sounds, afflictions affect both cognant and horror. This may double the effects of ‘mental debilitations’ listed above in ‘mental effects’.
    • Illusions/spells that target a sole mind on the cognant will have a chance to fail, doing such unannounced to the horror instead. This can be done through a simple “/roll 1d2” or puzzle.
    • Broadcast illusions work normally.


    Self-Illusion (Non-combat)

    Varying abilities cast by the horror cannot be articulated down through the link between the twin minds, so much so deciphering objects are pushed to a near mundane level of power to the cognant. Only able to cast illusions the cognant sees themself in a limited capacity to calculations that aid in the feat of discovery.


    The mechanics of this ability are as follows; the cognant may only procure illusions which they see themselves limited to;

    3D Models.

    • A full, and complete three-dimensional model of an object can be constructed.



    • Creating a visualization of operations in front of you, like drawing lines/functions on a chalkboard. This, however, will only aid someone who is able to work out calculations normally, as the connection does not increase your intelligence. Another use of this is the ability to project a visual aid such as a ruler to measure an object.


    Data Projection.

    • A complete projection of data is shown to the user through a visual rendition of a table. This can include numbers and other information regarding the object, such as weight, height and contents should the cognat already know them.


    Horror Projection.

    • The cognant is able to work with the horror and able to project an illusionary form of themselves or another being to be seen by the cognant. The illusion can move independently but requires active focus to maintain.


    Alongside self-illusions, if one possesses voidal illusion (sensory illusion), they may be able to see their own illusions. This is optional and to be able to do all the above self-illusion spells you must follow the emote guidelines.



    Connection to the horror -> Charge -> Self-Illusion.



    • Self-illusions can only be seen by the cognant. If two cognants are together they cannot see each others illusions.
    • This spell doesn’t increase the user’s intelligence.
    • The spell is similar to if you had a chalkboard writing notes, just now to yourself.
    • Horror Projection is like an assistant to point things out you might’ve missed, although may not provide further help in discovery.


    Inducement (Combative)

    The twin mind isn’t without fault and an overwhelming sense of emotions will flood the minds of both, pulling and twisting actions of the horror and cognant alike. When time of complete focus is necessary however to prevent the constant pulls of temptation, inducement can be called upon.


    Inducement is called on when the cognant feels the need for intense focus and aid themselves without being pressured by the horror or mental debilitations pulling them down. Focusing on a singular emotion the cognant may induce it on the mind pushing all others to the side temporarily.



    Connection to the horror -> Charge -> Inducement.



    • Is only to be self-cast. The exception to this is within the ‘expanding ritual’.
    • Once cast, inducement will last until the encounter is over or the cognant breaks focus.
    • Casting the inducement spell temporarily subsides all emotions but the one is chosen and mental debilitations. Once the encounter is over/focus is broken the mental debilitations will come back onto the cognant twice fold for the next thirty RP minutes.
    • Focus can be broken by a forced void connection disruption.


    Expanding Ritual (Non-combat)

    A ritual between three, the cognant, the horror and the apprentice to expand one mind through coupling/circling. The cognant pulls mana to feed to the horror, asking it to reach into the mind of the apprentice opening a rift within to the void without a voidal connection made. The mana fed to the horror is used to draw near a lesser horror calling them to the void pocket of the pupil, once one has successfully been drawn in - teaching may begin sending the student through the prismal loop.



    Connection to the horror -> Feed Mana-> Open apprentice to the void -> Call Horror -> Prismal Loop.



    • Inducement can be done on the apprentice to lessen the abruption of the void/horror.
    • This is the ritual to call forth a lesser voidal horror, thus creating a cognant.
    • The horror creates a voidal connection, not the teacher during the ritual. A voidal connection is not required to practice Cognatism after however.
    • After the ritual, follows all guidelines/redlines of ‘Teaching’.
    • Cannot be forced.



    Cognatism enchantments have been undefined for the most part, while bringing the feat back I wish to put some limitations and allow only selected spells to be used to prevent abuse/loopholes. This list may expand/retract some spells in the future to be used or further clarified if needed.


    Overall Enchantment Redlines:

    Any enchantment made follows the restrictions on combat/non-combat of its given spell. A ‘note’ enchantment cannot be used in combat as per the spell. This can be amended by the creation of a MArt.


    Possible Enchantments:


    • Enchanting an item with notes, allows it to work similarly to a ‘voice recorder’. Able to take in information given to it through mana-transfer into the item or vocal command.
    • Notes may be applied to any other voidal enchantment, and do not require MArt to be applied to an already existing one, unlike other enchantments.


    • Able to take information from one mind if they draw mana onto the object. The object can then return the information if siphoning the mana back out through the same process.
    • You may only take/return information from the person collected.
    • The information given requires RP consent.
    • If destroyed, the information is lost.


    • All self-illusions can be enchanted with the specifications given to them. You may ‘save’ information on the enchantment if the spell ‘Notes’ is attached.
    • Self-illusion may only be enchanted alongside ‘Notes’ on the same object.
    • Cannot enchant ‘Horror Projection’.


    • All inducement enchantments will focus on one emotion bound to it when held/on users body. Multiple emotions cannot be induced even if one has multiple enchantments.
    • Once the enchantment breaks, they’ll suffer heightened emotions of the other emotions for thirty RP minutes.

    Expanding Ritual.

    • The enchantment known as the ‘horror stone’ will follow all rules/redlines of the spell.
    • If a player willingly connects to the horror stone, they need to contact the Story Team to continue. This is effectively self-teaching.
    • Without a teacher, the initial prismal loop will be extremely strenuous and will most likely fail. Depending on the ST handling the ticket.
    • Single-Use. If you fail the trials you cannot try again with the same stone.


    Tier Development:

    T1: - After successful Prismal Loop Trials (2 IRL weeks)

    - Voidal Commune

    - Scrambling.

    T2: - Four IRL weeks to get to T2. Including Prismal Loop trials.

    - Infusion.

    - Notes.

    - Self-Illusions, except horror projection.

    T3: - Two IRL Weeks from T2.

    - Self-Illusions, full list.

    - Inducement.

    - Memoir.

    - Expanding Ritual.



    The purpose of bringing back Cognatism isn’t to take over from voidstalker lore, rather be its own rendition of old Cognatism while following current standards of roleplay. Similarities between the two lore pieces do exist, though as voidstalking is more subservitude and cognatism written here is co-existence there is a big difference between the two.


    I wanted to further address why the list of abilities is mostly self-rp reliant, simply as I didn’t want to cross over the power which other more intensive magics bring, as taking example from voidstalking. That magic breaks the soul and gives access to ‘voidal feats’ previously unobtainable, cognatism forms a connection through the mind so the feats will be lesser. I hope to of created enough differentiation between the two for it to be considered its own piece of lore as I didn’t want to overlap anything between the two lore pieces.








    • Ttwesten / Jenny_Bobbs - Main Writer/Ideas/Conception.
    • Booklight12 - Ideas.
    • Z3m0s - Ideas.
    • Kalehart - Ideas.
    • CephalonAir - Ideas/Edits.
    • ImStuckInHell- Edits.
    • TojoTime - Edits.
    • TwistChunky - Edits.
    • Zarsies - Voidal Horror Help.


    The intention of Distribution:

    If the feat is accepted, I will be in discussion with ST members on selected members of the community not aligned with each other to help spread out the magic and not have it gatekept. If you’re interested please reach out to me on discord: E__V__O#0001 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Polysemic said:

    Nah. For once, I agree with Kunuk. This seems a lot like mental magic was back in the day, other than it requiring touch. I personally don't think mental magic has any place on the server, but that's a different topic. The current state of Illusion magic, being as loosely written as it is, already allows the caster to do a lot and does not, in my opinion, require any more spells.


    Hey Poly, thanks for the reply, I do agree with the current state of illusion being loosely written should be mediated, that is why I wanted to expand on the general idea on the spell of false images such so written as 'perception illusionary spells'. To the mental aspect it of the magic which I assume to be... the other spells? Specifically 'Reaching' and 'Memory Restoration'. That was included to flavour the additions, though I am willing to remove the 'memory restortion' part as it does follow close to mental magic. The spell 'Pensive' can already be done but added further clarification/points.


    6 minutes ago, Polysemic said:

    In addition to that, just because a spell is written as a combat spell does not mean it should solely be used in combat. I'd honestly say this is shallow view of the possible applications of illusion as a magic in its current state.

    The reason I mentioned combat in the prior comment was due to that is how mental magic functioned, at the current time and where this differs. If Kunuk wishes to include combat applications in his mental magic rewrite he is fully able to without crossing over the piece here.


    If you want to discuss further I am open in PM's so we don't go back and forth on the subject and get an idea on improvements to the overall piece of lore.

  7. 24 minutes ago, King_Kunuk said:

    Not the largest fan of illusion magic crossing into the realm of mental magic, at least how it is written here. Mental magic with memory shenanigans should be a class of magic of its own considering how much potent such a theme for a magic has. (Jedi kind trick moment- memory modifications, dream spells, etc)


    The 'biggest' mental magic aspect here is creating perception of memories which can theorically be done already, which has been in discussion within the illusionist magic chat. This was to put clarifications on such with added complementry abilities. Mental magic hasn't been a thing for a series of years so the addition isn't out out of the hand for illusion magic to have some 'mental magic themes'. Added the abilities listed here fit non-combat and don't delve into obtaining information, rather masking over it which fits the theme of illusion, whereas mental magic at least in past iterations have done the opposite. 

  8. Sensory Illusion Clarifications / Additions



    This piece of lore a clarification on a certain aspect within sensory illusion that isn’t delved into much on the main lore post. When sharing ideas for this to be a feat, it was found that it will just be clarified further in the lore of illusion. To the additions, they’ll be outlined with two asterisks on either side that further help complement the clarifications.



    As with illusion, you must connect to the mind of the individual before inducing any spell effects upon the player. The reaching spell would have the illusionist reach out to the mind of their intended target, upon connection they’ll be able to interweave any illusionist spell on this list; the caveat is; the caster requires physical contact.


    Once a successful connection has been done, the caster’s mana forms an interlocking tether between the two sharing information. The information shared can be the exchange of emotions, thoughts, and the player’s inner voice. You may not pick and choose as both players exchange the information equally.


    Void Connection --> Charge x1 --> Mind connection.



    • You can only connect and maintain the connection of reaching while physical contact remains. Unable to utilise tools such as casting implements, familiars or arcane focus to act as the physical ‘bond’.
    • You’re able to react and move as you would while casting a spell.
    • You cannot connect to the minds of non-superior souls.
    • The exchange of emotions, thoughts and the player’s inner voice, is telepathy between the two minds. You both will hear such in each other's heads there is no way to prevent this while connected.
    • This in no way shows memories or images.
    • Cannot be done on someone unconscious/asleep.
    • Is enchantable between two attuned enchantments, only transfers thoughts within #q range of 5 blocks while held. Counts as a combat enchantment.
    • Learnt at T4.
    • Can be done in combat.


    Perception Illusionary Spells

    An illusionist would be able to create a false perception across one’s senses warping fake imagery to implant it on someone's mind. The ability is not delving into a mind and finding memories to alter, rather if the illusionist knows key details of an event that occurred in the player’s life you may attempt to change the perception of it if not too extreme. As an example, if a player had a memory of the Rex of Krugmar, the illusionist may channel mana through the player and rework the perception of the rex being a brown-skinned Uruk to blue-skinned. The perception only remains until the mana flow ends or the player’s mind has fully come to the realisation of the memory perception was in fact, true. As the player believes the memory perception, it would trickle down to all other memories, slowly replacing the Uruks colour. The perception only breaks if the illusionist made something completely unbelievable, the players self-discovery of putting the pieces of memory back together and or seeing the real thing. In the case of the Uruks skin colour, if made purple it can be unbelievable thus breaking the illusion. Self-discovery can be searching through your own memories before they have been rewritten, breaking the perception, and or lastly seeing the Rex themselves being brown-skinned. These factors are all up to the player being targetted and not up to the illusionist.


    To first practice perception illusionary spells upon, the illusionist needs to know events that preceded the player. They’re incapable of searching through or seeing memories by themselves, if the player gives incredible details of an event, an item or painting the illusionist may put a perception illusion upon the player for the given detail. It is up to the player to decide if the illusion is too extreme or something that would not be possible. For example, A player’s fiance, they’ve known for years having significant portions changed about them; an illusion over the eye colour is possible but not greater details such as a different race, blonde hair when they have a darker pigment, ext.


    Performing the spell requires the initial *reaching* spell due to the complexity of memory perception. The process being;


    Reaching --> Charge x2 --> Cast.


    Casting in this sense means the beginning of your memory perception illusionary spells. It requires constant connection and mana flow.



    • Requires the spell *reaching* to be done before creating this perception.
    • Cannot read/see memories.
    • Cannot create a memory perception without preceded knowledge of events that happened on the character by being present and or details were given.
    • Cannot force the player to believe the memory perception illusion unless it was not too significant in the characters life, even so, self-discovery that is out of your control can change the memory back.
    • Anything too extreme will or impossible much like illusion will break.
    • The perception of being a success doesn’t always mean it’ll trickle down to all other memories, this is an up-to-the player choice being illusioned.
    • To mend the illusionist, they’re able to bind perception illusions on memories to enchantments.
    • Learnt at T4.
    • Cannot be done in combat.



    *Memory Restoration*

    With the illusionist able to coerce an illusionary memory, the same should be able to pull a memory back. Drawing on the mana of the player through the exchange of information an illusionist can find altered memories done through memory perception illusions, leaving stagnated mana imprints on the individual. The caster through *reaching* is further able to delve deeper into the mind and help expend more mana to collectively bring in the mana and restore damaged memories, unbeknownst to the player. In addition, the illusionist would be able to aid in the restoration of memories not done through illusion perception spells, utilising mana to reconstruct a broken memory.


    Performing the spell requires the initial ‘*reaching*’ spell due to the complexity of memory restoration. The process being;


    Reaching --> Charge x3 --> Cast.


    Casting in this sense means the beginning of your memory restoration spell. It requires constant connection and mana flow.



    • Requires the spell *reaching* to be done before creating restoration.
    • Cannot read/see memories.
    • A players memory restoration process takes longer the more time has passed, up to six additional emotes which will leave the caster unable to cast for 1 IRL Day. Additional are increased per week of memory restored.
    • Can bring back memories lost through memory loss diseases or illusion memory perception. This is all up to the player being cast on.
    • Learnt at T4.
    • Cannot be done in combat.



    The design of a pensive is already possible by creating illusionary images of a perceived event created by illusion. This is to give clarity and understanding to that concept by adding in a bit more flavour which is why it is listed as a new spell. 


    Pensieve is an ability illusionists can create through circling with a player, channelling through the information crossing tether by reaching and turning it into a visual sensory illusion cast through the illusionist. This is a way to play out a thematic event that occurred on the player around them in a broadcast, either perceived in the minds of both, or around them both so others may see the perceived events. In addition if circled/co-enchanted with a transfigurationist you may ‘entrap’ these perceived illusionary memories to be viewed on touch or looking within the jar. 


    Performing the spell requires the initial *reaching* spell due to the complexity of Pensieve. The process being;


    Reaching --> Charge x2 --> Cast.

    Casting in this sense means the beginning of the pensive spell. It requires constant connection and mana flow.



    • Requires the spell *reaching* to be done before utilising pensive.
    • The caster cannot force the perceived memories to be shown, rather up to the player. The memory will be how the player has perceived it so it may be distorted up to the player's request.
    • Cannot read/see memories.
    • Learnt at T5.
    • Cannot be done in combat.



    Although I believe illusion could do with a rewrite, having a clarification on an ability (Perception Illusion spells) and having non-combat spells to complement the magic further allows a nice flow to open up illusion to other aspects adorned within it and not just an illusionary smokebomb, snare, pain. I am fully writing this to assist in cooporating roleplay between multiple parties and different options that the magic can move within, without breaking too much of what it can be.


    I do understand some 'mental magic' elements may be seen/present in the piece of lore and although i'm not trying to bring that magic back or have plans to do so. Hopefully I don't cross the boundaries too far within this lore. I am open to opinions and feedback to see how to improve this piece. Thank you.



    - Ttwesten / Jenny_Bobbs - Writer, ideas.

    - Samsan99 - Writer, ideas.

    - Tojo - Edits, grammar fix.

    - Insert name here for people missed when asking for initial feedback.

  9. [!] A flyer is delivered to the gates of the Elven Settlements where it may be passed on to the other nations across Almaris [!]




    To the denizens of Almaris I send you this missive, be you receive it from a pinned notice or handed to you by another. If you’re willing to read, I hope this welcomes you. This isn’t a notice from an official of Haelun’or, but it comes from a concerned citizen of the state of the upcoming war. I wish to share my experience living within the walls of Haelun’or from the last dozen human years, from three Sohaers in the span of my arrival to the current day.


    Haelun’or or the Silver City has had many hardships and discerning members of its governing body starting before Dimaethor Elevethar from the rise of Kalenz to the rise of our current governing Sohaer Idendril Elassidil. The current Sohaer of the Silver City has shown significant progress for the mali’aheral, high elves as with other elven races, the mali’ame, and mali’ker so far so, having them run establishments, living within the silver district, and being a part of our military body Sillumir without strife. The state has started a patronage program for those who wish to succeed in the ideals of progress and health to live within our walls, open to all races.


    I am addressing this to you all to open up dialogue within our nation and see the progress we’ve made in the prying times over the former leaderships that got it wrong within Haelun’or. Showing progress that any race is welcomed within the walls of the Silver City and, much like other nations allowing them patronage to live within the walls if they so please it. 


    The outlier is that of purity, and I understand it is a hard-hitting word though phrasing it to be the rules of the state is how it should be, much like the human nations, dwarven, Uruk, or mali. We each have a set of laws governing the cities built upon the land. The spouted discrepancies of slavery, servitude, kidnapping are things of prior leaderships which Idendril Elassidil is identifying and fixing to push further a greater Haelun’or than that which preceded the Sohaer. 




    I urge other nations to look into the current city of Haelun’or and see the people, how they’re welcoming to other races, other nations, and other affiliations within the walls and aid us in the progress and health of our people. We do not seek conflict, nor do we seek war. The people behind the walls haven’t left to battle or raid other lands even before the current Sohaer reign. To the followers of lady Ivarielle, I implore you not to further your attacks on the nation and start your own. The people here are of no threat to you, and we respectfully urge you to unite your forces against the immense evil of the land of Azdromoth or the voidal abominations plaguing the land. The Haelun’or people stand by governing ideals that you don’t follow, nor are we forcing it on you; you’re welcome to build your own nation; I hope you don’t take the one made here and abandon it. Don’t allow further bloodshed of the people you claim to rule over; we’re not warmongers. 




    Evo'lur Tartarus.

  10. 10 minutes ago, _Sheylo_ said:

    Valazaer lifts his cup of tea, having finished the biscuit. "Co-existing is usually an option I'd go with, however we can't get half the city to pick up swords even if we asked nicely. That tainted ground has been just outside the wall for at least thirteen years, I do not know how many before I arrived.. We can all make an effort- It should start now, instead of bickering.  We're all equal Aheral in the eyes of Larihei. Give or take a few." He hums, finishing off the tea and heading home to the Sullas mansion.


    [!] Listening towards Valazaer speak before giving a small brief thought as he waits for them to finish before he speaks [!]


    "My original statement, the missive proclaimed that the people of Haelun'or shouldn't be different or divided as they don't take up tasks of physical brawn like what the Sillumir requires, you now speak of wanting them to raise a sword, I ask why? It is respectable you want the citizens of Haelun'or to rise up and defend the city, I myself share that statement though for those who cannot or do not want to we shouldn't force them. The Silver City promotes itself on progress and health not brawn. Alchemists, magi, scholars, children are the future to the city as with Sillumir who protect us.


    In the fight to clear the hollow, we must first do research which many are working towards. I urge you to look into creating unity than division."


    [!] He finishes up his statement as the elf he spoke with before leaves to the mansion, Evo'lur not following. [!]

  11. 8 minutes ago, _Sheylo_ said:

    "Most of the city- Most of the realm for that matter oft bicker over things that are further down on the priority ladder. A laissez-faire attitude would fair fine over things like this. Our efforts would be better used for things like dealing with the voidal hollow, seeing we were just attacked by voidal tainted Shuul.." An Elf states to no one in particular over breakfast, a slight yawn following after.


    [!] Shortly after Evo'lur posted the missive he awaits around to hear those who comment hear. Stopping to look to Valazaer he gives the elf a nod before he comments back [!]


    "The efforts to take on the voidal hollow are a step which we need to be tackled on united front and not divided as which it is seen now. Fixing the internal issues within Haelun'or the silver state we all reside within should be a priority to further push maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."

  12. Divide Within The Silver City



    A divide has recently been brewing from small actions and inactions alike from the Silver state's Okarir, Tilruir, and Sillumir. The ridge I'm speaking of is that of gender. I wish to address this to all mali'thill of Haelun'or that no divide should exist. We exist in a commonwealth of growth, progress, and health, maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. The gender or lack of in Haelun'or shouldn't divide the people as everyone is equal within the walls of the state, physical strength isn't a single deterrent to cause a divide, not joining the Sillumir isn't a cause to make a divide. We should encourage working together, which with Larihei is a gift she gave to all mali'thill. 




    I hope to see the Silver Stage progress further into maehr'sae hiylun'ehya and not fall into this divide. We're being divided outside the walls already not to have an eternal struggle. The cooperation, progress, health, and the mali'thill should be our main concern. This missive isn't the council's position on such rather my own; I wish to address these concerns if I am appointed Okarir'tayna by the city's people. We as a people should rise together, not form a divide.






    Undersigned Evo'lur Tartarus

    By will of elheial’thilln, by will of the Maheral



  13. 1 minute ago, SoulReapingWolf said:

    Interesting concept. Feel like metagaming might be a problem where people will actively avoid seals  even if they have no clue how they work tho.


    I do understand the potential use of metagame for the runes though in general, it is a new casting implement that is fully stationary that isn't something we have currently besides 'familiars' which could be considered walking 'seals' as you're also able to cast through them. 

  14. TUbKbzj.png




    The avail between the mundane and magical wonders where both have infinite inner workings between what they can do but nothing to cross between a tangible unification. The study of both has raised curiosity and tension between finding a substantial bond and making the two meld together. Evo’lur Tartarus has found a bond and similarities from the material alphabet seals to the arcane. Notarizing down seals of elements and channeling magic from the void has left an impartial imprint on the seal lines.


    Further study of the coercion on seals and magic, the symbols reacted positively on the essence of magically imbued seals attributed to the elemental sect of the void art one transfused. Though limited to the sign, connected lines and an area were made, forming the ‘casting circle.’ Utilizing a series of seals, one could replicate the spells of the chosen arcane art along the seal circle.



    Explanation of Casting Seals


    Casting seals take the material alphabet and its corresponding element of magic symbol to create cohesion between the two. One may create a spark of their magic by channeling it through the chosen alphabet symbol.


    • Casting seals are available to magi who have gone under a ritual to attune themselves closer to the chosen archetype of magic. For example, Arcane Scions, Voidstalking, Voidal Eminence, and Voidal Artificery can use ‘casting seals.’ Other forms of attunement to the archetype of magic that can use the seals would be; the Druidic ritual of - Tree Lord. Necromancy ritual of - Lichdom/Darkstalker. Mysticism Ritual of - Conjoinment/Wights, ext.


    • In the alternative, a voidal mage who has filled at least 3 void magic slots, and is T5 in all the subtypes that comprise these slots; may use casting seals.


    • Additionally, users of non-voidal magic (Deity/Dark) who are; neither further attuned nor have filled 3 magic slots may use casting seals as long as they are T5 in their given magic.


    • No FA/MA is required, as the above merits the potential to use these. You only lose the knowledge if the above feats are lost/removed from you.



    Creation of Casting Seals



    Casting seals are freeform interlocked rings that contain symbols outlined in the Material Alphabet, which adhere to a spell being cast through it. The seal's power is attributed to the number of signs written of the chosen spell symbol type. A novice (T1) spell would require one elemental symbol to be drawn within the interlocked ring alongside the fuel of the magic enacted and the creation symbol. In contrast, a master (T5) spell would require five elemental symbols. The seal itself will be drawn by a mundane power attributed to the chosen archetype of magic, grounded light stones for paladism, foci-crystal for voidal, Kuila for druidism, ext. 


    Once the circle and symbols are drawn, a small imbuement ritual is done to seal the essence of the chosen archetype of magic to the interlocked ring. One has to etch out the engraved seal; brushing over it will not remove it. The ring's size serves as a purpose of visibility, requiring it to be at least two by two meters in length (2x2) for the entire spell effect; anything less than the required size means the power and width of the spell are diminished by half.


    To activate the seal requires the caster's sight and a flow of the essence of magic adorned upon it. When activated, the caster will have no visible indication they're casting a spell on the chosen archetype except the aura/flow of mana coming from the mage. In contrast, the seal will have all the visible tells of it being activated. 


    Steps to the Seal creation:


    Step One:

    Drawing the interlocked ring will give an understanding of the initial size and purpose of the ring placement without going outside the initial boundaries. The thickness of the ring has to be at least one inch.



    Step Two:

    Serving as a protectionary barrier in case the seal erupts prematurely a bracing line of the same thickness is drawn.



    Step Three:

    Setting the structure of the ring now to be more stable with the elemental symbol forces, a hexagon shape is drawn of the same thickness to form a conductor line for each symbol.



    Step Four:

    Drawing more conductor lines for each symbol to connect and parse power, the two triangles drawn allow precise flow of the alphabet symbols to reach each corner.



    Step Five:

    Scaling the design to include three more interlocked rings allows the inclusion of the finished seal circle if stopping for novice spells, allocating an elemental symbol in one, a fuel-based symbol in the other and a creation symbol in the final interlocked ring.



    Step Six:

    Further scaling the seal drawing three more closed circles to assist in scaling the glyph to balance the greater spells power encapsulated within.



    Step Seven:

    Two spirals spun to interconnect within the middle flows the elemental symbols together to reach the centre forming the greater spell to be channelled.



    Step Eight:

    Drawing the elemental symbols within each interlocked corner ring followed by the archetype of magic fuel symbol, and creation symbol. In the example below this would be an adept (T3) Casting seal for a fire evocation spell, having three fire elemental symbols and the mana symbol.





    Creating a casting seal allows any user with the knowledge of the material alphabet and the ability to make the seals themselves to channel magic to the attributed casting seal enabling them to cast spells through it on the given element/fuel type. Locking the caster into all limitations of casting the spell and, if disrupted, having to start over, the benefit of channeling a spell through the seal allows the caster not to have the aura/spells effect to be seen around them. In the example of fire evocation, you wouldn’t have sparks of embers, fire, or smoke coming from the caster, but your aura can be seen casting a magical ability. However, the spell ‘charge’ would be seen around the seal, having all those prior specific effects.


    • The casting seal can only be activated by those whose knowledgeable in the created seals symbols with the practiced magic within their arsenal. A non-fire void mage cannot activate a fire casting seal.
    • You must have KNOWLEDGE of the magic to cast through the seal archetype. You cannot cast through a fire evocation fire seal, without an accepted MA.
    • To activate the seal requires the caster's sight and a flow of the users essence.
    • When casting through a seal, you'll still be seen as visibly casting a spell, with your aura visible. Any spell based effects from the spell or casting will only appear on the casting seal.
    • The size of a seal cannot expand the limitations of the current spell, adhering to all size restrictions of the spell no matter the size of the seal. The only exception is through circling to 'empower' the magic. 
    • Activating an casting seal takes the same time as casting the desired spell, as with taking the same mana as doing so. If the caster is interrupted similarly to casting other spells, the casting seal is deactivated. You're limited to the casting restrictions of the spell channeled.
    • Any archtype of magic, void, druidism, necromancy, blood magic, mysticism, shamanism, ext. Are able to use this casting implement.
    • An casting seal is, in all terms considered a casting implement, limited to the range of the spell and unable to extend it without an arcane focus. If a spell is limited to 20 meters from the caster, the seal cannot be activated from further than 20 blocks away, or the magic ability is extended past that range.
    • You may channel 'self-cast' spells like 'Earth Evocation - Earthen Dome' on a casting seal. This is limited to one meter from your character to the edge of the seal, doubled with an arcane focus.
    • A heavy strike from a hammer, abjurations, or mana depreciating objects/spells will destroy the seal etch failing the spell cast. Auric Oil will always break the seal when activated, no matter the tier of the spell being cast.
    • You can walk/move out of the seal without impeadment, even if activated. The seal will only have an effect if the spell is ready to be cast.
    • If the ring is cast through is beneath two by two (2x2) meters in size, the spell's effectiveness and width are cut in half. In non-combat scenarios, the spell's width follows the size of the seal.
    • The seal would be symbolized with blocks drawn, restone, drawn lines, and a sign stating what it is before using it.





    - Jenny_Boobs // E__V__O - Main writer.

    - Sriflo - Ideas.

  15. Challenge for Okarir’Tayna




    Given reigns to the current Okarir'Tayna Seth Calith for the last elven month, the progress which they push is stagnant and recoiled. To this, I don't doubt mister Calith's abilities in successfully running his position, Okarir'Tayna for the Silver State. I ask the citizens of Haelun'or to lend me your voice in this missive and only ask how we can do more, to which I challenge mister Calith for his position to bring maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the city walls once more.




    To the citizens and those who reside within the Silver State, I ask you to lend me your voice, see your face, and start to show you what I see for the future of Haelun'or in divisions magic, protection, progress, and health. Open the door, let me come and sit by the fire, just let me come close to your heart, let me progress the Silver City to its previous glory of the bastion of magic. 




    The maehr'sae hiylun'ehya of the Silver State is something I hold dear to my heart. Seeing how nothing has changed on the appointment of Mister Calith has inclined me to write this missive so you may lend me your voice to maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. Lend me your voice, open the door, let me show you maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. Allow me to offer you a future in magic and wonder, bringing mystery behind our walls that greet anyone who enters.




    I offer to the silver state my unyielding support and the citizens in any decision they come to, and I only ask you to lend me your voice, lend me your vote so I may show what we can bring to the city of Silver. I am only an individual. Together we're a community where your voice is heard together; we make maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, not as one but a body. I ask again for you to lend me your voice, only while together we progress; if another shows potential, lend them your voice as such goes for maehr'sae hiylun'ehya of the silver state.







    Undersigned Evo'lur Tartarus

    By will of elheial’thilln, by will of the Maheral








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