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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by E__V__O

  1. 4 hours ago, Booklight12 said:



    From the Transfiguration lore that is already accepted:


    Entrap Spell: Non-Combative

    A similar process to Co-Enchanting, except the Transfigurationist and the assisting mage lock the spell inside a closed jar or glass bottle for later use in enchanting. When the Transfigurationist chooses, they may draw the entrapped spell from the container and use it in an enchanting ritual.



    This has no set emote count and is purely a non-combative ritual. An assisting mage and Transfigurationist, or the Transfigurationist themself captures the essence of a spell and contains it in the jar or bottle. Depending on the magic used, the inside of the container will take on an aesthetic, such as an elemental evocation appearing inside the jar, or conjuration being represented by several small butterflies hovering around inside the container. The container used must be transparent and must be a minimum of six inches in diameter. The MC representation for the entrapped spell must be a glass bottle and requires Story Team approval. Upon enchanting with the entrapped spell, a /sreq must be made for the enchantment to be signed and the entrapped spell is to be disposed of by the overseeing Story Team member.



    - Cannot be done in combat.

    - Follows all red-lines of enchanting.

    - You may only entrap one spell in a single container. You cannot have an entire catalog of spells inside a container. 

    - Entrapped spells must be mechanically represented and signed by a Story Team member.

    - When entrapping a spell, such must be done with consent- you cannot “capture” oncoming enemy spells.

    - When using an entrapped spell in an enchantment, a Story Team member must dispose of the item after its been used.

    - Entrapped spells must be contained in a glass contained that’s at least six inches wide. This is represented by a glass block or glass bottle MCly.

    - Cannot entrap spells that you do not have knowledge of.

    - If the container is shattered, the spell will be released and fade out, wasting away the potential of the entrapped spell.


    This is to your base question of 'essence of magic'. It can be used for enchanting purposes already I just wanted to expand upon it that it may also be utilized for 'abjuration/warding' purposes. I didn't want to nessecarily have the magic have a big power spike/boost but have a way to utilize abjurations/warding in a unique way as other magics/mundane items seemly have further interaction of 'warding' magical feats. 


    4 hours ago, Booklight12 said:

    I would argue that if a character knows an evocation they should be able to willingly learn the properties of other elements and get permission to ward any other evocation.

    Commenting to this section, I can argue agreement though that would be a big powerspike to a magical art that I do not really see something like this being accepted, you're free to try however. It wouldn't clash with what is listed in this post if you did.

  2. Reading over the missive he raises a brow before putting it down.

    "Isn't sutica, being the trade city supposed to be neutral in all conflicts unless Haelun'or has done something against the trade city? I'm not aware of any reports they did..."

    the elf sighs momentarily

    "It is curious how the trade city of Sutica is now ongoing with political conflicts."

  3. 1 minute ago, ᴜɴᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢʟʏ said:

    Yeah they would disarm you but I'm pointing out that it's not something that people can actually monitor effectively, because there is literally zero way to keep track of it without some over-the-top process, so people instead tend to make up their own rules to bypass having to actually put any effort into enforcing their city's safety without having to lose out on activity


    From my understanding moderators have claimed if they RP'ly put stuff in a chest as you described and you have screenshot evidence of such they cannot use said items in RP. You can RP hiding weapons, trinkets, tools which can be easily moved on from.


    Then again, could be wrong. Just what was described to me.

  4. rIhGdw34WGDKQlWwLKPBkGflKYT52J3r5jVk2HjUvGowouxvCWYkIUfdrEWCkCG0IGn2JxKi4sEMTv2mHBPxfm0KR8fCGxy1Sedscw8R0FW1NlHXyc7CtFnGw-_cGihxuNkJhJ3E




    Transfiguration, where it stands, has a good balance on its place on the server by not being too powerful yet housing a plethora of spells. This is where the amendment kicks in. Due to the number of spells, some things get lost or missed in lore which I hope to amend to further increase cooperation, creativity, and community engagement with the magic, hoping for not some underutilised spells to be more prone to use. For further adieu, enjoy.


    Alter Position

    Including two separate redlines, which has no added benefit other than flavour, promotes RP engagement and interactivity, especially when performing mundane tasks. Do note, this cannot be done in combat.

    Add Redlines:

    - “The caster is able to perform separate **transmutation or enchanting** spells while alter position is active.”


    - “The caster is able to utilise this spell on multiple objects as long as they don’t weigh greater than 25lbs/~11kg.”


    Enhanced Magelight

    Enhanced Magelight is an underutilized spell due to its main being unable to be used in combat. You’re unable to create a magelight orb in the mists of battle to help brighten a location or light up an alley if creatures are coming towards you. I do not think this should be the case. Relatively keeping the magic non-blinding and intrusive, one should utilize it for many forms.


    - "Enhanced Magelight to Magelight."


    - "Learned at T4 ---> Magelight to T2."

    • - T2: Can cast twice, able to hold magelight for 3 emotes.
    • - T3: Can cast up to four times, able to hold magelight for 5 emotes.
    • - T4: Can cast without strain, able to hold magelight while mana is available.
    • - T5: As T4.


    - "Learned at T4 ---> Overcharged Magelight T4."

    • - T4: Expends 3/5th mana on cast.
    • - T5: Expends 2/5th mana on cast.


    - "Non-combative to combative."


    Current description:
    “In its non-combative, yet brighter form, it takes 1 connect emote + 1 charge emote + 1 cast emote. The more mana one expends on the spell, the brighter it gets, having the potential to fill an entire cavern with light. If the Transfigurationist was to overcharge the spell for a combative advantage, it would take 1 connect emote + 2 charge emote + 1 cast emote. This causes a brief, yet powerful flash of light that lasts for one emote and can disorient targets who perceive it for about an emote. This is rather mana intensive and takes up about a fourth of the Transfigurationist’s mana and will disconnect the mage after it’s been cast due to the intense light.”


    New Description: 

    “It takes 1 connect emote + 1 charge emote + 1 cast emote. The more mana one expends on the spell for an additional emote, the brighter it gets, having the potential to fill an entire cavern with light. The light will not disorientate, blind, or be intrusive otherwise than looking at a normal lightbulb, no matter the more mana one expends to increase the brightness. 


    If the Transfigurationist were to overcharge magelight, the spell would take 1 connect emote + 2 charge emotes + 1 cast emote. Casting causes a brief yet powerful flash of light that disorients targets who perceive it, lasting one emote. You can overcharge a current casted magelight, skipping the connection emote.”


    Add Redlines:

    - “The light will not disorientate, blind, or be intrusive otherwise than looking at a normal lightbulb, no matter the more mana one expends to increase the brightness.”


    Entrap Spell

    Entrap spell will be getting one adjustment, so to clarify the amount one can make per day, the reasoning for this is due to the change coming to Abjurations/Warding. This is already a thing. Just if it needs clarification, it is here.


    Add Redline:

    - “You’re limited to creating three entrapped spells per day.”


    Warding & Abjurations

    Warding and abjurations are at an impasse. While you cannot increase the total power of the magic nor make it weaker, an exception should be made. These spells within transfiguration are the most underutilized within the magic. To make them usable by mages who wish to remain utility-based mages against the more combat intuitive counterpart would be entrapped spells.

    Add to Description:

    “Utilizing entrapped spells, you may gather the essence of the school of magic within the enclosed jar/container for warding or abjuration, taking an additional emote to extract the energy. This is a single-use as the entrapped spell's essence is used upon a successful cast. Entrapped spells used have to be T4/5. Anything below won’t work.”




    “This spell takes 1 connect emote + 1 charge emote + 1 optional upgrade + 1 cast emote”


    “This spell takes 1 connect emote + 1 charge emote + 1 cast emote. (+1 charge emote if used entrapped spell)”



    “1 connect emote + 1 charge emote + 1 cast emote.”


    “This spell takes 1 connect emote + 1 charge emote + 1 cast emote. (+1 charge emote if used entrapped spell)”


    Add Redlines:

    - “You may utilize an entrapped spell to ward/abjure that spells school of magic by consuming the essence to power your ward/abjuration. This uses up the entrapped spell.”


    - “You may carry with you three entrapped spells per combat encounter, this isn’t connected to the alchemy/enchantment use limit.”


    - “Entrapped spells used have to be T4/5, anything below won’t work.”


    - “Using entrapped spells puts an additional emote required to cast, extracting the essence from the jar/container.”


    - “You cannot create a warding enchantment with an entrapped spell.”


    - “You can co-enchant to make warding enchantments.”



    Original Lore:

    (If you want to see what're changed/added if they make a difference).

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  6. 3 minutes ago, Luxury said:

    I understand the gist of this, and I find that we agree that there should be multiple functions written into a piece of lore. This is why I maintained that these stones can be used for enchanting and aesthetic purposes. This piece is

    introducing an entirely unfamiliar concept to the community- someone mentioned it previously 'eco mages'. Environmentally conscious mages. Socially, this piece holds potential to cause a social pivot on the climate of magic on the server.


    I wanted to keep that concept pure for it's introduction. It could be that additional uses are written in later, but I did not wish to bog this piece down for the moment as it is here primarily to serve a function in the story narrative.


    On 1/4/2022 at 10:49 AM, IsaaKc said:

    It's a pretty straightforward function. I think it makes sense to have a way to remove Voidal Taint, but it should have uses beyond closing tears and the like. I'm not a fan of lore being drafted strictly to counter something with no further use or practicality.


    Added on, the 'Void Crystal' part of the lore has a semi multi function. It is able to use as described or able to be enchanted, it has a cost factor however. It is mentioned here:


    On 12/29/2021 at 10:58 AM, Luxury said:

    -The Crystals are enchantable, but will surrender any of the above utilities rendering them as a simple aesthetic option.


    It isn't anything more glamous and doesn't provide any extra benefit over the use magegold. As Luxury stated, this is a significant development for voidal magic if approved as it has several other functions already. More can be added later if others with a creative mind wish to tackle it. 

  7. Me being absent for most of your tenure I can't say much on how good of an admin you became. I will say I know you from before the red tag which you're strict and have your own idea for how the server wanted to move forward. From the last few months I've returned and seen the interaction you've had with the community it i'm glad the server has matured you and it didn't turn to Joel's vision of LoTC and allowed the community to grow with you while holding your strict ideas of LoTC. Lets see where the future holds for lore and you as your tenure ends.

  8. Evo'lur looking over the missive as he resides within the tavern resting after his research papers. With a glass of elven wine he reads. "It is good we've been able to fall back to our old traditions and debates, though sadly on my most recent visit to speak with the princedom supporters they share no ideal of debating rather only see things through bloodshed which is disheartning." The elf sighs with his brief monolog as he presses back into the chair leaning it on two legs as he balances "It is curious to say the least, will they accept the offer or rather want to holm for bloodshed? The princess believes she is the monarch of all 'aheral though those within the city see her as a tyrant. Perhaps if she lived with her people she would see the traditions instead of that of dark beings manipulating her mind." Evo'lur leans back forwards to take ahold of the missive once more before placing it aside, taking up the schematic page of void crystals next to it.

  9. Evo'lur Tartarus notes down the missive sent by the Sohaer as he begins to unclip the strains of armormands on his elven body.


    "The enemies of the state should be more cautious when they decide to attack the Silver City of Haelun'or. The new Sohaer today has proven battle capabilities over the last few leaders beforehand in this one fight. Let us hope they continue to beat expections.


    The silver state prevails, Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya."

  10. 1 minute ago, Dont_Advertise said:


    Wanna talk about this then?




    It is good that you've taken steps to help out Llir, you've been good to the community on reaching out when needed.

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