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Gulik Shortbeard

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  1. Come back to LOTC, the dwarves need you. D:

  2. Application for Teacher [OOC] MC Name: Cosmic_Cowboy [OOC] Age: 18 [OOC] Times on Server (convert to GMT): I can be available virtually 24/7, if I need to. Name: Gulik Shortbeard Age: 24, I believe. Field of Study: Strategy, tactics, and military leadership. Experience/s in this field: Mostly academic and theoretical, but extensive nonetheless. I have held multiple positions of authority in armed forces in the past. I am an outspoken member of that community. Experience/s as a teacher: Not really any worth mentioning, but I'm not bad. Reference (not to explain how good at you are at RP or if you're nice but someone who can speak honestly about your strengths and weaknesses) Name [and MC Name]: I suppose the most appropriate would be Decks of the Black Axe [decks13. If you want a more complete appraisal, I can refer you to players outside the server. There may be another LoTC member who knows me better, but I can't remember his name off the top of my head. His IGN is AidanJan].
  3. If we should be developing curricula, then can we discuss that here? Because I have a question. OOC: To what extent can we reference OOC facts in our lessons? For instance, I plan on teaching military science. Can I directly reference the fact that you can't break blocks where you don't have permission? I would put it in IC terms, of course, but I was wondering if the characters are aware of things like this. It's not the sort of thing you can just make an OOC footnote about in the middle of a lesson, it would be the subject of multiple lessons. I imagine that other subjects have similar problems, including magic, mining, and the like.
  4. And I have all this free time... If you need help with the construction or anything, I'll volunteer.
  5. Hang on, your father rules the Undead, supposedly with you at his side, and you want a job as a guard in an out-of-the-way dwarf clan? ((Also, do you speak english?))
  6. Where is everyone? ((Why does nobody seem to be online when I am? And I play for hours at a time. Is everyone taking a "journey?"))
  7. Perhaps the position of Warlord should be renamed Minister of Defense, to better match the other council positions. Warlord makes me sound like an Orc chief.
  8. ((I can't find any more central forum for this clan, so I'll post this here.)) Some startling changes have occurred in Aegis. I was furnishing my tower at Kal'Domhain the other day when I accidentally set off my Soulstone, transporting myself to Kal'Urguan. As I began my weary journey home, I noticed some strange differences in the land I have traveled so often. The first was in Koronoe, where I happened on a multitude of messages, announcing that the town had been overtaken by the Undead, and would be destroyed in less than a week. The town itself was already in ruin, and I didn't encounter so much as zombie as I passed through the opposite gate. As I neared Al'Khazar, I was baffled to see a blanket of snow covering the surroundings. The city itself had been drastically altered. A new, imposing wall blocked the way that I usually took around the city. Inside, mysterious figures lurked in the shadows, and I did not stop to engage them. At last I entered a sector of the city that seemed familiar, but the snow remained. The trail leading past Crimson Vale towards the ruins of Alstion had become a road, with signs declaring it to be the way to some place named Cistina and a rebuilt Fort Alstion. As I approached the new Fort Alstion, I decided to enter, with the hopes of finding an East gate, and perhaps acquiring some supplies to support me on the last leg of the journey. Outside the east gate, there were two rows of a strange, fleshy red rock that I had never seen before. There was no East gate, so I threaded between the monotonous houses back to the West gate, when I heard a strange noise. I paused to listen. It seemed to me like strange echoes one might hear in a damp dungeon, that had not been visited by civilized beings in millenia. Yet it was loud enough that I could hear it through the very earth beneath my feet. I was visited by a strange, inexplicable sense of dread. No one appeared to be manning the fort, so I let myself into the nearest door, hoping to find the source of the strange noise. The door led to a small room, with no other doors, but a ladder leading downwards. Excited, I descended into a similar room, this one furnished with two locked chests and some workbenches. A hallway led off to the South, so I explored it. The hallway had iron doors on either side, leading into cells with walls of pure obsidian. At the end of the short hallway, there were double locked door. Looking through the small windows of these doors, I saw flames licking against the glass, burning the same red rock I had seen outside the gate. The room beyond the doors seemed no larger than a closet, and the sounds were not issuing from it, so I turned around to explore further. I reentered the room with the chests, and noticed another locked door off to the side. The sounds were coming from behind this door. I peered through the window. Most of the room beyond was blocked from view by an extension of the wall, but I did see a strange, purple mist. I was in fear as if for my life, but I could not understand why. I hastily exited the fort and set off for Kal'Domhain with a wild story to tell. Upon leaving the fort behind me, the strange sense of fear immediately left me, and I decided to pay a visit to whatever new community had sprung up so suddenly, calling itself Cistina. The road lead North from Fort Alstion, for quite a ways. The city itself was marvelously grand, though it was very compact. Much of the city was located underground, and included the largest underground farm I had ever seen. Enough golden grain was there to fill the Valley of Kal'Domhain, and then some. No one appeared to be in the city, so I went straight to Kal'Domhain. I noticed that I had encountered no one, besides the strange beings in Al'Khazar. Make of my story what you will, but there are strange goings-on in Aegis, very close to our beloved castle in the mountains. The undead are stirring, and I fear it bodes ill for the dwarves of the North.
  9. OOC: Jadle's Signatures and Skins. I drew my own signature on my computer, but it didn't turn out quite as nice as I wanted. So I took some screenshots of Kal'Domhain and gave them along with my skin template to Jadle, with instructions to get the same sort of thing as my painting, and he gave me my sig. Just because I'm still slightly proud that I made it (if only because of the time it took), here's my painting: I do like the moon and the clouds. Those are nice.
  10. For the theater, shouldn't there be an easier to way to get onstage/backstage? I thought there would be a door in the basement, but apparently you have to run and jump on to the stage. Maybe we could also add curtains and special lighting? Map rooms are fun to build, I would love to help. What I've done in the past is a miniature of the world under a glass floor. Real water adds to the effect, and the glass doesn't extend to the walls. That way, you can hide torches under the edge of the floor where you can't really see them.
  11. ((Is there an official thread for the clan? Also, is there some faster way to get to Kal'Domhain, like a warp or a ship? I die way too often.))
  12. Or going cross-country straight west from the Temple.
  13. @Von: Sorry, I didn't see your post until now. If someone wants to set up a time later on, so I have time to see the post and respond, that would be better. Or someone could set out a chest with some food in it for the next time I log in. Or maybe I can just starve and go back to the temple, since I need to be somewhere else anyway, and dying will save me the trip.
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