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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Swgrclan

  1. Giving a reminder, either log on and give my stuff back or place the items back in the chests. My patience is growing thin, and I don't want to make a strike report just to get my hard-earned items back.

  2. ;;_;;

    So many views.

  3. Dat 5,000+ profile views. Yes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      Its ok Danie and Drayen. Ill give you some of my 12,179. Hope this makes you happier.

    3. Swgrclan


      Ees okay. I'll try to amass your popularity with my views alone. :3

    4. KarmaDelta


      Popularity means nothing to me. I do sometimes say "You dont know me!? The great Deltaro!" But I joke..... I could care less honestly. Thats why i just call them friends :3

  4. *Sneaks to Auzem's supply of eyes*

    *Steals them all, replacing them with hands*

  5. Gonna be visiting family over the weekend, so won't be online.

    1. Ever


      Have fun :3

  6. *Pokes with a teddy bear*


  7. That avatar. It makes everything worse. ;_;

  8. Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle. Yeah~

  9. Well. I'd say Lysle Rigger's death was pretty climatic.

  10. Well done, my friend. I remember when I first saw you in-game as a misguided Orc in Krugmar, when Thral was a old man. Good times.


  11. *Creeps onto profile*

    *Whispers, "..Yew must follow the slothes.."

  12. I plan on playin' it today. Is fun. :3

  13. Not even a fan. Just bought the game yesterday.

    Looked fun. :S

  14. *golf clap

    I'm not even past one of the first missions.


  15. Iiiiiiii miiissssss yyyeeewwwww ttooooooo


  16. Sigh. Is this a DDOS or something? Taking awhile for the server to start up again.

  17. *Slithers onto page*

    *Has a staring contest with avatar*

  18. Can't access my chests for some reason. They were locked by a friend, with a pass needed to open it, and when I try to access my door and chest, the pass is invalid. :/ Not getting any GM support, either. Any way to fix this, or do I need to wait for someone who has a completely different timezone than me to get online? 'Cause the one who locked my chests is never on when I am.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. atticusmas


      LWC only currently works for donators. Meaning if your not a donator, you cant even unlock doors.

    3. RenownedWolfman
    4. Swgrclan


      Well, that's ridiculous. Just heightens the chance of being robbed for people that have not donated.

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