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Status Updates posted by Serah

  1. "Laughter is the best medicine." Yep. I should be pretty healthy now. Thanks LotC! Stay classy~

  2. Ah yes. Any of you Admin/GM/FM folk want to inform us as to what's going on with the server? Pretty pwease? With honey and waffles? :3

    1. Show previous comments  68 more
    2. Cosmik


      Mother of god, so many comments.

    3. Swgrclan


      Praise me, for I have prevailed in achieving the 70th's comment on the biggest status on LotC.

      I.. am.. GOD! *Lightning*

    4. Serah


      xD Congratulations!

  3. Dare I ask if you.. sparkle as well?

  4. Drinky, drinky, drink!~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Serah


      *not telling* :3

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      It's no use asking Spam, I have tried and failed >.< Also... Drink is good...

    4. Serah


      Haha. Oh Robin. x3 And yes, drinky is good. ^^

  5. Happy Holidays, everyone! May your days be full of warmth, company and of course, ale~

    1. Aislin


      You know what's up.

  6. Happy New Year, everyone! Greet 2012 (and our possible but highly unlikely deaths by catastrophe, if you believe in that stuff) with smiles and a few drinky-drinks. :3 Cheers everyone! Have a good one wherever you are~

  7. I kid. Twas a mere joke~

  8. Maeghan, you will always be remembered fondly~ May we someday see each other again~ You will be dearly missed~

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