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Posts posted by xDK

  1. Just now, Guck said:


    All you intended for this post was to trigger people tbh, and I feel as if it should be taken down, xD


    You're again interpreting my alternate motive behind the post.. Stop reading into it.. If you're offended, it's your own fault for being offended.

  2. 2 hours ago, Guck said:

    I think it's pathetic you're having a go at Oren for being renowned for zealous actions, which we usually do RP'ly, anyway. And for the PvP part, orcs and dwed alike practice it just as much. If you're being metagamed for being a Frost Witch, get your card set to another race.




    I am sorry.. When the heck did I ever say that I went against Oren? You're interpreting the images that I made into finding it offensive.. It's quite litterally your own fault for being offended. xD

  3. 1 hour ago, Fizldank said:

    haha these memes are really funny, haha! way better than sandk1ng lmaoooo!!! you make really good points staff should completely implement rp default because of these pvp defaulting oreners!



    49 minutes ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:


    I have so much contempt for maplestory as well as you and everything you stand for.




    6 minutes ago, Salvo said:

    i dont need more saltt in my life tyvm





  4. 10 hours ago, Humanistic said:

    Because the Defender would have the choice of either or and have an upper hand against the attacker if he chose PVP default, and it's Minecraft and Lord of the Rings brought together, they are a mixed game between roleplay and minecraft, plus it's not like you don't RP before PVPing anyway.


    Excactly.. He would have a choice, however that is not what you are advocating for in the previous statement.. You said that you wanted PvP default over Defender default, eventhough you have a choice at Defender default and not in PvP default. Also, if the Defender has better gear than you, and he chooses PvP over RP, then it wouldn't make any difference wether it was PvP default or Defenders default.. Because it is PvP either way.


    If you think that Lord of the Craft is Minecraft and Lord of the Rings brought together, then that is quite silly.. In the beginning, back in Aegis, the server was more Lord of the Rings than it has ever been, because it was one of the few Filmatised fantasy universes at the time. However, the server has no longer any if at all, references back to the Lord of the Rings universe. We have to admit that Lord of the Craft is its own universe. We also have to see that Lord of the Craft could easily be done on any other platform, which brings the same amount of utility as Minecraft, however since there is no such thing, we use Minecraft. This has been brought up before.


    To the statement about "It's not like you don't RP before PvPing anyway", I just have to say that what you are saying is absolutely irrelevant to the Topic. We are talking about the way that you choose to handle Combat roleplay, and not what the server is made of. Saying that you roleplay before PvPing is the same as saying, you roleplay before you go to combat. Which is completely neglegting the actual subject.

  5. 6 hours ago, Humanistic said:

    Hmmm. What if the defender has better gear, and the attacker would prefer RP, but the defender chooses PVP? I believe PVP Default should remain, as it is a basic minecraft mechanic that is built into the game itself, getting rid of PVP for the most part is basically removing something that the game offered originally. It is also strong in Orcish Culture as Orcs tend to settle their problems or debates through klomping. Now RP klomping is fun, but unless you have a bad frame rate or internet then there shouldn't be anything stopping you from becoming a better PVPer.

    I feel as if many people also give Orcs a lot of heat when it comes to PVP, I recall being attacked by people in looc because I ran up to my friend and attempted to steal from her at the docks in RP even though I was just joking around and they tend to be PVP alts sometimes. Orcish RP has a lot of value that people don't realize, there is a certain way that Orcs are supposed to live due to Krugs Will. We are just RPing how the Orcish lore made them.


    "If the defender has better gear, and the attacker would prefer RP, but the defender chooses PvP".. What would be the difference from PvP default compared to Defender default? Also, the server is a Roleplaying server, using Minecraft as a Platform, and not a Minecraft server with Roleplay in it.

  6. On 7/3/2016 at 2:08 AM, Samoblivion said:


    Speaks to my lack of ingenuity? Christ, get that stick out of your arse.


    I'm not saying that PvP is intrinsic to Orcish culture. I'm not saying that those things can't be accomplished in an RP default or defender default environment. There are many examples in orcish rp where we prefer to rp fight, for example character arc relevant bouts between rivals, among others. But overall, PvP is vastly preferrable in many instances.


    To use the example of raids: they are elongated by defender default if the defender chooses RP fighting. In an engagement that would in real life take around 15 minutes, these confrontations are stretched to half an hour to well over an hour by typing and, very often, power-gaming. By elongating the time of the raid it is highly likely that meta-gaming reinforcements of the defender can arrive. What's more, if you feel your RP time is disturbed by raiding forces, surely wanting to elongate such a raid with contrived emote combat would be counter-intuitive? A PvP raid is generally over in 10 minutes, while an RP only raid can last for over half an hour, or hours at its worst (<--- That happened to me once, in an antagonist raid on Malinor in Anthos when people complained enough to make a 30+ person fight RP only, and all sides hated it).


    While we're discussing raids I'd like to commend Oren, particularly the Savoyards, for continuing with PvP when they defend in raids. They understand, unlike some, that it makes things far more streamlined and overall reduces tears, rule-breaking and overall saltiness on all sides.


    Yeah, but you said that it wasen't an option for Orcs. Which I then declared bullshit on. I am not saying I disagree with what you said above, because it is clearly fact that PvP takes less time, however, I wouldn't say that PvP/Raiding is the only option when playing an Orc. Also, I am against PvP, mostly because of the principle of being against PvP. I don't appreciate what the server has turned into, hence me not being that active anymore, however, I still care for the people on the server, who enjoys the Text Roleplaying aspect of the server, that /no/ other server provides to such an extend that LotC does. So saying that "Don't raid. is to say Don't RP your character's culture." Is absolute bullshit and also, nobody said you couldn't raid, that is a conclusion that you have made yourself.

  7. On 3/3/2016 at 7:20 PM, Samoblivion said:


    Not really an option for the Orcs, a society built around bloodlust, strength, pillaging and warrior culture. To say "Don't raid." is to say "Don't RP your character's culture."



    You said it yourself.. Bloodlust, strength, pillaging and warrior culture. All very centric and needed in an orcish culture.. However, believing that you would need PvP default in order to do all those things, speaks to your lack of inginuety.



    On 3/3/2016 at 8:03 PM, Steazus christ said:

    Not being funny but with the state of the rp combat, this is fkin stupid. I've tried rp now and all I am met with is power game after powergame after powergame after powergame, I also do not want to spend six hours roleplaying with the same person, i have better things to do, simply put, if you don't like pvp default, get good at pvp instead of acting like a nob head. 



    Go back to Mineplex plz.



    On 3/3/2016 at 8:50 PM, Anderssn said:


     That's not what I'm trying to say. But yeah, every military order or group is formed with a cause which is most likely to protect and to eliminate threats. And you raid to weaken or to piss off your enemy, or simply because it's fun. 



    Fun for whom? You?

  8. On 29/2/2016 at 5:57 PM, Telanir said:


    It is called RoleplayEngine because of the sheer customizability of the way the actual module works while it is live.


    Channels can be created/deleted realtime, made permanent/default, refreshed/etc., spam timers, auto-muffling, chat-formatting, chat-permissions, and etc. are all changed in-game, rather than in-code. In order to make substantial changes I need only log on, rather than uploading an entire plugin update.


    Engines are rarely called engines by how many controls the typical end-user gets, but rather by how modular and fundamental it is in general for development staff.


    Ah, that's all I needed to know.. It sounded like it was a thing you could only change in code.


  9. 1 hour ago, Tahmas said:

     however it is a common understanding that 'speech' is registered and written around speech (" ") marks. In any form of literature this will be the case, and any text based game will follow suit if actions or 'emotes' are displayed alongside the speech. 


    Yeah, no. The quotations around text, is a trend that has developed through the development of the current chat plugin. So saying that it is /common/ to quote your speech is correct, however only because of the way the chat plugins have been developed. If you were around in Aegis & Asulon you would see a completely different trend. Also, comparing the game to any form of litterature, is quite skewed, considering that the way you define what is "Emote" and "Speech" is via color coding, and it is still like that in /Minecraft/, wether you want to change it or not.


    Also I wasen't attempting to create a discussion concerning this... Until now... Merely wondering what the alterate motive was.

  10. 58 minutes ago, Tahmas said:

    It is customisable by the Staff, and most features therein are changable by the players for their own playstyle. Cooldowns is a hardcoded feature that cannot be disabled by players simply because if you can disable a cooldown, what is the point in the cooldown? As for the roleplay style, I cannot speak on behalf of Telanir but from what I can understand in regards to speech, all speech is always placed in quotations when written in books, etc etc, whilst all environmental movements and general actions are operated outside of the speech marks. I believe AGiantPie is, however, running a pole to measure community opinion on the matter which will then be pushed forward towards the RoleplayEngine  for consideration.


    Obviously when you create something called an Engine, you must have some form of idea that what you are creating, is supposed to help/guide people towards the way they want to roleplay. However what you are saying is that the staff is going to decide wether or not I should have quotations around my speech. I presume that the reason you have done so, is to create a generalized way of "Roleplaying", by defining how "real" roleplay is supposed to be done. Not only for the community, but also for other roleplay servers in general?

  11. MC name: xDK

    Forum name: xDK

    Skype Name: xDK-17

    What is your timezone? +1 GMT

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, proof checking, writing, etc): Media & Formatting.

    Have you worked on the wiki before?: I have worked on a Wiki, but not the Wiki.

    Do you have a basic understanding of lore?: I do!

  12. 20 hours ago, Anderssn said:

    Most skin makers can be recognized by their style, some people use very similar style but still have something in them which makes them unique.




    If you don't trust your friends save proof of the conversation.


    It's all very vague.


    22 hours ago, Kimbap said:

    There are a buncha ways to tell if someone steals a skin, just like there are a buncha ways to tell if someone stole art.


    and -1 rep for maplestory icon... shame...


    Please tell me on the many ways that people can tell if somebody steals a skin.. Lets try it right now.


    "I made this skin"; S7tuN6B.png


    "I even have the original file"; 1611d17dc96b41735cc22e4795e1f052.png


    What I am getting at, is that, if you are going to make a rule, atleast make that rule somewhat solid.. No transparency..


    Also, Maplestory is life.

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