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Status Updates posted by xDK

  1. Is a CC voting booth ariving anytime soon? :p

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Yeah.  Soon.  Probably on Saturday.  SO sorry for the wait I have to get a bunch of stuff together and I work from home so that interferes with some access sometimes.  It's weird.  But voting WILL be up!

  2. Posted movie in video section. Check it out :P .

  3. With the right piece of cake you can get far in this world, but with the right amount of world you can get more cake!!!

  4. Life is like cake, you take a peice and then you die...

  5. Well... that's just awesome... Thanks to the roll back a few days ago, i have lost all my armor, and everything i had on me... the worst thing is, that i was about to move all my valuebulls to my second house when the roll back came... -_-

  6. Greetings people, I am back after a looooong vacation... Can't wait till I get going again :D

  7. YES! Availer is back!

  8. I love work experience, when I'm sitting at the computer all day :D

  9. Who is actually at Minecon? And where do you hang out

  10. Everything... And Nothing... It's a fun thought...

  11. trolololololololololololololol... just like you


  12. xDK

    Congratulations. It would be amazing to have you as a GM.

  13. Thanks alot native, my bearded god of awesomeness!

  14. Excuse me, mr. DoS'er. You do know that it will only require a simple IP adress to make your hardware suffer. I don't care if you use a proxy IP, I do still know how to make your hardware suffer under my circumstances. So please stop trolling around on these forums, just stop.

  15. Welcome Back Availer, It's an honour.

  16. xDK

    Where you at minecon today? I Think i saw you. Or someone WHO looked alot like you.

  17. xDK

    Where you at minecon today? I Think i saw you. Or someone WHO looked alot like you.

  18. Off Topic is on 1.999 Topics... Who will be the next....

  19. Jangle have amazing photoshop skills...

  20. Now i know that i hate Tunisia...

  21. Sooo... Yeah... I guess i'm gonna take a break from lotc, since nothing is happening and it's just strait up boring... So yeah we'll see if i'll get back when the summer starts... Till then, bye.

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